The three people from Jingfu Kingdom successfully exchanged for a Yuan Neng glove and successfully collected three pieces.

"Noslan, Mayu, how are you preparing the enchanting cards and materials?"

"It's not good... It should be because of the Yuaneng equipment. All enchantment-related things have increased in price. Moreover, the enchanter I contacted sent me a message in the morning, and the originally agreed price will be increased."

After Mayu finished speaking calmly, there was unconcealable sadness in her eyebrows.

Unlike other countries in the Human Alliance, Jingfu Country has very little communication with the outside world and still retains quite ancient traditions.

Before setting off, Bei Sheng, Noslan and Mayu were entrusted with important tasks by the queen, and even made a declaration of death in public.

If you don’t succeed, you will succeed!

If you go back empty-handed, not only will you not be able to communicate, but you will be killed on the spot!

A week has passed since the auction, and Yuan Neng equipment has set off a huge wave throughout Blue Star.

Professionals use absolutely dazzling records to prove the power of Yuaneng equipment, and the five-layer enchanted Yuaneng staff in the hands of the Holy Mage of the Free Country is a terrifying existence that can release three super-level magics in a row through careful calculation!

A level 92 ice sea monster in an instant!

Every day there are professionals holding Yuan energy equipment to challenge secret realms or previously unbeatable monsters, and there is no doubt that they all succeed in the challenge.

The professionals who originally complained about the serious premium on equipment at the auction all regretted it.

If you can successfully get this wave of first-hand bonuses, you will definitely be able to get your money back in the shortest time!

The only way to get legendary and mythical quality equipment is by killing monsters, and Yuan Neng equipment has been rated as no less than legendary equipment after actual hands-on testing. If the enchanting effects are carefully matched, it can still compete with mythical quality. !

The most important thing is that the equipment you can get with money is far more reliable than the illusory probability!

At that time, a quadruple-enchanted Yuaneng spear worth 300 million at the auction had been fetched 400 million on the black market!

In contrast, many countries in the Human Alliance have all sent letters of inquiry, imploring China to disclose the ways to obtain Yuan energy equipment for the sake of being a human race.

After all, the foreign races are watching eagerly outside, and a war may break out at any time.

The most important thing is to enhance the overall strength of the human race!

Although the origin of Yuan Neng equipment is unknown, many speculative businessmen are keenly aware of business opportunities and wantonly purchase all items related to enchantment, and the prices are changing day by day!

The changes spurred by this are far from over.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded quickly.

A press conference will be held in half a month to answer the questions of various countries one by one, and at the same time announce the origin of Yuan Neng equipment.

After two days of searching, Noslan and Mayu finally met Mintai, a young priest of the Tulang tribe through matchmaking, and spent a lot of money to collect all the materials for enchantment!

"...Bei Sheng, His Majesty personally called to inquire about the progress. We must hurry up! Money and so on... are originally used to purchase equipment. It doesn't matter if it is spent, as long as the goal is achieved!"

After Noslan said this, Mayu nodded, "You don't want to move your head because of something like this, right?"

Although there was regret in his heart, Bei Sheng still showed it.

As the responsible officer personally appointed by the Queen, he had to agree with the two opinions in the end.

If China announces the origin of Yuan Neng equipment, those professionals who have already been hungry will definitely buy embryos to build them.

In other words!

The enchanting materials at that time will be extremely expensive!

"Oh, by the way! I contacted Yu Jiangtian through a friend a few days ago! This is the list my friend got from him. They are all enchanters with a relatively high success rate!"

Although Nuoslan and Mayu had doubts, they still chose to believe out of their trust in Bei Sheng.

After all, he is an important minister deeply trusted by the Queen, so he will definitely not make any mistakes!

There were less than five days until Huaxia's press conference, so the three of them split up and reported on the progress of the enchantment at any time.


The Yuan Neng gloves in the hands of the three people were successfully enchanted in the first level, and they were very encouraged!

During the second level of enchantment, apart from Mayu's failure, Bei Sheng and Noslan succeeded again!

"...We can do this!"


The three of them, who were full of confidence, invited the enchanter to start the triple enchantment, but all failed without exception!

"Don't worry, we each still have the materials for 7 times. We will try 3 more times. If we fail, we will come back tomorrow!"

Bei Sheng used the communicator to comfort the two of them.

After experiencing the success of the first two times, coupled with the information obtained from these enchanters, as long as the enchanting is performed more times, it will definitely succeed!

And it was through this method that the Yu family succeeded.

Behind the huge amount of energy equipment is an incalculable number of failures!

With lessons learned from the past, Bei Sheng and the others did not panic and arranged the subsequent enchantments in an orderly manner.


The dejected three returned to the hotel.

In the end, they couldn't resist the temptation and desire to win. Except for Mayu, who had a broken mentality, she still had materials for two enchantments.

Three double-enchanted Yuaneng gloves!

Since the basic attributes of the elemental equipment embryo are low, the effect is not outstanding, and it is better than the improvement of multiple enchantments.

Double enchantment has been tested by data emperors and cannot make up for the shortcomings of the equipment itself.

Once the triple enchantment is completed, it will directly exceed the normal equipment of the same quality, and the approximate data will be between 1.2 and 1.8.

Nowadays, dual-enchanted Yuaneng equipment cannot even be sold for 3 million on the market.

And they invested all their money in this!

The next day.

With Mayu's two chances all failed, the three of them sat on the street in despair, crying bitterly.

The three fists together could not even sell for 10 million. If they returned to China like this, not only would they die, but their relatives might also be affected!

"It's all your fault! It's all your fault!"

Bei Sheng couldn't stand the accusation, his eyes turned black and he fainted.

In the room.

Su Mu put down the communicator and walked to the window to look into the distance.

"This leaves a lot of time!"

A super-large auction with up to 20,000 people inevitably gave rise to some other thoughts.

Especially since he was skeptical about the Yuanneng equipment, he had seen through Bei Sheng's hidden thoughts as early as the day of the auction.

Later, with the help of the Yu family's power and connections, and with Ilana's help, he successfully pitted the three of them to lose all their money, and at the same time made the Tulang tribe earn a lot of money.

Yu Yourong looked at the back in disbelief, her eyes sparkling.

This man is so handsome!

"Why? Why are you sure they will become like this?"


Su Mu smiled faintly.

"Bei Sheng, the information contains his upbringing and later resume. He is middle-aged, but he has experienced nearly thirty years of natural disasters and man-made disasters in Jingfu Country. Naturally, he understands that money is hard to come by. When facing unverified things like Yuanneng equipment, he will definitely be more cautious!"

"Well——Everyone has the mentality of gambling, and the more critical the moment, the more addicted to gambling!"

"They will definitely convince themselves that they will succeed!"

Yu Yourong nodded thoughtfully.

"Human greed is just like this!"

After a burst of exclamations, Yu Yourong's face flushed.

"For example, I am very greedy for your body!"

"Wait a minute... It's daytime now, ah—— woo woo woo!"


Forget it——

Yu Yourong gave up resistance and began to ask for and enjoy.

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