Everyone: Level 0 Start Enhanced 18th Style Blade Jakka

Chapter 399: Reconnaissance Team, Destroy the Core Factory (1/2)

Chapter 399 Reconnaissance team, destroying the core factory

Replace all the people?

Ilana walked back and forth in the team of magic-made people.

The familiar faces made her feel a little fear.

"They are all employees of World Snake, um... I remember they are from the technical department and the export group."

Youlin also took out a 70% to 80% new World Snake uniform from the box in the corner.

There is no doubt that Ilana's words are confirmed.

The three of them looked around. There were tens of thousands of unactivated magic-made people in this warehouse displaying magic-made people.

The uniforms found included many companies and institutions in Guihai City, and even employees of the Yu Family Group.

"It seems that the other party is planning to replace the pillars!"

This speculation is based on all the current intelligence and is the most reasonable inference.

As we all know, Guihai City, as a coastal metropolis of Huaxia, is a city with considerable international reputation.

Whether it is business or many other aspects, Guihai City can bring considerable benefits to Huaxia every year.

Because of this, the position of the guardian will always be held by experienced guardians.

Whether it is Chen Gaozhang before or Yu Qianshan now.

When they were young, they were all excellent professionals who had experienced many major events and performed extremely well.

As a super city with a population ranking in the top five in the country, although there are many professionals in Guihai City, it can be said that there are good and bad people.

Professionals with good strength have their own arrangements.

Either completing tasks or executing commissions, it is impossible to stay in the city all the time.

Most of them are Buddhist professionals who have the strength of professionals but have long chosen to give up upgrading.

The daily work is to hunt monsters in the surrounding areas and exchange materials for money.

You can also have a better life than ordinary people.

Although I don’t know how the Millennium Earl completed the research, one thing is very certain.

That is, the behavior patterns of these demon-made people can reach a similarity of more than 8 points with the real individuals they play!

If they are not close relatives, they can’t be recognized at all.

What's more, there are substitutes for the demon-made people that are comparable to the original body, and few people can find them.

Of course, in this prosperous metropolis, if one or two people die or disappear silently, as long as a substitute can be put in place in the first time, it will not arouse any suspicion!

In the long run, except for those professionals with top strength in Guihai City, all the weak ones will become demon-made people!

Once a war breaks out, Guihai City, a metropolitan city with a large amount of supplies and an excellent strategic location, will fall in an instant.

In the end, all the demon-made people will be killed, and the fall of a metropolis is inevitable.

Su Mu took a breath.

Anticipating this terrible result, he couldn't help but sigh at the generosity of the demons.

Compared with this, the previous fight in the Wujian Fire Region was at best a small fight.

The danger of the arrival of aliens has never been eliminated.

The war and game with the heavens and planes are also going on every moment.

"I guess there are many such manufacturing plants in the surrounding area."

Su Mu's speculation was agreed by Ilana and Yulin.

If only this project is running, it is impossible to produce all the magic-made people in a short time.

And the most likely scenario is.

The production speed of the magic-made people cannot catch up with the aging events of the target units.

Many elderly people may die of old age if they are delayed a little.

What should the corresponding magic-made people do at that time?

The three checked all the locations several times and found that this was an unmanned terminal.

After leaving a simple mark, they chose to leave and did not intend to alert the enemy.

Fully unfold the Eye of All Knowledge and Wave Perception, and there are endless wave ripples. Although Su Mu is only a level 63 professional now, he has more terrible waves than many god-level strongmen who have entered the realm of God.

With Su Mu as the center, there are waves that can reach a range of more than 80 miles.

Use the diffusion of waves to conduct a rough search, and then use the Eye of Thousand Senses to conduct a detailed investigation.

Finally, 7 more operating demon-made factories were found.

Ilana originally planned to act separately with the three of them. Su Mu chose to refuse because he had seen the performance of demon-made people.

Once the activation command appears, all the demon-made people in a single factory will self-destruct. Maybe Ilana and Yulin will be seriously injured or even die.

Automatic terminal factories are of no value.

What really needs to be found is the core factory that controls the terminal.

And Su Mu judged that the core factory must be guarded by demons with good strength.

In the depths of the mountains 300 kilometers away from Guihai City, the three saw the core factory in a secret formation.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"It would be better if we said yes instead of yes?"

Facing the sudden appearance of the professional team, Ilana raised her eyebrows and said coldly.

"Uh, sorry."

The strength of this professional team is around level 58.

The badge on his chest could be vaguely seen, which belonged to the Guardian Building of Yu Jiangshan.

"Are you from the Guardian Building?"

"Yes, you?"

Su Mu simply told what he saw and heard, and the leading professional was slightly stunned.

This elite professional team is the detection team of the Guardian Building.

It is mainly responsible for detecting the surrounding areas of Guihai City, including marking and clarifying dangerous factors that may cause riots.

After confirming Su Mu's identity as a guardian, the man's face was full of shock, but he became much more honest.

He revealed a lot of useful information.

For example, about the factory that suddenly appeared, several huge formations around Guihai City...

"What's your name?"

"Guihai Guardian Building, Detection Team 3, Captain Li Chong."

In fact.

During the investigation, Li Chong and his team accidentally discovered the terminal factory that produced the magic-made people.

Also when they sneaked in, they roughly guessed the purpose of the appearance of these magic-made people.

"Thanks to the guardian for your timely appearance."

There was a lot of relief in his words, and the other team members also smiled.

Although the other party was not very old, the guardian's token was real.

Now, there is no need to mobilize troops in Guihai City, but with the help of Su Mu, we can directly clean up and capture the core factory.

Su Mu has the same idea.

He believes that once so many demon-made factories and the formations surrounding Guihai City are submitted directly, it will trigger a chain reaction and uproar.

He has repeatedly attacked Huaxia, especially this time.

Su Mu couldn't think of what terrible things would be triggered.

Once the machine called the country is running, it will never stop.

"How about this... I will infiltrate first and keep in touch at any time, and you will be responsible for catching the fish that slip through the net."

"Uh, Lord Guardian, is this really okay?"

Li Chong is worried.

On the one hand, he is worried about Su Mu, and on the other hand, he is afraid of taking responsibility afterwards.

If this young guardian has problems, his captain career will almost be over.

"It doesn't matter, that's all I've decided."

"Are you afraid that there are people among them who are secretly connected to Yu Jiangtian?"

Near the core factory, Ilana suddenly asked.

"Although I have to admit, you are still very smart."

"In this respect, you are very similar to your mother!"

Su Mu joked.

"I've already said that she is not my mother!"

"Then why do you still call her mother~"

The girl who has always been sharp-tongued stared at me without saying anything.

Before delivering the sinful black soil to Mobius, Su Mu rarely heard many stories between him and Ilana.

Even after that, Ilana sometimes called her mother in a funny way.

Experiencing the intoxicating pleasure of the underground world can almost turn a normal person into a primitive animal who only knows how to pursue desires.

Anyone may be easily shocked by various desires in the underground world and lose themselves.

Of course.

This is also the fundamental reason why Yu Jiangtian can make it bigger and bigger.

The origin of the Demon-made Man Factory came from Yu Jiangtian.

The Demon-made Man Core Factory was discovered because of this.

As for how Yu Jiangtian colluded with the demons and how he gained the trust of the demons, it is still unknown.

"How do we sneak in?"

Youlin rubbed his fists and grinned.

He became more and more certain that the original choice was not wrong.

Following Su Mu is the best choice that can take into account many parties.

"Didn't I just say it? Sneak in!"

"But my sneaking skills are not very good."

Ilana shook her head and sighed why Su Mu was surrounded by such idiots who couldn't understand what she said.

Now it seems that chatting with Akaya and Altria will be more pleasant.

"The purpose of sneaking in is to be silent. You just need to kill all opponents without causing a bigger delivery when they find you."

The three sneaked in from three directions.

Su Mu chose to break in directly from the gate of the core factory.

The other two were on the left and right.

"Uh... Guardian?"

"Have you and your two friends gone in? What's the situation inside?"

Li Chong was extremely anxious and in a dilemma on the high ground not far away.

After all, the other party was a guardian, but his age made them feel unsure.

Li Chong, who was always calm, looked a little unhappy at this time.

Especially, there was no sound in the information transmitter for a long time.

"How about Captain, let's go down and take a look?"

A teammate next to him made a suggestion.

"You guys, come down, it's better to be fast."

At this time.

A relaxed voice suddenly appeared in the information transmitter.

Several figures rushed towards the core factory quickly, and kept asking about the situation through the transmitter.

In fact, they had already found out that there were many powerful demons in this factory.

With their strength, it would not only be as simple as alarming the enemy if they showed up rashly, but they would probably lose their lives.


The scene in front of them shocked them.

A team member couldn't help but murmur.

"Isn't this about infiltration?"

At the gate of the factory, black bodies burned to charcoal could be seen everywhere.

The wisps of black smoke mixed with the smell of burning made many team members feel nauseous.


This kind of infiltration is quite in the style of a strong man.

"So let's hurry up. Have they killed all the living demons?"

Li Chong's face changed, and he rushed into the door.

After seeing the shocking scene, everyone's footsteps were like lead and could not move.

A rotten and ugly body, its appearance can still be vaguely seen, but the whole body is covered with emerald green mucus, and the rotten flesh is exposed.

The white wriggling maggots are densely packed, like one white bean after another.

Despite this, this disgusting monster has a level attribute of up to 61.

Under normal circumstances, it is an existence that is absolutely unbeatable.

Good guy.

After so many years of performing reconnaissance missions, this time is the easiest.

"Guardian, have you, have you done everything?"

"This thing can't be moved for the time being, why don't you look for it too, in case I have forgotten any important clues?"

Hearing this.

Li Chong waved his hand, and all the team members rushed to the only entrance to the factory.

As soon as I walked in, I could vaguely smell a strange but extremely strong smell of blood.


Many team members subconsciously turned on the searchlights they carried with them, and in this dark factory, they could immediately see the bodies scattered evenly.

These bodies all have one common feature.

That is, they are not complete at all.

The lavender blood flowed to the cold floor and was almost dry.

Such evenly broken bodies made everyone suddenly feel a chill.

Li Chong looked at the corner and opened his mouth.

A huge demon over 4 meters long, with no wounds on its blue-red skin, but swollen like a balloon.

Obviously, it is deader than dead.

Even though the body of this demon has swelled to deformation, Li Chong still recognized it at a glance.

This is the terrible demon that they almost wiped out when they detected it before!

"So scary!"

You know, this is a monster as high as level 69!

Even if they all attacked at once, they might not be the opponent, not to mention that there were many demons around.

It was not difficult at all!

Looking at the calm appearance of the three people just now, there was not even a speck of dust on their clothes, which was enough to show that the strength of the three people was far superior to those demons!

Li Chong's eyes flickered.

He turned and issued an order to search everywhere.


The team members removed the black box in the center from the central main control machine.

"Captain, we found it! It is the device to control other factories!"

Li Chong was overjoyed.

If this thing is brought back to Haicheng, the whole Chinese country will inevitably launch a massacre of demons.

He thanked Su Mu and the other two profusely, and was even more shocked.

"Master Guardian, what is your name?"

"I will report your merits later..."

Becoming a guardian is not a worry-free job. The Guardian Club will conduct regular assessments.

The basis for judgment is the merit value.

"Su Mu."

"I don't need that merit value."

"I plan to go somewhere else. You don't have to follow me."

Looking at the three people leaving, a team member suddenly said.

"I remember that the most popular guardian of Xuanluo City some time ago was named Su Mu, right?"

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