Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

396. Scammers who only know how to draw big pie (12)

The kidnappers probably never dreamed that one day, they, ordinary bad guys, would face the day when they would be charged, shot, gunned down, or mouth-to-mouth.

Along with the assault rifles, there seemed to be a full seventy or eighty policemen with serious faces and indifferent expressions.

They stood frozen on the spot.

Lao Wu and the younger brothers didn't feel anything was wrong.

After all, according to the script, this is the time for them to say their lines.

When Lao Wu opened his mouth, he had to speak.

Before he could say the lines he had memorized fluently along the way, one of the kidnappers suddenly raised his voice and shouted in an almost sharp tone:

"Don't come over!!!"

Lao Wu: "?"

He frowned and glanced at the other party, what happened to the actor who played the kidnapper? Why did you bring yourself to add lines?

Looking at the other person's sweating profusely, fear written all over his face, his legs trembling, and veins popping up all over his forehead, the doubts and unhappiness in his heart turned into admiration. .

What is an actor? !

This is what you call an actor! ! !

Just two words: professional! ! !

Even the kidnapper's desperate psychology of fear and collapse when facing the police can be vividly portrayed.

Too strong! !

The kidnapper showed no signs of despair.

They are really desperate! ! !

They are from the same village, and have been involved in petty theft since childhood. This is the first time they have done something big. Since they have no technical content and no past experience, they can only start with famous people.

Mr. Jin is the only one who often appears in the news but doesn’t like driving and is easy to attack. If you don’t arrest him, who will arrest him?

They were also afraid that the matter would be exposed, so they did not dare to put the person back alive and planned to tear up the vote and run away with the money.

As a result, I just made the call and was about to take the money and leave. Why did the police come?

There are still so many policemen.

They were armed with guns, and they were armed with knives. No matter how blind or stupid they were, the kidnappers knew that they would definitely not be able to defeat these seventy or eighty armed policemen.

Can we not collapse, can we not despair?

Lao Wu originally wanted to stop questioning the other party and ask him how he could change his lines at will, but when he saw sweat and tears on the face of the robber actor who was the first to shout, he knelt on the ground with a bang and begged for mercy. The desire to win in his heart also disappeared. Got excited.

Although these people are professionals, but he?

Brother Menze is still the director.

You can’t lose Brother Ze’s people.

He immediately raised his chest and raised his head, looking forward, with a face full of justice, and said righteously: "Zhang Long, Wang Hu, and Liu Xing, you three killed a total of twelve people, and you also hid drugs from drug dealers. If you If you don't surrender, we have the right to shoot you."

After saying that, he raised his right hand and waved it.

All the boys immediately loaded their guns in order as Ji Changze taught them before.

The robbers were completely confused: "...I, we don't call it this name."

"Officer, you arrested the wrong person, you arrested the wrong person."

Lao Wu breathed a sigh of relief, he finally understood the script.

In the script, the gangsters just saw something exposed and deliberately paralyzed the police in order to escape. However, the clever heroine had already seen through them, and the police did not distrust these kidnappers.

In the end, they told the truth after being taken to the police station. They were indeed those people. The reason why they kidnapped the heroine was because they had been helping the heroine's enemies. This time they The money was paid to kill the heroine.

It's just that after the heroine found out about this, she used her plan to deliberately reveal that she was very rich, leading the kidnappers to earn another ransom before killing her.

Quickly running through the script in his mind, Lao Wu continued to read the lines: "Don't try to quibble. In order to arrest you, we dispatched police forces from two police stations. Now, the outside has been surrounded by police. Anyone who knows what you are looking for. Surrender immediately. If you do anything untoward, we have the right to kill you on the spot."

Zhao Di, who was left downstairs, looked up, pointed the gun/muzzle on his body at the kidnappers, and pressed a button.

Immediately, several small red dots appeared on the bodies of the two leaders.

Kidnappers: "..."

They also gained a lot of knowledge in order to become bad guys.

This is, sniper, sniper?? ?

They just kidnapped one person!

There were dozens of police officers in front of him, and they were also surrounded by police officers outside. There were also snipers taking aim nearby.

The legally illiterate kidnappers were completely bewildered.

Even an experienced person might not be able to escape from such a situation.

Their hands became weak, and so did their legs.

Both legs began to tremble.

Is Lao Wu still there? Then read the lines: "I'll count to three. If you don't give up resistance, we'll shoot immediately. Three, two..."

"Don't shoot, don't shoot!!!!"

After a few pops, the kidnappers knelt down neatly.

Tears and snot

He bled a lot and kowtowed crazily as if he wanted to knock his head off.

"This is really our first time, sir! It's really true!! It's our first time even in kidnapping. In the past, we only sneaked things and watched a woman take a bath. Sir, we are really unjust!!"

"We really don't have that name!!"

They kowtowed with great force. After only a few kowtows, their foreheads were bruised. However, a few of them seemed not to feel it and continued to kowtow desperately.

The younger brothers who watched it all felt that their heads ached.

Damn it, I can’t blame him for being a professional.

It hurts to look at it!

I didn’t expect that acting is quite a waste of brains!

They admired her in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show fear on their faces because they couldn't continue to perform, so they could forget about it in front of their own people.

If they make mistakes in front of outsiders, they still have to face it.

"You guys, go tie them up."

Lao Wu gave the order before he remembered.

Oh, the props are still there? In the car.

What are they tied up with?

Fortunately, these kidnappers were professionals. When they saw that the police were no longer planning to kill them, they quickly grabbed the rope next to them while crying with snot and tears.

"Sir, we are really innocent. We don't know those people you are talking about at all."

While handing over the rope, he looked at the gun on the "policeman" in front of him with fear in his eyes.

Lao Wu has watched so many TV series and movies, and this is the first time he has encountered a kidnapper who actively handed the rope to the police. Obviously, there must be no such kidnappers in reality.

So it must have been these actors and teachers who saw that they didn't bring any props, so they helped them get around it.

I didn’t expect that these actors and teachers were not only good at acting, but also so helpful and considerate.

Lao Wu was so moved that he wanted to treat these teachers to a drink after the performance. Although he had no money, if he asked Brother Ze to borrow money, Brother Ze would still borrow it. .

On the surface, they became more upright and looked seriously as they watched the boys tie up these actors and teachers.

Although the boys used to say that he was a gangster, the biggest bad thing he did was stealing chickens and eating, and he never kidnapped anyone.

They were worried, and Brother Ze didn't teach them on the way.

But fortunately, these people are all smart. Looking at the actors and teachers who were squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands, they thought of how they had learned to tie pigs from their elders when they were killing pigs at home.

After some operations

, the "police" tied several people in series to a stick and silently returned to Lao Wu (there were no lines in the script).

Lao Wu: "..."

Seeing that the actors and teachers didn't say stop, he coughed dryly and said, "Okay, take it back to the bureau."

Several kidnappers breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that they had indeed put away their guns and were not planning to kill them.

Fortunately, they surrendered quickly enough, otherwise they would have been identified as drug-trafficking criminals. If they were arrested again, they would not have been shot twice.

Just this tone? Just as he relaxed, a man's voice suddenly came from downstairs.

He seemed to be angry about something, and his tone was full of annoyance.

"What to bring back?!!"

Ji Changze said this after seeing them tie up the people. As expected, Lao Wu and the others had seventy-nine people in total, plus the ones in their hands. "Gun" and "sniper?" The kidnappers resisted because they were crazy.

He pretended to be angry: "What's the matter with you? I ran away before I finished speaking, and took him back to the bureau. Everyone is like you, so why should I command and catch gangsters?" Just kill him."

Gangsters: "????"

Their eyes widened in an instant, and they looked at the "police" in front of them with horrified eyes.

As soon as Lao Wu and the others heard Ji Changze's voice, they immediately lowered their heads and looked down: "Brother Ze, do you want to change it to "shoot to death?"

Ji Changze seemed to be because they didn't understand what was wrong until now, so he rolled his eyes angrily: "Yes, kill him! Kill him now!"

He was scolding him while climbing up: "I'm really convinced by you, so I turned around and pinched my watch. When I turned around, no one was there. How can I safely lead you like this... Come down and give me a hand." Well, I haven’t climbed a tree in eight hundred years and I can’t climb it.”

Lao Wu looked at Ji Changze who was climbing up, and then at the kidnappers who were about to pee with fright. He lowered his head and looked at the gun in his hand:

"Just start?"

He raised his gun and pointed it at the head of the "actor-teacher who played the kidnapper", smiled in a friendly manner, and said to the other party in a discussion tone:

"Sorry, I'll try first."

In the eyes of the kidnappers, it was this young man in police uniform who raised his gun at him because of his boss's order, and the muzzle of the gun was almost pressed against their forehead.

But the other party, obviously about to take his life, still smiled.

The more calm and calm the smile, the more frightened the kidnapper is.

Lao Wu

But at this moment, he touched the muzzle of the gun and muttered to himself: "It shouldn't hurt, right?"

There doesn't seem to be any bullets in it.

Kidnapper: "...no, no..."


Lao Wu pulled the trigger directly.

Kidnapper: "..."

His eyes turned white and he fainted.

Lao Wu admired him even more. He turned back to Ji Changze who climbed up and said, "Brother Ze, this teacher is really good. He even pretends to be dead."

Ji Changze stood still and cursed directly:

"I said, can't you hear the sarcasm? Use your brains and think about it. There is no equipment here. It's a crappy act!! Everyone is not active in work at ordinary times, but they run fast when they make mistakes. ! Do you know how tired I am of chasing you?”

After saying that, he glanced at the several kidnappers on the ground who had "looked horrified after witnessing their companions being shot to death", with disgust on their faces:

"Who brought this person? You brought such an ugly person and didn't tell me? Not a word."

"They? Aren't they invited by you, Brother Ze?"

Lao Wu was scolded and looked confused.

Ji Changze looked at the vaguely tied figure not far away: "What is that for? Did you also find it?"

"The heroine."

The two of them talked nonchalantly for a few words, and Lao Wu also remembered that the heroine was still tied up.

Heroine! It must be at the star level! ! !

He couldn't figure out the classification of actors. His heart was trembling. He hurried over to untie the rope to show his courtesy. While untying it, he said:

"I'm sorry, teacher, I just forgot about you. My name is Lao Wu, and your name is... Mom!!!!"

A shrill scream echoed throughout the unfinished building.

"Brother Ze!!! Why does the heroine still have a beard?!!!"

The author has something to say: The nutrient solution reaches 30,000 yuan this month.

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