Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

390. Scammers who only know how to draw big pie (6)

Ji Changze is a man of his word.

He said he wanted to trick Smith, so he really meant it? He wanted to trick Smith.

After confirming that Smith was indeed unwilling to back down, and determined to follow him to an expensive hotel to eat, Ji Changze directly pointed the way and led them to a restaurant.

This hotel does not provide accommodation, but food is quite expensive.

Ji Changze got out of the car with a smile, looked up at the exterior of the hotel, and introduced to Smith who got out of the car: "The name of the hotel is a restaurant, and it has been open for a long time. This restaurant has always been a place for conversation. ?A place where interesting people like to come.”

"Ah, that's it."

Smith really didn't know there was such a hotel in the capital.

After all, he just tries his best to check information every time to make himself look rich, but he is not very clear about places like this that only locals in China know about.

"Just go up directly, sir? You go up and order first. I saw an acquaintance and wanted to say hello."

Ji Changze kept counting the time, and sure enough, not long after they stopped at the door, a middle-aged man opened the door of the hotel and came out.

Although there was no one else around him, including bodyguards and assistants, and he was not wearing anything. How luxurious, but it could be seen from his satisfied expression that he must have just come out of a restaurant.

Smith also had eyes for it, and seeing Ji Changze's calm attitude, he just thought he was a friend of his father's business.

After pretending to be a rich man for so long, he doesn't say he knows everything about the lives of rich people, but he definitely knows a little bit about them.

For example, some children from rich families did not inherit their father's property.

They prefer to do other jobs than their father, who is stirring up trouble in the business world.

In his opinion, Ji Changze should be this type of rich kid.

But no matter what, which country does Ai Zai come from? Both parents have the same characteristics.

Regardless of whether they are the father of a tiger or the son of a dog, the money in the hands of the rich second generation is absolutely indispensable.

He was not in a hurry to reveal his purpose. He smiled and nodded: "Okay, you go ahead. I'll go up and order food first."

"Hey, okay, then you go up first."

Ji Changze got out of the car as he spoke.

He got off the bus, but those students who had been silent until now were startled.

Smith doesn't know Ji Changze's details. Don't they know it yet?

Although the cowhide has been blown away, Ji Changze’s is indeed from Shanshi City

Born or raised here, how do you know anyone from the capital city?

But since he got off, they definitely wouldn't hold him back in the car. They could only look slightly stiff, watching the fair and elegant young man get out of the car and walk straight towards the middle-aged man at the door. go.

Just as he was looking over there and at Smith in fear, fearing that Ji Changze's hide would be exposed, he was surprised to find that the two of them actually started talking.

And it looks very familiar.

Smith didn't expect that the students sitting behind him would have so many dramas in their hearts. He glanced at the assistant beside him, who nodded vaguely and remembered the appearance of the middle-aged man.

"Sir?, then I'll go down and book a room first."

He seemed to have passed by Ji Changze and the middle-aged man accidentally, and said hello with a smile. Ji Changze had his back turned to him, but after hearing his voice, he turned around and replied in English with a smile. One sentence:

"You guys go back first, I want to talk to this uncle for a while."


The assistant didn't see anything on the surface. He nodded with a smile, walked into the meal, and started to book a room.

Is it reasonable for this hotel to charge such an expensive price?

After the assistant spoke, they almost immediately found a front desk person who could speak English and served him with very standard pronunciation.

While the front desk was preparing the room, the assistant seemed to be unintentionally raising his chin to the outside and asked: "That gentleman outside? Do you come to your store often? He seems familiar to me. I don't know what happened last time. Did you see it when you came here?"

The front desk glanced outside: "Ah, yes, Mr. Jin? He often comes to our hotel to eat."

He smiled and said, "You think he looks familiar because he is often in the news. After all, he is in the entertainment industry? He is always in the newspaper every now and then, and the gossip also occasionally spreads gossip."

After saying this, he didn't say much else. He just smiled and said: "The room has been selected for you. How many people are there in total?"

The assistant kept these words in mind: "Ah, okay, we have a total of..."

While waiting for Smith to come in, he took an opportunity to whisper: "He is a very famous person who is often in the newspapers. I will look for the newspapers to confirm his identity."

Smith nodded.

When he heard that it was often published in newspapers, he felt relieved.

Who can be in newspapers in China often?

Yes, they are all rich people.

At least in their country, wealthy people with a little bit of money can't even get into newspapers if they want to, and they have to spend money to buy space.

He felt confident, and when he returned to the room, he smiled again: "Hahahahaha, students, don't be polite to me, come here, come here, order food."

This was just the first time he went out to eat, and the little sheep started to interact with the big sheep. Even if the food here is extremely expensive, he still has to eat this meal.

Not only do you have to eat, but you also have to eat generously, eat happily, and do it well to show Ji Changze his determination.

Downstairs, Mr. Jin is still thinking hard: "Have I really seen you? Why can't I remember?"

Ji Changze chuckled: "Uncle Jin, you have many things to do every day. Either the director wants to drink with you, or the star wants to thank you. It's normal not to remember my small role."

"No, no, no, it's me who drinks every day, and drinking causes trouble."

To be honest, this Mr. Jin? Really? He is not a very rich man.

If there's anything special about it, it's probably luck.

His luck is exceptionally good.

He was originally the youngest son of the family and had no shortage of food and clothing, but he didn't care how rich he wanted to be. When China started to do business, he had already started wallowing because there was no pressure.

Then, maybe it’s because it’s the easiest to make money in this era.

He earns whatever he does, but this man is so courageous that he dares to invest it all when he wants to make more money next time. As a result, after investing in, he earns it back tenfold or a hundredfold.

After all this hard work, his assets have reached a terrifying level.

Mr. Jin was very happy at first, but later he discovered that although he seemed to be lucky enough to always make money, he really didn’t have the ability to manage a company, so he gave up and hired someone to help him. While taking care of the company, he entered the entertainment industry to invest.

Not to mention that he is lucky, in this era, the entertainment industry is also very profitable.

Of course, investors like them are the ones who make the most. The celebrities make less, anyway, less than those of later generations.

Mr. Jin may just rely on luck, but investment in the entertainment industry is purely based on personal vision. He is willing to invest in any TV series he likes. It’s hard to say how much he will invest. In short, every Never failed in an investment.

For this reason, many directors and stars flatter him. He is a

He also has a temperament that likes to make friends everywhere, and has a meal today and a meal tomorrow. His presence is always indispensable in the entertainment pages.

Ji Changze didn't bother to search too much. He just bought the nearest newspapers and tabloids and settled on Mr. Jin.

Mr. Kim is so easy to get into the tabloids that gossip reporters use him as a gimmick when they can't catch the star's schedule.

What kind of meal costs tens of thousands?

What kind of support for a little star?

What belongs to so and so? Bole, who belongs to so and so? My benefactor.

A mess? Put it together, Ji Changze can know a lot of information.

He pinpointed this person who liked to go around to attend banquets, be treated and entertained everywhere, bite each other to death and meet each other. In addition, the temperament on his body was well grasped. This Mr. Jin's temperament could not be remembered even if he could not remember it. It will also follow the circle.

Ji Changze casually mentioned Mr. Jin? He had attended a large banquet, and he suddenly realized: "Well, eh, I seem to have an impression. What's your name?"

"Ji, Ji Changze."

"Ji ah..."

Mr. Jin had an expression of "I see" on his face, but in fact, he didn't remember it at all.

"At that time, I just followed the elders and said hello to you in a hurry, and I didn't talk in detail. I thought you might not remember me."

"How could it be? Although I have a bad memory, I'm not bad enough to do so."

Mr. Jin only really didn't have any suspicion.

It’s not that he is easy to deceive, it’s just that he watched Ji Changze get out of that luxury car, and he came to this extremely expensive hotel, and with his well-spoken words, he looked like the same person no matter what. A young man from a wealthy family.

He has a good habit. Even if he has no business dealings with others, he always greets them with a smile and tries to make as many connections as possible. Who knows when he will be able to use them.

Take Ji Changze, for example. He is young and looks like a student. Some middle-aged people may think that he is too young and can just have a perfunctory chat. But Mr. Jin is different. He is very serious. Ask Ji Changze: "Are you coming over for dinner?"

"Yes, I'm from Shanshi? I've heard my father's friends mention this restaurant before, but I've never been here to eat there. This time I helped the school entertain foreign guests, so I brought them here."

"That's it."

Mr. Jin nodded: "I just said, why did you return it? There was a foreigner saying hello to you."

Ji Changze's words are so fascinating that they clearly mean nothing.

Said, but it just sounded like "He has never been here because this is the capital and his home is in Shanshi. His father's friends have been here, which means that his father is also rich or noble, and he helps the school entertain foreign guests. It also clarified the identity of the students."

Anyway, he sounds like an ordinary young man from a rich family.

"Mr. Jin? I've only met you once, so I feel embarrassed to come over and talk to you all of a sudden? Actually, I have something to ask for, so..."

Mr. Jin nodded, not surprised.

There must be something to talk about, otherwise, how could such an older child be willing to take the initiative to interact with his elders.

"You tell me, I'll listen."

"That's it..."

Ji Changze looked around, his fair face was slightly red, with embarrassment and shame written all over his face: "I want to make a movie, but as you know, I am a student, I don't know anyone, the equipment is... There is no place to buy these things. I am not worried about investment. But you are doing this, and you also know that if Huaguo wants to buy those professional equipment, it still needs some way. "

Mr. Jin nodded: "That's right. Although I'm not a movie maker, I'm only responsible for giving money, but I know more or less. If you want good equipment and want the movie to go online, you need to find people. "

Ji Changze nodded: "Yes, I originally wanted to get a camera to shoot it myself, but halfway through I realized that if I wanted to show it, I would need a lot of procedures and find people. Among the people I know, you are the only one who understands this. ”

The young student seemed to be afraid that Mr. Jin would not agree to the trouble, so he quickly added: "I know that you are busy, and I also know that we have only met once. You can't even figure out my name." It’s too much to ask for help. We can sign an agreement and make a movie, and I’ll give you 30% of it!”

He looks like a young master who comes from a wealthy family, has no experience in the world, and has a lot of money.

Mr. Jin himself is not very smart, and he knows this, so he usually doesn't get along with people whose status is higher than his own.

Why do we get along with each other? He has nothing to do and asks others to support them. He feels that he can't bear this grievance?

When he usually gets along with people who ask for help, he also knows clearly that they are doing their best to support him and please him. After all, they still want to get investment from him.

There have been too many days like this, and suddenly someone appears who is even more stupid than him.

As a young student, he said he was willing to give him 30% of the profit before he could help him.

Mr. Jin didn't even know that he was looking at Ji Changze with a bit more affection.

Except for those evil people, most people in the world still like people who are sincere to others.

Even if you think this kid speaks silly and seems to have never been out of society, so he takes it for granted, but he has no intention of harming others, and he also has the intention of repaying others. Mr. Jin can't help but feel that this is really a good idea. child.

If someone asks him to do something, he will take advantage of it even if they don't tell him. After all, he has no intention of doing it for free.

But Ji Changze so stupidly brought the benefits right under his nose, but he felt that as an adult, why should he go to a child for benefits?

As long as the children have this kind of heart, that's all.

Anyway, it's just a matter of pulling a string. Children don't know how to connect people. From the looks of it, they probably want to do it secretly and don't plan to tell their family. Since he happened to meet him, he will help if he can.

"Okay, okay. I'm an elder after all, and I haven't invested in you. How can I ask you for dividends? There's no problem in pulling the strings. I'm willing to help you pull them, but Nagasawa, you know I introduced people to you. What to do?”


The young man in front of him had clear eyes and a firm face: "I know? We need to socialize. Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely socialize them well."

"Not bad, not bad. You are already very good at your age."

Mr. Jin guessed that Ji Changze was also influenced by his ears and eyes. Even children are generally not brought to the dinner table to socialize. They have watched him grow up since he was a child, so he is more or less capable.

Ji Changze smiled shyly again: "There's something else I want to trouble you with. This movie of mine is a small production, with only two main roles. One is the young heroine, and the other is the heroine's mother. The heroine's choice is me. I’ve already thought about it, but I really don’t know where to find the heroine’s mother, so I’d like to trouble you to help introduce her.”

I helped with all the matchmaking, it was just an introduction to a middle-aged actor, a simple matter.

Mr. Jin agreed happily:

"Okay, then leave me a phone number and I will help you find someone in this field. If you have any questions, just ask them."

"Hey! Thank you, Uncle Jin. Don't worry, I will definitely repay you!"

Mr. Jin smiled and didn't take the child's words seriously.

Seeing Ji Changze's face full of admiration and gratitude, he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

He is a person who always feels that when he makes money

You should do more good deeds.

After all, how can you be the only one to take advantage of all the good things? If you do well here, there might be something wrong there. It’s perfect, but I still feel a little uneasy in my heart. There’s always something wrong with it. You don’t dare to enjoy your happiness easily? Looks like.

It’s always right to do more good deeds?

For example, when a friend was in trouble, he helped out and allocated some money every month to support poor children in mountainous areas.

For an ordinary family, it may be life-saving money, but for him, it is just a meal.

Ji Changze also knows that Mr. Jin likes to do good deeds. Don't worry about why others do good deeds. At any rate, he actually does them.

The repayment he was talking about was not an empty check.

Ji Changze locked onto Mr. Jin so quickly. In addition to the fact that he has occupied the first place in the romance page for many years, there is another reason.

When he was reading the newspaper, the more he read, the more familiar it became, and finally he found a piece of news from the memory of the original owner.

In the original owner's impression, when he was escaping with the money, he was hiding in Tibet and was exhausted, not because the police were vigorously arresting him, but because the city was full of police at that time.

The original owner only found out later that a rich man had been kidnapped. The kidnappers locked him up and demanded money from his family, and asked not to call the police.

That rich man is Mr. Jin?

His family gave him money for the first time, but the kidnappers were greedy and asked for it again.

The first time he asked for 30 million, his family ignored the company and urgently sold some things to raise the money.

The second time I asked for 50 million, I gritted my teeth and scraped together the money.

The third time he asked for 100 million, but this time his family had no choice.

Mr. Jin's property has always been taken care of by himself, and he has found someone to take charge of the company. Although he also has the usual working capital at home, most of it has been converted into gold and stored in a bank that he only knows about.

The company doesn't have much money on its books.

They couldn't come up with the money, so they had no choice but to call the police to save people.

This matter has been going on for more than three months, and everyone is ready for the kidnappers to find out that they have approached the police to quarrel with them.

As a result, the police followed the clues and found him, but they only saw Mr. Jin’s decomposed body.

Those kidnappers were so vicious that they never wanted to let Mr. Jin survive from the beginning. Except for letting Mr. Jin speak a few words to his family on the phone at the beginning, they never let him live again.

? sound appeared.

Based on the degree of decomposition of the bodies, the police speculated that the kidnappers were brutally killed after Mr. Jin finished talking to his family.

And the way to kill him was really cruel. Because the news was leaked, a tabloid reporter sneaked in and took photos. At that time, there was no idea of ​​respecting the deceased for the sake of newspaper sales.

Many newspapers reported the incident, including photos of Mr. Kim's body.

It is explained in detail above that those people had no intention of keeping him alive from the beginning, but no one was willing to take action. They were all legally illiterate and thought that as long as they did not do it themselves, they would not be convicted of murder if they were caught.

So they dumped the person in an unfinished building. The building was not well built and had to be climbed up. In addition, the place was remote. From a distance, it looked like a haunted house, and no one went there.

They were sure of this and tied Mr. Jin to a pillar in an unfinished building. His mouth was gagged and he was tied very tightly.

He was not given a morsel of food or a sip of water from the beginning. After getting the first money, they left together.

A living person was just kidnapped by Five Flowers and left in a building that looked like a haunted house.

I couldn't cry out, I couldn't move my body, I had nothing to eat or drink, I could only feel the passage of time and my life disappearing little by little.

This incident caused a big fuss. In addition to Mr. Jin being a public figure himself, there were also reasons why this method of death was too cruel.

At that time, many wealthy people began to hire bodyguards because of this incident, and bodyguard companies became very popular for a while.

In order to arrest the kidnappers, the police searched the whole city, which also affected the original owner who was hiding, so this incident still had a small place in the original owner's memory.

The original owner doesn’t remember the time very clearly. If it hadn’t been for Mr. Jin’s death later, the company was no longer supported by him, and it was quickly eaten away. His wife entered the entertainment industry to make a living, and she was really talented. , although he was cast as a middle-aged character when he entered the movie, but he still won the Best Actress Award with a literary film.

Later, in order to attack her, her anti-fans dug up those old stories and made such a fuss that the original owner probably wouldn't even have the slightest impression.

Anyway, I guess it's been the past few days. Ji Changze approached the other party at this time, with the intention of giving him a hand.

This man was really a good man, but it's a pity that good men don't live long, and his death in the original ending was too painful.

And? He took advantage of the other party

A handful, saving his life is considered repayment.

"Okay then, you go first? Go and eat. I'll call you when I find someone here."

Mr. Jin still didn’t know what he would encounter in the next few days, and he was still talking to Ji Changze with a smile.

He himself has a daughter, although she is not as old as Ji Changze, but when she sees the other person's still immature face and his determination to say that he wants to make a movie, he can't help but want his own daughter.

Because of his empathy, his attitude toward Ji Changze also became a bit elder-like.

Ji Changze reminded: "Why are you alone? Don't you usually go out with a bodyguard? The foreigner our school asked me to accompany had seven or eight bodyguards with him. I also thought that I would become famous in movies in the future. I also need to bring bodyguards.”

"This is the capital, why should we bring bodyguards? Foreigners are causing trouble abroad, and they have guns. That's why we bring bodyguards. We don't do this in China."

Mr. Jin obviously didn't take Ji Changze's reminder seriously. After he finished speaking with a smile, he waved his hand and strolled out.

He didn't drive or take anyone with him, so he just planned to stroll back by himself, since it was close anyway.

Ji Changze also knows that today's rich people don't actually have that awareness. After all, they usually go in and out of safe places. Even if they don't take anyone with them, there are people wherever they go, and they subconsciously feel that it is safe.

Coupled with the simple and honest Chinese people, no one would even think of kidnapping.

Unless something big happens, these people who are not vigilant and have not adapted to their status as rich people will understand that they are the hot cakes in the eyes of others.

He calculated the time in his mind and estimated that it would take several days to finish the movie.

As long as Mr. Jin didn't come one day, he would know that he was kidnapped.

The question now is, where is that unfinished building?

He can't run over and tell Mr. Jin now, "You will be kidnapped in a few days. Those people will trap you alive, but they will put you in a unfinished building, otherwise you Tell me about any unfinished buildings nearby."

In doing so, he will either be regarded as a psychopath or a psychopath.

Ji Changze, a veteran, would definitely not make such a stupid mistake. He kept this in mind and went upstairs while thinking about how to find a nearby unfinished building.

Downstairs, Mr. Jin is walking leisurely on the street, not at all.

He is a public figure, but it is not his fault. After all, he also suddenly became rich. Although he is sought after by a lot of people, he still feels that he is an ordinary person who can fill his stomach with a bowl of noodles when he is hungry.

When he walked to the street, he saw an old lady kneeling on the ground begging. He sighed and put twenty yuan in her bowl.

The old lady was so excited that she kept kowtowing, and he quickly dodged away.

After returning home, his daughter was watching TV. When she saw her father coming back, she shouted, and then she dived into the TV.

His wife heard the noise and came down from upstairs: "You have to eat so late again. How do you eat every day? Can you eat less?"

"When people invite me to dinner, I have to give them face, otherwise others will think that I don't appreciate it."

Mr. Jin smiled. Seeing his wife's unhappy face, he went up to coax her: "Did you see some gossip news again? I told you that those small newspapers were all written by nonsense. I went out occasionally. Some people come to see me with celebrities, but I only have you in my heart, and I don’t even look at them when they come.”

In fact, his wife just complained and was coaxed. The expression on her face became better, and she helped him take pictures of his clothes while chattering.

"You'd better not mess around with those messy things outside. Let me tell you, even though you are rich now, I still rely on you to make a living. But if you have someone outside, I will definitely follow you. Are you divorced?"

Mr. Jin also knows his wife's inner uneasiness.

After all, the two of them could be said to be well-matched in the beginning. He worked outside to make a living, and she took care of the housework at home, so they both contributed equally.

But now that his business has grown, she has become a full-time housewife because she has to take care of two children and the family is not short of money. It is normal for her to feel a little uneasy.

"Look at what you said, I'm not stupid. I know very well in my heart that those women are here for money. Only you are our childhood sweethearts. When I first started business, I came home every day. Go to sleep, you are the one who takes care of your daughter, her daughter's schooling, and buying a house, so that I can work hard outside with peace of mind. "

"We are living a good life, we have children, and you have worked hard with me all the way. I am now a good person and only those who want me will look after me. If I am in trouble one day, you will definitely treat me the same as before. Those people definitely won't, so don't think too much, I'm out here because I'm crazy

Toss those in the face. "

After talking for a while, Mr. Jin coaxed his wife to become happy again, and the old couple got together and talked for a while.

He said: "I met a kid today. He's young. He's only in his early twenties. He's about that age. I guess he belongs to a certain family. He's planning to make a movie. I think he has a lot of money. Although he's a stupid kid. He's a bit wary of others, but he doesn't seem to be wary of others at all, but looking at his demeanor, I feel that he will definitely be able to do it in the future. "

Mrs. Jin was also very interested when she heard him talk about the outside world: "How old are you exactly? If she is not far different from our daughter? Then you can call her home to get along with her and let me see her personality."

"Look, you're here again. I asked you not to follow those ladies and so on. How old is our daughter? This is not the ancient times. You are so anxious to find her a husband so quickly. You don't care about dolls now. Dear, don’t bother with these. Is there any?”

"I didn't say let them have sex now, I just said we should get to know each other first. When my daughter grows up, there will be so many outstanding boys around her. If she wants to choose, she can choose a good one."

Mrs. Jin was full of enjoyment: "I would rather she fall in love under our noses than be coaxed by some man outside. Who knows whether it is a human or a ghost."

"Come on, can my daughter be coaxed? When she grows up, let her join the company. Then she will become the female president. Which man can't you want? Let me tell you, although some people think that only a son can Inheriting the company, but we can’t think like that, we are all our own flesh and blood, why should we treat her as an outsider.”

Mrs. Jin suddenly became happy: "Do you really think so? Then I won't worry about it."

"Affirmative? Ah, didn't you say you wanted to find a job before? Or? Find one. Don't always follow those ladies who are full of old ideas. I don't know what they think. My daughter Don’t take it seriously, is it your biological child?”

As Mr. Jin was talking, he suddenly thought of a good idea.

He must not be worried about asking his wife to go to work and being bullied. But his wife is not very educated and probably doesn’t know many things when she gets there. He is afraid that she will have low self-esteem and that it will be difficult for her to learn. He also ?I want to try my best to find her a place that does not require a high level of education.

Being an actor is good. Although I can't play a heroine at such an old age, I can play a heroine and her mother.

And his wife

She knew that she had wanted to act when she was a child, but her family just didn't have the ability to send her into it.

But cramming it in? Which crew is also a problem.

She has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and she is like a human spirit. She hides her identity because she is afraid that she will be bullied. If she does not hide her identity, she will expose her backstage directly, and she is afraid that some people will try to trick her into doing something.

Mr. Jin had this idea, but he had to give up because of the above concerns.

but now……

He turned to look at his wife: "Do you want to act? How about sending you to be an actor?"

Mrs. Jin was stunned, a little embarrassed at first, and then nodded: "Didn't you say before that it's not easy for me to join the crew because of my status? I definitely want to act, so I'll give it a try, but if it brings you If it’s troublesome, forget it, it’s fine at home?”

Although she is not in business, she also knows that the most important thing in this kind of thing is the debt of gratitude.

I owe something like a favor, and when it comes time to pay it back, I don’t know what to use to repay it.

So although she likes those things, she doesn't want to let her husband worry about them.

"It's okay. Do you still remember the kid I just told you about? He has money and is a student. He doesn't have those twists and turns. Aren't I doing him a favor now? He owes me too. As a favor, I will send you there, and he will definitely take good care of you."

"Besides, he is a newcomer. He will definitely not make the crew a mess like some crew members. Plus, he is a junior, so you will feel more comfortable in front of him."

Mr. Jin? The more I talked about it, the more I felt that this was really appropriate.

He had always been pretending to be his wife's problem in his heart, but because he was worried about this and that, he was never able to do it. Even if it was for his wife's good, he would inevitably feel sorry for her in his heart.

But now, Ji Changze fell from the sky.

This is the most suitable candidate.

Young, righteous, rich, passionate, passionate, and repaying kindness, there is also a human relationship with him.

The most important thing is that he is a child. Mrs. Jin is a bit reluctant to let go when facing her peers, and is worried that she will embarrass her husband. But of course the situation is different when facing younger generations.

"Yes! Yes! He also told me that he was looking for a middle-aged actress. Just wait a minute. I'll make a call."

Mr. Jin went happily.

He remembered that Ji Changze said that that role was quite important?

Isn’t this the same as handing over a pillow when you feel sleepy?

He feels sorry for his wife, but she can play an important role

Of course it's better than playing a passerby.

And the most important thing is that Ji Changze looks silly and should be easy to coax.

Facing such a child who is immature and a bit silly, his wife must not have stage fright and feel inferior.

in the hotel

The silly Ji Changze listened to the voice on the phone and agreed: "No problem, Uncle Jin. Auntie can just come directly when the time comes. You have helped me so much, and this is what it should be."

Mr. Jin put down the phone and blinked at his wife who was waiting a little nervously: "It's done, I said it. This kid is young and easy to coax. He agreed immediately."

After hanging up the phone, he smiled at the waiter: "Thank you."

The smile was on my face and I couldn't let it go.

He just set up a platform, but he didn't expect to reap the rewards so quickly.

This Uncle Jin is so easy to coax.

The author has something to say: Slow down!

Let's settle the score!

This chapter is the basic update for No. 7. There is still one chapter left to update the nutrient solution over 30,000 yuan.

bring it on! I can fight again! I am moving again! , Baihe free and fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft.

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