Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

392. Scammers who only know how to draw big pie (8)

Ji Changze really regarded those foreigners as big pies falling from the sky.

Otherwise, just to see the filming equipment and communicate with people, you need to go to the hotel and have a "heart-to-heart" communication with others at the dinner table. Although this level is nothing to Ji Changze, right? , but it’s definitely still troublesome.

But now it's completely different.

He doesn't need to go to book a room or order food in advance. Even after the people arrive, Smith, who holds the idea that "the money has been spent anyway, since he spent the money, he must take the opportunity to make connections" will be eager to go? Find ways to communicate with each other.

Although he communicated very seriously and worked hard.

But so be it.

Ji Changze never had the heart to tell the other person because he was an investor in his movie. No matter how hard he tried to communicate, others' favorability increased towards his movie.

In other words, Smith worked so hard, but all he ended up doing was making a wedding dress for Ji Changze.

How could Ji Changze not feel like this was pie in the sky?

In his opinion, the pie not only fell down, but also jumped directly into his mouth very considerately. Sometimes he felt tired from eating, so he cut the pie into pieces and heated it by himself.

It can be said that he is a very serious and dedicated person.

In two days, they had five meals for them.

Mr. Jin once said something to Ji Changze with emotion after a dinner, such as, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

The implication is that he didn't expect Ji Changze to be so willing to spend money. He ate and drank every meal in this expensive restaurant.

And apart from being unskilled in business the first time (at that time, Smith was still distressed about the 10,000 yuan meal and the equipment worth at least 100,000 yuan), every time after having a meal, he would arrange for someone to drive the person who was being treated. Send it back?.

With such thoughtfulness and thoughtfulness, huge financial resources, expensive hotels and luxury cars, everyone believed that this crew was a super rich one.

Smith probably never dreamed that in the Chinese entertainment circle, these insiders invited by Mr. Jin would always treat him and Ji Changze as a whole.

No matter how good his performance is, most people will think that this crew is really sincere and has deep pockets.

Different from the current entertainment environment in foreign countries, they generally rarely live in this kind of environment.

At that time, I wanted to establish a good relationship with the big investors of the crew.

After all, if someone invites you to dinner, why do you poach someone? How unethical is that?

Some people may do this, but Mr. Jin really wants to help, and he knows that Ji Changze has a naive and simple temper, and he does not dare to find those old foxes or those with character problems.

Otherwise, if other people's children come to him for help, because the person he introduced is not good enough and he cheats the other party, isn't he doing something bad with good intentions?

Mr. Jin has never been ill-intentioned, but he is not less ill-intentioned in this regard.

So, after five meals in two days, the food alone cost 50,000 yuan. He specially asked his assistant to come over as a translator. He worked hard to open the business with a smile on his face every day, and Smith, who was about to say something bad, unfortunately said it for two days. Not even a fat sheep could be caught.

On the third day, almost all the people were invited, and Smith was almost autistic.

You know, the money should have been spent on China because I didn't expect it to be so expensive to show off in China. In addition, Ji Changze's operation of tearing off the packaging was really too cool.

As a result, they used up their country's budget in China so many days in advance.

In the past few days, treating guests to dinner, renting a room, and calling a car were all done with Smith's own money.

How can I not feel pain? ! How can you not feel distressed? !

The smile on his face has become increasingly fake to the naked eye recently. After losing his money, it is really difficult to ensure the trueness of his smile.

Ji Changze pretended not to see it.

On the morning of the third day, he opened the door and urged Smith.

"Mr. Smith, it's time to go buy equipment today. Are you up?"

The young student had been socializing for two days, and he didn't look tired at all. He stood at the door and rang the doorbell.

Smith, who was in the house, felt a sharp pain in his heart when he heard the doorbell. He huddled on the sofa with a grimace and refused to get up.

The assistant who worked with him last night to check the accounts and plan the next plan urged him: "I want to go? The door is open. Get up quickly and put on a good show."

They have always attached great importance to the appearance of wealthy people. After all, no matter which country they are in, when it comes to clothes, there are no rich people who have a wretched temperament and are timid.

Smith was dizzy and huddled on the sofa without wanting to get up.

"I don't want to face that Chinese student. He is really good at spending money. Every day when he wakes up, everything he opens his mouth to say is...

It's spending money. I've spent so much of my savings now, where can I still have money for him to spend? "

The assistant actually thinks so too.

I have long heard that there are many rich people in China. Some of the rich second generation will be sent to live abroad by their parents. They have a lot of money. , to say that he spends money like water is an understatement.

But I didn't expect that the second generation of rich people in China would be like this.

In addition to dinner parties these days, Ji Changze often takes them to the shopping mall to buy things. The key is that every time he buys something, he has to remove the labels and packaging. He does it in a generous and calm manner. It is always difficult for them to go. Stop him.

"You've already spent so much money. If you don't go now to entertain him, won't the previous money be wasted?"

As the assistant spoke, he suddenly frowned: "But why do I feel that he seems to have deliberately left you in the mall to pull noodles recently, as if just to make you spend money."

Smith was stunned and looked up. He said, "Is that so?"

"Yes, his behavior is really, especially like deliberately letting us enter the shopping mall to spend money. Logically speaking, he is a kid from a rich family, why should he pay attention to this? I always feel that something is wrong."

The more the assistant thought about it, the more he felt that he had missed something, so he stopped trying to persuade Smith, and instead said cautiously: "Wait a little longer, wait until Ji Changze is about to go out, then go downstairs, and then I will come and check on him. "

As liars, while they deceive people, they are also a little sensitive to what is wrong with others.

Although Ji Changze didn't know what was being said, he had not concealed his behavior these days. He was already prepared for Smith and others to guess his intentions.

Just like what Ji Changze said to those silly Spore classmates, he has been so confident in the past two days because the other party has invested too much money in him.

If it is interrupted at this time, they will not be able to get back any of the previous money.

So the more they spent, the more natural and unobtrusive Ji Changze's attitude became.

What are you trying to cover up? Even if he does reveal some flaws, these people will automatically hypnotize themselves in order to prevent themselves from losing the money they had previously made.

He didn't get a response, but he guessed that the person in the room must not have heard but didn't want to come out, so he continued to ring the doorbell patiently.

"Mr. Smith, Mr. Smith, are you there?"

Guess it’s almost time? It’s time for him to find someone to help him.

On the field.

Ruan Heng seemed to be passing by the room and asked in a normal voice: "Nagaze, isn't Mr. Smith here?"

"I don't know. I came here right after I woke up. Did I go downstairs to have breakfast?"

Ji Changze stopped ringing the doorbell and said to Ruan Heng: "Since Mr. Smith is not here, forget it. We have agreed on a time today and we will not be late. Then I will go directly to buy those equipment. Ruan Heng, you see? Go to Smith." Sir, remember to tell him that I was out?"

After he finished speaking, he walked directly towards the elevator entrance without saying anything else exciting.

Ruan Heng was just pulled over to be a supporter, and he was a little confused when he received Ji Changze's response, but when he saw the other party striding away without looking back, he glanced at Smith's room door and quickly followed him.

When he entered the elevator, he asked: "Why did you leave just as you said you were going to leave? You have..."

Ji Changze glanced at him, and Ruan Heng suddenly remembered that there was surveillance in the elevator, so he could only whisper in the other person's ear: "You don't have any money, why didn't you say something else just now? What made him come out?"

It would be so embarrassing if you went out to buy something and found out at the end that you had no money.

Ji Changze was still leisurely. After getting out of the elevator, he said slowly: "Otherwise you are the one who was deceived, and I am the one who stayed awake all the time."

"Do you think scammers just do everything possible to coax the other person to take money? Let me tell you, if you really want someone to take money smoothly, it is definitely not begging him and threatening him, but showing that you don't need him. money.”

Ruan Heng was stunned for a while after hearing this: "You don't need him? No, if you don't ask him for it, how can he give it to you?"

The fair-looking young man who looked like a good student at first glance glanced at him: "This is the relationship between the needy and the supply and demander. In a relationship, the needy must be at a disadvantage, because he needs the supply and demander. What he has on his body, rather than what the supplier and demander wants him to do.”

"If I want people to hand over money to me voluntarily and with a stable mentality, the best way is to turn myself into a supply and demander even if I am the one in need, so as to achieve the goal of "even if it is me" If I don’t take the initiative to ask for it, the other party will be eager to give me the money.”

Ruan Heng: "..."

He understood, but it was a bit too hard for a simple college student like him to understand why this passage was formed in this way.

Wait until you sit down at the dining table

, several other students have arrived as expected.

Ruan Heng said this, and the silly spores were fooled again today.

Cui Jiu did have some brains and figured it out.

"Nagaze, don't you mean that you were the one who was supposed to beg people to do things and get money, but you let yourself have what Smith and the others wanted, so now you have become the one they have to ask for. you."

"The more you show that you are not interested in their money, the more uneasy they feel, and the more they feel that this is true, because a person who comes here for money will not have such an indifferent attitude, but? The more I will give you money.”

After he finished speaking, he made sure: "Is this what you mean?"

Ji Changze took a sip of coffee and nodded: "You can teach me."

Cui Jiu: "..."

Not really, the main reason was that he had been staring at the other party before and had a clear and thorough understanding of Ji Changze's methods.

Perhaps those students who have not seen much of the world and the thousands of tricks used by liars would not be able to understand that paragraph alone, but Cui Jiu can almost understand it as long as he combines it with what Ji Changze has done before.

He: "Is this the method you used on your younger brothers before?"

"Obviously they have collected money, but they act like the number of people who can give money is limited. This makes them go crazy and keep sending money, and they are afraid that you won't agree to accept it."

Ji Changze laughed and said, "You are right to say that."

Cui Jiu: "..."


He knew it! !

Ji Changze had indeed played tricks on those younger brothers before.

Seeing his face full of "Look? Look? Look, I said so." Ji Changze put down the coffee cup and said with a smile as if nothing had happened:

"Let me teach you something else. People are like this. If what you want is completely indifferent to others, they will involuntarily feel a sense of awe towards this person."

He gave an analogy: "It's like those foreigners. When we met them on the first day, the hotel where we stayed at had free massages and fruit platters. We all went. Didn’t they even move a thing, even if those things were worth hundreds of dollars in total?”

The students nodded.

Ji Changze concluded: "This is how they show that they don't care about these things at all. It confirms their identity as a wealthy person from the side, and at the same time, it allows you to unconsciously draw a connection with them in your heart."

Keep a distance and think that their status is higher than ours. "

"Did that hotel give him a card that gave him free massages for thirty years?"

"If someone told you the next day that they wanted to defraud you of a fruit platter and a massage service, would you believe it? Even if they told you that they wanted to defraud you of a free massage service for thirty years, you would definitely not believe it. letter."

The seven silly spores nodded after hearing this, and also gave a summary after the class: "Because subconsciously, we feel that they don't care about these things at all, so even if they really give us a free massage for thirty years, we will not think that it belongs to them. Purpose."

Then, the other party can directly and logically get the opportunity of free massage for thirty years, and also make others think that he only accepted this gift casually.

Seeing that the seven people understood, Ji Changze continued: "Assuming that their purpose is massage cards, then they are the needers, and the hotel is the supplier and demander, but they showed an attitude towards massage as optional or optional, and showed With huge financial resources, in order to attract customers and let them come and stay in their hotels frequently in the future, the hotel offered to give massage cards.

At this time, the relationship between the two parties changed. Smith and the others became supply and demanders, and the hotel became a needer. Not only did the hotel have a better attitude, but they also offered discounted rooms, and also gave away a thirty-year-old massage card for free.

But Smith and the others achieved their goal without making anyone think that they came just for the massage card. The hotel even thought that they could successfully give out the card for free, which was a successful case of promoting its own hotel. . "

Otherwise, it is said that people rely on clothes and gold.

The same goes for talking.

This kind of words made Cui Jiu sound like a "country liar's serial scheme".

But when it comes to Ji Changze’s words, what is a needer, what is a supplier and what is a demander, what is a relationship exchange, and what is a successful promotion.

When these words are added together, it makes people feel completely different.

It's so lofty and mysterious that it makes people want to take out a small notebook to take notes.

Even Cui Jiu, who has been observing Ji Changze, who once hated his deceptive methods and all kinds of deceptive methods, would look at him with yearning and admiration that he was not even aware of.

"You are so awesome, how do you know this?"

Ji Changze took a sip of coffee and asked Cui Jiu with a good attitude: "You want to learn? Huh?"

Cui Jiu nodded wildly.

Ji Changze: "I mainly rely on self-study to become a talented person."

After he finished speaking, he added: "Don't fantasize about yourself after hearing what I say? It's easy to sum up this kind of thing, but if you want to really do it, the right time and place are indispensable, and you also need someone? A brain that can adapt at any time.”

Upon hearing this, the seven students immediately became filled with enthusiasm.

Ji Changze was very satisfied when he saw this.

He praised them: "Actually, it's quite good for you to be like this. Do you know who among so many people falls the deepest?"

The seven silly spores shook their heads.

Ji Changze: "Those are people who are obviously not smart but still think they are smart and think they are smart. Such people are often the ones who are most likely to fall into trouble."

"The second person who is prone to stumble is the really smart people. Just because they are smart, they are too arrogant in many things."

"The people who are least likely to fall are those who know they have no brains and will not force themselves to do smart things."

After finishing speaking, he concluded with a smile: "So it's good for you to be like this, at least it's safe."

"I'll go get some fruit from the buffet. You guys can eat first."

Ji Changze walked away for more than ten seconds before Cui Jiucai suddenly reacted: "Did Ji Changze just say that we have no brains?"

Others: "...it seems so."

But the amazing thing is that they are not very angry.

After confirming that Ji Changze had indeed roundaboutly called them stupid just now, he started eating as if nothing had happened.

Cui Jiu stared blankly at the classmates who were eating as if nothing had happened. He almost wondered if he was making too much of a fuss:

"No, you are not angry at all after being called brainless? When Ji Changze was like this in the past, wouldn't you all slap the table and blush?"

Otherwise, why doesn't everyone like Ji Changze very much?

This man is really good at pretending. He has a different face in front of his parents and teachers, another face to the female classmates in school, and he still has the same face when he meets his younger brothers.

But to these male classmates, his true nature was really exposed. He did those messy things outside, and when he came back to school, he didn't study hard and often made sarcastic comments to his classmates. When looking at a person, it seems as if there is a line of big characters written in each of the two eyes.

Left: I am number one in the world.

Right: You are all idiots.

A horizontal mark between the eyebrows: a bunch of rubbish.

Such an attitude, Ji Changze’s interpersonal relationships

It’s weird if it’s good.

But this time, Ji Changze still had the same attitude as "You idiots combined are not as smart as me, I am the smartest in the world", but no one thought there was anything wrong.

When asked by Cui Jiu, he even took the initiative to defend Ji Changze:

"Wasn't he like this before? He always looked down on us and always spoke in that tone."

"Yes, it's nothing unusual. Although he has a bad mouth, he is still quite a nice person. If it hadn't been for him this time, we don't know how long we would have been deceived by those liars."

"He's like this, I've long been used to it."

Cui Jiu: "..."

No, is this how you get used to it?

He opened his mouth to say something, because he had always insisted that "Ji Changze is a liar and a bad guy" and he felt that he should be the most sober at this moment.

The strange thing was that he found that deep down in his heart, he actually felt that Ji Changze's behavior was normal.

Although the other party roundaboutly called them stupid.

Although the other party wished that his eyes had "you idiots" written all over them.

Although when he spoke, he would roll his eyes every three sentences to express his disdain for the intelligence of his classmates.

But...he really wasn't angry at all.

There is even a little inferiority complex and a little guilt in my heart, and I have an inexplicable feeling that I am holding the other person back.

Damn it! ! !

After discovering this, Cui Jiu was completely stunned. He covered his face with an expression of a collapsed worldview.

He was shocked to find that he actually felt that Ji Changze was really sincere and unpretentious. Although he expressed disdain, he still spared no effort to help them in action.

I even felt a deep sense of gratitude in my heart.

Holy crap, crap, crap! ! !

Cui Jiu was not feeling well.

Isn't he possessed by evil spirits? ! !

He used to hate Ji Changze the most! !

etc! !

Ji Changze is so able to manipulate people's hearts and gain their trust. Did he gain their trust without them feeling anything? ?

Although he still had a good impression of Ji Changze in his heart, his reason made Cui Jiu immediately tell others about this speculation.

Classmate 1: "No? Right? How could there be? It's Ji Changze who deceives people's trust. He can't wait to have the word "disgust" written on his face."

Classmate No. 2: "Yeah, if we hadn't come together, he probably wouldn't have been willing to tell us this. Every time we didn't understand what he was saying, he would give us examples.

It's also quite troublesome to explain. Ji Changze is so trouble-conscious, why would he go to such trouble for us? "

Ruan Heng nodded: "We have a good impression of him. That's because we saw through this liar incident. I understand. I know that although Ji Changze has a vicious mouth, he always has a bad face and doesn't like us. But at the critical moment, Or maybe it’s because we are all classmates in the same school, helping each other.”

"Besides, there seems to be no need for him to lie to us. He has always looked down upon us. What good does it do him to lie to us?"

Cui Jiu originally looked frightened. Was he worried about himself? Did he unknowingly let Ji Changze deceive him into trusting him?

But after being analyzed by his classmates, he also felt that it was.

When you lie, you want to get something.

But what can Ji Changze get from them?

Ever since they discovered that Smith was a liar, Ji Changze had been leading them to fight against liars, teaching them how to deal with liars and what methods the liars used.

What could he seek from them?

So why would he want to make conspiracy theories about others?

Although Ji Changze has a bad attitude, he is really thinking about them. They are the ones who have always been helped.

According to Ji Changze's statement, they are the ones in need, and Ji Changze is the one who supplies and demands.

People haven't disliked them for holding them back, but here he is, making wild guesses. I'm really sorry for Ji Changze's sincerity in letting go of the previously unharmonious relationship to help them.

The more he thought about it, the more Cui Jiu felt sorry for Ji Changze.

So when Ji Changze sat down with the fruit, he got an apology from Cui Jiu.

The general meaning is: I'm sorry Nagasawa, I shouldn't doubt you, I shouldn't think that you used tricks to deliberately make us trust you, Balabala.

Ji Changze ate a piece of cut watermelon and said calmly: "Yeah, yes, that's what I did."

Cui Jiu: "???"

other people:"?????"

The Silly Spores were confused, all with unified expressions, and looked blankly at the young man who was still eating watermelon as if nothing had happened after dropping such a big bomb.

"You, you really did that on purpose?"

Ji Changze rolled his eyes and glanced impatiently at the classmate who asked the question: "Didn't I teach you just now? The more I feel that I am facing supply and demand, the more I feel that supply and demand do not need me. ?The more you trust the other person.”

"Because you yourself feel that I have nothing to do with you, so you trust me unconsciously and feel that I can't lie to you. After all, I won't get any benefits from lying to you."

Seeing that the seven people across from him still looked like "who am I, where am I and what am I doing?", he frowned, put down his fork, and threw a grape to Cui Jiu: "Peel the grape for me, and I will tell them." speak."

Although Cui Jiu was still confused, he still subconsciously peeled the grapes as soon as he got the grapes because of the prestige accumulated by the other party in the past few days.

Ji Changze held his chin up, with a bored look on his face: "You said you are still college students, or the best group. I just gave you what I just taught you and tried it. I just said it. ! You were fooled so quickly."

It was obvious that he was deliberately manipulating people's hearts and coaxing them into trusting him, but Ji Changze used this kind of hateful attitude to say, "I even put the rice in your bowls, why don't you guys know how to eat it?" After criticizing with a speechless expression, the seven people immediately sat down obediently, lowered their heads and eyes, and began to repent.

"I'm sorry, we didn't expect you to lie. Are we classmates?..."

"Classmate, let me tell you, in this world, biological children will lie to their own parents, let alone classmates. When people get along with each other, they will judge each other's sincerity based on a relationship. , that’s the stupidest!”

Ji Changze's tone was full of sarcasm: "Just talking about Smith, the mayor still thinks he is a big investor in the city. Who would have thought that international friends who are going to spend a lot of money to invest in Shan City are actually doing it to defraud? Those government support funds?”

Facing the seven quails who wanted to lower their heads to the table, Ji Changze continued: "As for what I just told you, those who supply and demand are the easiest to defraud trust and money from those who need it. Just give it a try and you will do it." Can you sincerely be fooled? "

"It's a good thing that I'm just trying and I don't intend to lie to you. Otherwise, if I really want to lie to you, I will tell you tomorrow that I need to deal with Smith and ask you to give me all the money you have. Will you? Give me?"

The seven people thought for a while and nodded.

They all saw what Ji Changze did these days, and subconsciously they felt that he was a very capable person who couldn't afford such a small amount of money.

If he really used this as a reason to ask them for money, they would definitely give it to him.

And not even the slightest bit

He would hesitate, because he would feel that according to Ji Changze's ability, he could make as much money as he wanted, so why bother to defraud them?


Just when I thought about it, I got a scoff from the person involved.

He seemed to want to say something, but after glancing at Cui Jiu, his face slowly lost the "you are all trash" expression.

Converted to "It's not all garbage, there is still recyclable garbage."

"Cui Jiu did a good job. At least he knew that he had doubts in his heart and knew to seek confirmation. As for you, tut tut tut."

The six people who were criticized all lowered their heads with deep shame: "I'm sorry, we were careless."

Cui Jiuze, who was praised as a typical example, suddenly felt that his neck was no longer sore, his arms were no longer painful, and he felt more energetic to go up to the 18th floor in one breath.

The world view that had just arrived collapsed, the three outlooks were completely destroyed, but all of them were transformed into confidence and pride under Ji Changze's praise.

In particular, Ji Changze said: "What Cui Jiu did this time is really good, but you only asked me after you were fooled. You should be careful next time, otherwise, we are our own people, and I will not really harm you." , at most it’s just an experiment, if you ask me, I’ll say it.”

"If someone really deliberately deceives you, if you sense something is wrong, even if you really run up and ask, think about it for yourselves. Do you think they will tell you the truth, and they will tell you the truth like I did? Can I tell you everything in detail?"

Seven people shook their heads.

Cui Jiu, who suddenly became a "top student", immediately answered the question proactively and admitted his mistake: "Yes, if we encounter this situation next time, we will definitely seek verification ourselves first."

"Well, you're right to think so. It seems that you are the fastest and most flexible of them all."

Ji Changze clearly showed his appreciation for Cui Jiu, and was contrary to the expression he had always had towards him before: "What do you think? You don't like me, so I don't like you either."

With admiration in his eyes, he asked Cui Jiu: "Are you willing to join my team? I really want to train you."

Suddenly! ! !

Cui Jiu was like rain falling from the sky, and his whole body was filled with the recognized relief and comfort.

He felt that he had passed the test without any hesitation, and immediately nodded: "I do!!"


When Ji Changze looked at him, his eyes suddenly became much closer.

"Very well, wait until this matter is dealt with

After that, I will take you with me to train you. Anyway, as long as I know, I will try my best to teach you. As for whether you learn or not, it depends on you. "

"I believe so? With you here, I can become more powerful and everything will be easier for me in the future."

"I will study hard, thank you Nagasawa!!"

Cui Jiu was as happy as if he had won the lottery.

He has always been disliked and despised by Ji Changze. Suddenly, because of his personal efforts and outstanding performance, Ji Changze recognized his abilities, so that the other party took the initiative to invite him to join the team.

How could this not make Cui Jiu very happy?

Didn't you see? Others didn't have the chance, so they were looking at him with envy?

Ji Changze was lying. No, he had finished teaching a few people and it was almost time. As expected, Smith and the others came down slowly while holding on to something.

"I'm really sorry, Nagasawa-san. We drank some wine last night, so we got up late today and almost missed something important."

Ji Changze didn't show any anger towards the attentive people, but he wasn't too happy either.

Rather, it's a "I think it's too much trouble for you to procrastinate like this, and I don't want to work with you anymore."

He glanced at the assistant who was silent as if thinking about something, and showed a faint smile:

"It's okay, Mr. Smith. You are also a busy man. A small crew like mine is not worthy of you running around with me every day. How can I delay your business because of my affairs? If you have something to do, you will still be here today." Shall I go alone?"

The more Ji Changze showed that he wanted to go it alone, the more nervous Smith and the others, who had already paid their dues but were still hesitating whether to continue, felt.

After all, Ji Changze's appearance didn't look like he was just talking. He really didn't want to take them with him anymore.

Smith's original hesitation about three-pointers suddenly dropped to the point where he just wanted to retain Ji Changze.

"No, no, no, I'm really interested in these, Nagasawa-san? You don't have to think so. Participating in these is also a kind of learning for me."

Ji Changze still frowned, but didn't let go: "Forget it, I think I have delayed you too much."

He added:

"Actually? To tell you the truth, I have been hesitating these days because my father knows that I have made friends like you. He has always been very concerned about my friendships, so he wanted to meet you."

Smith and his group suddenly became energetic.

they fold

Isn't this what you have been doing for so long? ! !

But before he could be happy, Ji Changze sighed and said:

"I'm really sorry for you, and it's embarrassing to say it, because my father has always been very concerned about my friends and is willing to help with my career, so every time I bring my friends to them, I always first Test your friend’s financial strength.”

"I've been dragging you to the mall these past few days because I want to test you."

Hearing this, the assistant who had been silent until now started to stir, his eyes flashed, and he looked at Ji Changze: "So you are here to test us."


Ji Changze looked guilty: "I didn't think there was anything wrong with me doing this, because the environment I grew up in was like this, but today, I saw that you all looked tired last night, but you still wanted to stay with me. I went to look at the equipment, and I was really, really sorry."

"Our friendship should have been pure and flawless, with nothing to do with interests, but I deliberately tested it. This is distrust and insincerity towards my friends, especially when I see how you still trust me so much when you know nothing about it. I feel really uncomfortable, eh.”

Seeing the expression on Ji Changze's face that said, "Why don't we just forget about this?" the assistant completely let down his guard.

It's definitely not right for a middle-aged person to do this, but if it were Ji Changze who was still a student this year, it would be completely normal. Students always have some weird ideas.

No wonder, he said that Ji Changze was not short of money, so why did he deliberately drag Smith out to spend money every day? He finally smiled:

"Nagaze-san, actually, you don't need to worry. We have long seen that you are deliberately testing our financial resources. It is just because we know that you grew up in such a wealthy environment and are wary of everything, so Just don’t say it?”

Ji Changze was "surprised" for a moment, and then "ashamed": "Really? Oh my God! Do you all know the stupid things I did?"

The assistant gave Smith a look. Smith understood, nodded immediately, and smiled, showing that he already knew but didn't care about understanding:

"How can this be considered a stupid thing? I grew up in such an environment. I understand you so well. It's okay."

Confirmed that they had really been discovered, they had been testing each other, and the young students felt guilty and surprised at the same time.

"I underestimated everyone too much. I didn't expect you to live in

With such keenness, I really want to introduce you to my father now. Smart people like you must have common topics with my father. "

He looked at the assistant with admiration and said, "If Mr. Smith has such a keenly observant and talented person like you, he can't blame his business for growing so big."

The assistant looked at him with admiring eyes, and the last trace of doubt in his heart was quickly dispelled and replaced by a full sense of pride.

"It's okay. After all, I am in this business. You are really overestimating me."

"No! For a talent like you, if it weren't for my good relationship with Mr. Smith, I really hope to recruit you and have you by my side in the future. Wouldn't it be better to be more powerful than a tiger?"

Ji Changze once again expressed his appreciation for the assistant. After two or three sentences, the assistant completely forgot why he suspected the other party, and even had some impulsive thoughts about actually changing jobs.

Cui Jiu, who had witnessed the whole process, touched the back of his head and felt that the process of "Actually, this is a test, but you discovered my test and you are really good at it" was a bit familiar.

Could it be that Nagasawa was using this trick on him just now?

No, no, no, how can it be the same? Nagasawa said, he is his own person.

Ahead, Ji Changze and his assistant brother walked out of the door and patted the assistant on the shoulder: "You're welcome."

"It's all me? Human!"

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