Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

394. Scammers who only know how to draw big pie (10)

When Smith and the others were finally taken away by the police comrades, they were still immersed in confusion and confusion, unable to extricate themselves.

With the evidence given by Ji Changze and some of his speculations in hand, the police comrades quickly recognized Smith from a police officer who often paid attention to foreign news.

They are not very famous, but they have committed crimes in the same country before. There have been no mistakes in the past ten times, and they have deceived many people. In the end, they are good at changing their image. If you disguise your identity, the police won't be able to catch you.

The last time they were caught, several people were arrested, but then their accomplices came to rob the prison. They even robbed the car and the people before they were sent to prison.

No wonder that country has issued a wanted order, but they still can't catch anyone everywhere. It turned out that they went to them? From the country of Hua.

And they are still using their same tricks, trying to defraud China of support funds.

The police comrades were very moved after learning about the "glorious history" of these scammers:

"These are all old foxes. They have deceived many people abroad. They are also very cunning and vicious. I didn't expect that they would fall into the hands of you, these young people."

Several students stood in a line, watching the shackled Smith and others as if they were watching some rare animal.

After hearing about what they had done in the past, there was a lot of yelling.

Although he didn't say anything on his lips, the feeling of "He turned out to be a gangster" was clearly written in his eyes.

They lamented that it was nothing, but the key point was that Smith and the others were shackled here and were about to go to jail. They were obviously big liars who had defrauded countless people and property, but they were as languid as chickens in the plague.

As for these students, no matter in terms of appearance or words and deeds, every one of them belongs to the innocent and naive side, but they just fall into this trap.

I can't blame Smith and the others for their stinky faces. Even if they were caught, they still looked suspicious of life.

If it had been in the past, Ji Changze, a bitch, might have come over and arranged it properly. Where did the other party go wrong? Where did he do something that was not good enough? Only then did people find out the clues.

But isn’t this a rush?

Therefore, he was more interested in picking up those young men than watching his defeated generals.

Smith and the others opened their mouths to say something, but before the words came out, Chief Ji

Ze said: "Comrade Public Security, I have some things to deal with here, and I really can't spare any time. Can I let my classmates go and make notes?"

These days, several of us are together. How do these scammers deceive people, what do they want to defraud, and how do they disguise themselves? My other classmates know it very well, so I won’t go and take notes. Rushing to pick someone up at the station. "

The police comrades would naturally not be so harsh on the victims. Seeing that Ji Changze was indeed in a hurry, they nodded in agreement.

"Okay, little classmate, are you going?"

Smith et al: “…”

"Wait, don't leave, don't leave!! Police! He lied to us too, he is also a liar!! Arrest him quickly!!!"

Ji Changze ignored them at all and only gave his classmates a look.

These stupid spores have been cultivated by him these days. He got the signal and immediately said: "What did Nagasawa lie to you? He didn't do anything."

"That's right, Nagasawa has been busy these days, busy with dinner parties, and preparing for his movie. You want to defraud him of his money, and you insist on going with him. Now that you have been caught, you are still thinking of obstructing him. What about him?"

Smith: "...You guys are talking nonsense!! We spent a lot of money on him! He wants to compensate us?!"

It's a pity that the one in the team who can speak Chinese is better at listening than speaking. He can't speak more than a few words in one mouth, and his bad language is blocked before he can open his mouth.

Cui Jiu has been studying hard since he was recognized by Ji Changze. Although he did not learn the essence of Ji Changze, he still learned a little bit.

He immediately said: "You, these liars, want to defraud us of China's support funds, but you still don't give up when we seize them. At this time, you are still thinking of defrauding us."

He immediately reported to the police comrades: "They bought the things without opening them, just to make money outside, waiting to defraud others to trust them before returning these things."

"Those things are still in his room. Comrades from the public security department, I will take you to see them."

Liars?: "..."

They watched helplessly as the public security comrades looked at them from contempt to a deeper level of contempt.

If I had to describe it, it would probably be written in my eyes: "A group of students actually want to defraud money and fight back before death. It's really worse than animals."

Liars?: "..."


?I want to come up with evidence, but I make a calculation in my heart.

Although they paid for the meal, it was Smith who "stalked" to get the opportunity to treat him. People in the hotel can also testify for Ji Changze that it was the other party who insisted on treating him.

You know, they said they were deceived, and the Chinese police wouldn't believe them.

After being coaxed to go shopping in the mall, Ji Changze didn't take any of the things he bought. Everyone watched them take them back to their room.

As for the hundreds of thousands of equipment and equipment.

They determined that Ji Changze was a kid from a rich family, but they did not expect to leave any evidence in this regard. Ji Changze kept all the receipts.

When buying things, you still use cash.

After thinking about it in their hearts, they couldn't believe that these students knew their true colors a long time ago.

The scam was so flawless that no evidence was left behind? It was clear that he was well prepared.

There is no evidence, so I can only say:

"No!! We were really deceived! Really! Hundreds of thousands!"

The policeman who had seen the wanted information on these few people laughed and said to his colleagues: "The newspaper said that these people are like this, always cheating money and pretending to be victims. "

"If it weren't for their superb acting skills, they wouldn't have been able to act recklessly for so long before being discovered. Don't believe a word they say."

When they were abroad, this group of people could directly hijack cars, but when they arrived in China, they did it all. Don't even think about such a thing.

If nothing else, they have banned guns in China, so there is nothing these people can do to get a gun.

Seeing that he really had nothing to do, Ji Changze waved to them: "Then I'll leave first, they are probably arriving soon."

Cui Jiu asked: "Do you have enough money? Do you want to take a taxi when you go out?"

"Don't worry, that's enough."

Ji Changze took out a handful of money from his pocket and shook it.

Smith and the others' eyes almost popped out of their heads.

The money was still the money the seller asked for when buying the equipment. Smith was very generous and told Ji Changze to keep it.

"That money belongs to us!! He cheated us of the money!!"

Faced with the accusations from several foreigners, Ji Changze smiled and put the money back without being affected at all.

A police comrade heard what they said before and asked: "Classmate, are you still in the movie business?"

"No, I plan to make a film

The movie has been around for a long time. "

Ji Changze acted very calmly and said in a few words: "Originally, when I came to the capital this time, in addition to the tasks assigned to me by the school, I also wanted to find an opportunity to see if I could make a good movie."

"Making a movie is not a trivial matter. It requires equipment, connections, and actors. It's troublesome to get these things right. But fortunately, I'm lucky. I met a noble person and I've only been in the capital for a few days. Basically. It’s all done.”

Ruan Heng followed and nodded; "You are talking about Mr. Jin, right? When we finish our work here, we want to thank him properly."

Ji Changze smiled and said nothing. He only raised his eyebrows at the foreigners who were being handcuffed while others were not paying attention.

Several people:"……"

At this moment, they all understood.

No wonder Ji Changze had already noticed something was wrong but didn't say anything?

No wonder he spent so much time talking to them in roundabout ways.

No wonder he bothers to pretend to be a rich man.

This guy simply had no money and no connections, so he just took advantage of the situation and stepped on them.

Now that they had no money and Ji Changze's affairs were settled, they just called the police to arrest him without any warning.


Seeing that the few people who had just calmed down suddenly became violent again, the police comrades frowned and turned around to suppress them: "Don't move!! Be honest!"

China itself is not a very wealthy country. Although the economy is rising now, it is still lagging behind compared with some developed countries.

It is precisely because of this that the country carries out various reforms, vigorously develops the economy, cultivates talents, and supports everyone to engage in industry.

As a result, their country is in such a difficult situation, and these foreigners actually have the nerve to come here to defraud support funds.

shameless! ! !

And now that they have been caught, they still want to bully the young students who were used as a stepping stone by them.

In the words of a policeman, it is: "I have never seen such a shameless person, ah!!"

Smith and others?: "..."

After deceiving so many people, they finally realized how it felt to be deceived and no one believed in them.

"I really can't delay any longer. I'm sorry, comrades from the public security department, but I have to leave first."

Ji Changze followed, everyone walked out after saying hello, and even waved back.

Smith and the others watched helplessly as this abominable liar, who in their opinion was a thousand times worse than themselves, left. Before leaving,

Before, as if he was still afraid of angering them to death, he turned around and mouthed:

Goodbye, noble man.


Ahhhhhhhhhh! ! !

It is said that the Chinese people are stupid and easy to cheat with their money? ! ! !

This is simply a fox den! !

Compared with the foreign scammers who may miss him day and night during the thirty years in prison, Ji Changze immediately forgot about the people who had taken advantage of him for a few days after solving the matter.

He got into the taxi and asked the driver while he was driving:

"Master, do you know that there are unfinished buildings in the richest suburbs with no people? That kind of buildings that no one lives in and no one passes by at all."

The driver was very defensive. When he saw him asking these questions, he immediately became vigilant. He glanced in the rearview mirror to make sure that the person sitting behind him was a young student who looked elegant and elegant, and not a student. The ferocious big man finally relaxed a little.

"Why do you ask all this?"

Ji Changze smiled shyly and touched the back of his head as if he was embarrassed: "I am a student, and my classmates and I want to collect money to make a movie, but we have bought the equipment and have no money to rent the scenes, so I want to find something like that?" Filming where no money is charged.”


These past few years have been when celebrities have become popular. When the driver heard this, he became very excited. In addition, Ji Changze's appearance did not look like a bad person, so he immediately began to introduce him enthusiastically.

"There are several unfinished buildings in the capital, but there are only a few that no one goes to. Some buildings are inhabited by homeless people, and in some buildings children often go there to play."

"No one really did it. I really couldn't remember it for a while."

Ji Changze didn't show any signs of being anxious, and only spoke softly: "What the crew fears the most when filming is strangers entering the camera. We still want to try to find a few places where no one goes, otherwise in case of filming, "While filming? A stranger comes into the shot, and everything has to be reshot, which is too expensive and time-consuming."

"I know this. I also brought some people to the film and television city. It's quite hard for you to film."

The driver was serious again and thought for a while: "Maybe in the western suburbs. There is an unfinished building in the western suburbs. The stairs have not been built for several years. The terrain there was not selected well. The first floor is prone to flooding. It seems to be particularly special. Moist."

"The second floor hasn't been built yet, so there probably won't be anyone there."

The stairs are not covered properly...

Ji Changze kept this in mind, and according to the original owner

After the news of Mr. Jin’s kidnapping and death spread, the uncovered staircase seemed to have appeared on the newspaper office.

He thought for a while and asked: "Master, do you know that you can go to the second floor of that building? If the ground is wet, we may not be able to take the photo."

"It must be possible to go up. Otherwise, the second floor wouldn't be built, and it would probably be more difficult to get up."

The driver thought again and determined that he could no longer think of any unfinished building in the capital that no one would go to.

Ji Changze has basically determined that it is the building in the western suburbs.

There are not many unfinished buildings in the capital. After all, it is the capital, and development is also going on here. But basically, even if the buildings in the city are unfinished, someone will take over.

That's the kind of land in the barren mountains, where half-finished construction fails and the boss runs away. Even if the land is acquired, nothing can be done.

If you want to build a house, you have to knock down the building and build it again. At present, the land price in the capital has not been so high, and no one is willing to take over the house like this idiot.

But there are very few idiots who build houses in the suburbs.

Furthermore, because it is close to the school and there are people living nearby, it is easily regarded as a gathering place or adventure zone by students. Although it is far from the city, it can barely be used as a home indoors by homeless people.

In the end, the only one left was the one in the western suburbs.

Ji Changze asked for the location, took out the map of the capital from his bag, and read it over.

The unfinished building is located in the suburbs, which is close to the capital and another city. If you want to escape from the capital, it will be easier to run. In addition, a nearby road is particularly prone to large cars.

Those kind of trucks are usually used to transport goods. As long as they hide in the goods, even if they encounter law enforcement officers, a vehicle full of goods is still rushing to deliver goods. People can't do it. Disassemble them one by one? Let’s open them and look inside.

From a criminal's perspective, this place is really the right place at the right time and the right people, with no shortage of anything.

After closing the newspaper, Ji Changze was basically convinced that this unfinished building in the western suburbs was where the kidnappers kidnapped Mr. Jin.

After all, if he committed a crime, he would definitely choose this place.

He asked the driver directly: "Master, do you know that you have interviewed people from the film and television city? Where do you usually rent clothes for filming in the capital?"

"There is one in the film and television city, but you have to pay a deposit. If you go in, if someone takes the initiative

I came up to ask you if you want help. Don't believe me. I only look for clothes rental shops that have a storefront. "

"Although the deposit is high, if the clothes are not damaged, the remaining deposit after deducting the rent will be returned to you. It is more convenient than making the clothes yourself."

Ji Changze nodded repeatedly and thanked the other party for the kind reminder.

In fact, he really wanted to make his own clothes.

But in the preliminary stage, isn’t this a lack of money?

Although it is very satisfying to harvest wool from Smith and others, these big fat sheep are not really rich people after all. For an ordinary person, this money is indeed a huge sum of money.

But when it comes to making movies, even if the cost of movie shooting in this era is not as exaggerated as in later generations, it is definitely not a small amount of money.

When you haven't made any money yet, just save some money and use it.

What's more, although he has the intention to take these boys who were tricked by the original owner to live a good life, but people's hearts are always changeable.

Rather than letting them have good food, drink, and a good life from the beginning, and fall directly into the nest of happiness, of course it will be bitter first and then sweet, and everyone will work hard together step by step to make it more cherishable.

Only after you have experienced hardship will you know how hard-won the sweetness is and how carefully you need to take care of it.

And Ji Changze, the leader who leads them from hardship to happiness step by step, will reach a level that ordinary people cannot imagine.

The master driver was driving the car. When he heard there was no movement behind him, he turned around and saw that the young man sitting behind him had closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Before, when I kept my eyes open, I only thought that the other party was pretty and looked like a good student. Now I closed my eyes and looked childish.

How could such a big kid just be so busy? He's about to film a movie, and his future life is scary.

It just seems a bit innocent. The entertainment industry is not an easy place to hang out, and I don’t know if this young man will be cheated if he joins.

But in the end, it was just a chance encounter. Even though he was muttering and thinking about a lot of things in his heart, he still said all the bad things.

Over at the station, the train was about to arrive, and the considerate staff had already begun to walk hard in the aisle while shouting:

"The station ahead is about to arrive at the capital. Passengers going to the capital, please be ready to salute. The station ahead is about to arrive at the capital..."

Lao Wu was sitting in the salute with his eyes closed and fell asleep. When he heard this sound, he woke up with a clear reminder and quickly patted the people around him: "Wake up, wake up, don't sleep, we are almost at the station."

The boys who were sitting on the ground or leaning against the door in various postures quickly opened their eyes, all of them sleepy and their eyes were dull: "Are we here?"

"Arrived so soon? I thought I would have to wake up to arrive."

Naturally, they were reluctant to spend money to buy seated tickets, so they all bought standing tickets.

This can be regarded as a characteristic of trains in this era. There is basically no place to stop on the train, because there are always many passengers who have bought station tickets.

It is impossible for them to stand for several hours or more, so they can only find a place to sit, and the best place to rest is in the middle of the two carriages. The space there is large and can accommodate people. , put it on the ground with a bow, and sit on it yourself? Just do it.

And if you can't squeeze into this position, you can only sit in the aisle.

All in all, a watertight picture is basically achieved. When parking, whether getting on or off the bus, it is quite troublesome for passengers.

Ever since Ji Changze told him once, Lao Wu has been constantly reminding himself, "I am the team accountant and I am the smartest person in the team besides Brother Ze."

A person who thinks he is the smartest will naturally have a sense of responsibility for these stupid boys.

Along the way, he was reminding everyone, like a chicken mother, remember to put your money away, and take a look at valuable things from time to time. Now that we are almost at the station, he is also remembering. Everyone basically Where did you stop and squeeze through with difficulty? Reminder.

When he finished reminding him and sat back down, he saw the younger brothers sitting in the same position as him craning their necks and looking out.

Lao Wu couldn't help but look outside.

As a result, there were only fields passing by quickly and nothing else. He was puzzled: "What are you looking at?"

"Just look outside. This is the capital. It seems to be no different from our mountain city."

Lao Wu rolled his eyes: "Is this a train track? It must be the same as the train track in Shanshi? It's almost the same. If you want to see what the capital looks like, you have to go into the city and see."

Although he poured cold water on them, the younger brothers were still silly and happy.

For them, who have never left the mountain city in their lives, coming to the capital itself is something worth showing off.

There was even a younger brother who started to worry: "Fifth brother, do you think Brother Ze can really take us to make a movie? I found one before I left.

I asked a relative who worked in the capital and he said that prices in the capital are extremely high, much higher than in Shanxi. Moreover, we are outsiders and do not have a house in the capital. If we want to live here, we have to rent a house. "

"What if the job includes food and accommodation? Fortunately, if it doesn't include food and accommodation, the rent per month would be this amount."

He gestured with a number, and the expressions of the other boys changed drastically.

"So expensive?"

"No, so I was shocked when I heard it. Although Brother Ze said he had a place for us to live, he is not a big boss after all. We spend a fortune every day just to live."

Although he didn't say the rest, everyone understood it.

If Ji Changze said he was introducing jobs to them, with food and accommodation included, they would definitely feel very at ease and not worried at all.

But the problem is, Ji Changze explained that he was the one planning and leading them to make the movie.

It’s true that everyone trusts Brother Ze, and it’s true that they think he is an awesome college student.

But what about money?

How much money does he have in hand? You can't make money while making movies.

Even if Ji Changze can settle them down now, what will he do if he has nothing to do but has no money when the filming is halfway through?

After a short period of happiness and yearning, these young people who got on the train to the capital seemed to have grown up a lot overnight and had a lot more to think about.

Lao Wu actually felt weak in his heart.

But the biggest advantage of him is that no matter how weak he is at heart, he still looks stable on the outside.

"Don't force me to stay here. Brother Ze is willing to take us with him when he has the opportunity to make a fortune. That's our luck. If you are really unwilling, it's too late to turn around and go back now. Brother Ze said , If you don’t want to, he will refund you all the money you paid before.”

After finishing speaking, he thought he was an accountant and added: "Of course, you have to pay for the ticket to the capital? You have to pay for it yourself."

He understands Brother Ze's loyalty to his brothers, and he supports it.

But with so many mouths open to eat, he still had to help Brother Ze watch over the money he shouldn't have spent.

The boys? They all stopped talking immediately.

If they really didn't believe Ji Changze, they wouldn't have come all this way.

Really? If you don’t believe it, they all took the money and stayed at home.

"Okay, what kind of person is Brother Ze? Don't you still know? Those gangsters, you have seen them? How do they do it? Fight every day to collect protection money, and are often chased by the police. We? Over here.

Woolen cloth? Do you think when Brother Ze asked you to go and do something bad? "

If Ji Changze were here, he would definitely add a few words in his heart.

Did the original owner not want to do it? After all, I thought that even if all these people went there, they wouldn't be able to collect much money in protection fees.

Moreover, it is easy to attract attention and bring trouble to him as the eldest brother.

"Okay, Brother Ze will definitely be outside to pick us up now. Cheer up, all of you. Don't always act like you're worried about this and that. Just do your best when you come. We've got our hands and feet. , can you still starve to death?”

Lao Wu mobilized himself and looked at the younger brothers. They all became nervous and said with a tigerish face: "I'm going to the toilet. You all should be honest!"

After entering the toilet, he quickly held on to the railing, turned on the faucet and washed his face.

Oh my god, this is the capital.

How could he come to the capital one day?

Thinking about having to face the unfamiliar local dialect of the capital in such a strange place, and going to film a movie, I feel weak in the legs.

He washed his face twice to make his legs less weak, then he opened the door and went out with his head held high.

He sat back in his seat, looking calm as if "I have the sun, moon, rivers and mountains deep in my heart."

It’s just the leg that’s on the side, I don’t know? Why, it’s always shaking on its own.

After getting off the bus, it was obvious that a group of people from Wuyang Wuyang got off the bus together. In addition, none of them had that kind of honest aura, and it was obvious that they were in a group. Many pedestrians passing by were surprised. Stay away from them?

Even the staff standing next to the train were looking over here, ready to rush over and stop them if anything went wrong.

However, this group of young men who thought they were bumpkins from the countryside did not realize that they looked more like the "big brothers" who gathered to make trouble. Each one of them stood still and did not move.

Seeing that everyone else had walked away, these "big brothers" who didn't look like good people were still standing there with expressionless faces, and the staff couldn't sit still.

What do these people want to do?

Are they trying to blow up the train?

The two young men looked at each other and boldly walked over.

When I went there, I saw so many people standing together, at least eighty. This one came, and they were all wearing the same black clothes (Lao Wu was afraid of losing people, so he went to the wholesale market to buy them. Yes, I buy black clothes because black is cheaper).


None of them spoke yet. They all stood upright with little expression on their faces. They all looked ahead with solemn expressions. Some people thought they were sculptures.

Anyway, it looked like someone with bad intentions.

However, in fact, this group of young men who did not look like good people watched helplessly as the staff in uniforms walked straight towards them, and they were all intimidated.

"Brother, why are they looking at us? Is it us? What did we not do right?"

Lao Wu was also panicked: "Shut up! Don't show your timidity! Maybe it's just a glance?"

"But the people around us seem to be looking at us? Ah, are our clothes too torn? Why do I feel like everyone is peeking at us? Are they laughing at us?"

"Impossible, they didn't even look at us."

"No, brother, they not only looked at us, they also avoided us and left. Do you dislike us? At first glance, it seems that the bumpkin is not a local. Brother, I want to go home..."

Lao Wu: "..."

He actually felt that those people seemed to be avoiding them and leaving.

No, even though he bought the clothes wholesale, there is nothing good or bad about the black clothes. Why do those people have such poisonous eyes? You can tell them at a glance? They are bumpkins.

Really? Worthy of being a native of the capital.

"Don't worry, you guys, don't open your mouth, your face is shocked. Don't act like we have never seen the world. We come to the capital often and are not surprised at all." Not interested."

The younger brother who was closest to Lao Wu was about to cry: "Brother, they are coming towards us, I'm afraid."

When I looked up, I saw two staff members walking toward them with clear goals: "..."

His legs became weak.

He is afraid too.

"Don't, don't panic. Maybe you're just passing by. Maybe you're not here for us. Don't we look pretty good?"

So, when the staff came over, they saw that the men in black were all silent and did not speak, only staring at them with their eyes.

Although no one spoke, so many pairs of eyes were all looking over, which still caused a lot of psychological pressure to the two of them.

They are vigilant in their hearts and are ready to deal with sudden dangers at any time: "What are you doing standing here and not moving?"

Lao Wu swallowed his saliva and tried to suppress the expression on his face.

Expressionless?, with a calm tone: "Waiting for someone to pick me up."

Two staff members: "???"

They looked at each other and said, "If you have to wait for someone to pick you up, you have to stand out. The person picking you up won't be able to get in."

Lao Wu; "..."

Brothers?: "..."

They looked at each other for a moment and almost couldn't stop the expressions on their faces.

The train is actually leaving? Can I see the person picking me up only after I arrive?

Isn't that how it is played in TV dramas?

Don't all those who send people to the train follow them? Does the train run for a while?

They all panicked and looked at Lao Wu uniformly.

Two staff members: "..."

This action, this tacit understanding, even if they said it was not specially trained, they would not believe it.

These people are definitely not easy to get along with.

Maybe he was a member of some gang.

Lao Wu was under great pressure, but he still held firm.

"That's it. Can you please tell us, comrade, how to get out?"

With such a calm tone, does he really want to go out?

The two staff members did not relax their vigilance. They raised their vigilance and smiled: "It might be difficult to find you when you come here for the first time. Why don't we take you out?"

Lao Wu was so moved that he almost cried.

What a good man! !

As expected of the capital, there are many kind-hearted people! !

If it were true, let him look for it himself, and he would never find it.

He was extremely excited, but he did not dare to show his true face as a country bumpkin. He could only nod his head reservedly: "Thank you both."

Two staff members walked one behind the other, one leading the way and the other keeping an eye on the group of people.

He also quietly sent a message to his colleagues, asking them to pay attention to this group of people.

There was a person from the Capital City in front of him, and another person from the Capital City behind him. They were all in uniform. The younger brothers were so cowardly that they didn’t dare to speak or show any unnecessary expressions. They all followed Lao Wu cautiously. later.

When Lao Wu walked, they walked, and when Lao Wu stopped, they stopped, not daring to miss a step.

This group of people were all wearing the same clothes and walking in neat steps. They were looking ahead without even looking around. There was a staff member in front of them and a staff member behind them. It was really cool walking on the road.

Many people looked over quietly and wanted to know what was going on with these people.

However, the more they looked at it, the more cowardly the younger brothers became.

But I don’t dare to show my timidity. What if I express them? Actually, I haven’t seen them. What kind of world have I been in? It’s my first time to take a train.

It would be too embarrassing to go out and not know if someone would pick you up.

The two staff members were always in high tension, and Lao Wu was almost the same. So the group walked all the way, but no one spoke, not even a cough.

The atmosphere gradually became heavy and solemn.

The two staff members are also becoming more and more nervous.

The closer they got to the exit, the more nervous and scared they became.

I was worried that those people would take advantage of them to relax their vigilance and suddenly take out something and throw it at them. After all, this kind of thing has happened before.

And finally, in everyone's silence, the exit of the station arrived.

From a distance, I saw Ji Changze waiting there in white clothes, yawning while waiting.

When they saw the familiar face, all the boys' eyes turned red almost instantly. They didn't care about the "calm" expression on Beng's face, nor did they pretend to not talk or show off. I can’t speak the capital dialect anymore.

Don't follow? Lao Wu didn't dare to make a mistake.

All of a sudden, he was like a chicken being released from a chicken farm, running happily in the direction of Ji Changze.

"Brother Ze!!"

"Brother Ze, are you here to pick us up?!!"

"The capital is so big, and they don't even speak Mandarin!"

“Brother Ze, we don’t even know that we can’t see you until we get off the bus and leave the station!!”

The two staff members were caught off guard, and they rushed over to the chicken like a mother chicken, without the expressionless and intimidating look just now. Help like a boss.

The two of them were stunned on the spot.

And just when they relaxed their vigilance, a sudden voice came from next to them: "Ze, Brother Ze."

They were so frightened that they almost exploded, and the hair on their bodies stood up as they looked at Lao Wu.

There is another one! !

Under their eyes, which suddenly became vigilant again, the young man who had an "old air" all the way limped forward pitifully, his eyes turning red:

"You guys? Wait for me, my legs are a little weak..."

The author has something to say: Chirp! , Baihe free and fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft.

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