Everyone: Level 0 Start Enhanced 18th Style Blade Jakka

Chapter 247 Nalan Qingxuan's Secret


Nalan Qingxuan was slightly startled.

Her outfit has been carefully considered and even has scientific evidence.

It is the one that most arouses the desire of boys of Su Mu's age. Coupled with his own hands, as long as he can catch a little gap, he will definitely be able to take advantage of it and be attacked by Huang Long!

Compared to the pain of calculating and predicting through various means and having the results overturned one by one in the end, Nalan Qingxuan has never failed against other professionals!

Find out the reason.

No professional can have such a terrifying upgrade speed as Su Mu. As soon as the level is opened, it will be fully leveled in the next second. In addition, Su Mu's skill library is so rich that it is completely difficult to understand the depth.

So Nalan Qingxuan planned to measure Su Mu's depth herself.

For this reason, he chose to pay a price that he has never paid before.

The mature and beautiful body matched with the confusing environment and atmosphere, Su Mu sighed slightly.

Perhaps, Nalan Qingxuan's trick has a miraculous effect on many boys who are just in their prime of life, but Su Mu is the exception.

Akaya and Lafka each have their own strengths and are flexible, and they have spared no effort in each other's efforts these past few days.

As the saying goes, if you take it for granted, you will naturally have immunity.

Su Mu's continuous rejections hit Nalan Qingxuan deeply. Feeling a huge gap, Nalan Qingxuan had an idea flash in her mind and started asking about Su Mu's job transfer mission.

Whether as a teacher or a famous combat analysis expert, without a huge intelligence network, it would be impossible for Nalan Qingxuan, an "ordinary person" who is not a combat professional, to reach this point.

Thinking of this, Su Mu carefully fragmented the information about the Golden King and Saint Michel and then said it.

Nalan Qingxuan has her own intelligence system, and Su Mu has something outstanding that makes her curious.

Each takes what he needs, and the concave and convex complement each other.

After haggling several times, we decided to trade on a 1:1 basis.

In other words.

Su Mu needed to get complete intelligence information before he could reveal all the information about a skill.

"... According to my information, the King of Gold is famous for his eternal and supreme wealth. He is basically the type who can pick up money while walking on the street."

"Then, according to the description of a professional who returned from the Golden Dreamland, the Golden King's greatest reliance is the treasure trove of prototypes of all weapons. No matter what kind of weapon it is, he can find the corresponding one, and there are still many things that he himself cannot do at all. A terrifying treasure appears!"

"The best way to defeat the Gold King is to find a way to restrain the Gold King's treasure house."

"As for the specific location, I record it as the intersection of Wu Kong Sky and Wu Sea Abyss."

It must be admitted that this information is very important.

After Nalan Qingxuan's analysis, Su Mu had instantly thought of the approximate location.

The place where Saint Michael lives is the plague land under the abyss. As a human hero who fought against the invasion of aliens in the past, he is the only saint who has been spurned by future generations.

Currently, the information about Saint Michael is missing, and most of the truly useful information has been deliberately deleted.

All that's left are insignificant things.

Su Mu observed Nalan Qingxuan's smile and knew that this woman still had reservations.

Although he appeared as an assistant to the instructor, Su Mu had discovered early on that Nalan Qingxuan was quite interested in him.

In the end, Su Mu exchanged information about another skill for Nalan Qingxuan's strategy to defeat the Golden King.

Simply put.

It is necessary to find a hero who has defeated the King of Gold and find the secret strategy to deal with the King's Treasure from him.


The battle between the two continued from one world to another. Su Mu already knew the approximate identity of this person.

Currently hiding in a city where everyone is accustomed to explosions...

Finally, in exchange.

Su Mu mentioned the three skills including [Super Railgun], and the excited Nalan Qingxuan immediately turned on the computer.

A glance out of the corner of his eye.

The corners of her mouth raised when Nalan Qingxuan wanted to cover it up.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, he picked up the device and took pictures continuously, and the photos that looked like comic strips were born.

Although he was the protagonist, Su Mu never expected that Nalan Qing would make him... the male protagonist of a small book.

As for the heroine, it goes without saying that all of you who are smart in front of the screen know that.

No wonder Nalan Qingxuan would... cough cough cough!

Regarding such matters, Su Mu has always refused to gamble or take drugs, starting with me!

Next, everything becomes logical.

Training delivered to your door is a must!

Routine operations such as slapping his back and squeezing his shoulders, coupled with the immersive surround sound, made Su Mu feel refreshed after the meal, while Nalan Qingxuan was almost exhausted.

"Thank you, Teacher Qingxuan. I am very satisfied with your service. I will definitely come again in the future!"


"If you want to get to know me better and don't want to...hehehehe!"

Su Mu left happily, leaving Nalan Qingxuan lying on the ground exhausted. She was not a professional. She looked like this after a little exercise.

However, she finally obtained the skill information of three Su Mu, so her hard work was not in vain.


I don’t know when Su Mu will be hollowed out?

Before setting off for Tianxiao City, Su Mu completed the information based on the information provided by Nalan Qingxuan.

In just one day, the pieces of the next two missions have been gathered.

Before leaving.

When asked who would go with him, Aqua grabbed Rafka quickly.

Altria stared at the two teammates who deserved to be killed with horror. Didn't we agree to advance and retreat together?

Didn't you say that women don't lie to women?

In the blink of an eye, we were tricked!

Traveling alone with a guy like Su Mu, I always feel a little chill behind me.

The Far East of China.

Tianxiao City.

As soon as they walked out of the teleportation array, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

The purple-black thunderclouds were so oppressive that they were suffocating, and there were thin and sharp lightning rods on the roofs of every house.

"Here it comes."

As soon as Su Mu finished speaking, thunder and fire descended from the sky!

Listening carefully, the thunder rumbled as if the sky was laughing loudly. Perhaps this is the origin of Tianxiao City in the Far East.

The ivory tower in the center of the city is completely different from the surrounding architectural style. After asking, it was found that it was the residence of the current guardian.

"Why do you know that thunder will soon strike?"

"Feeling? I don't know, but I know that thunder will strike in the sky above my head."

Su Mu's answer once again made Artoria speechless.

The fluctuation of the will that I just realized, and the fluctuation of the enlightenment with premonition and knowledge also began to show signs?

This guy is only a level 45 professional!

Do you have to be so fierce!

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