Everyone: Level 0 Start Enhanced 18th Style Blade Jakka

Chapter 407: The Final Battle of the Demon Slayer Order! (1/2)

Chapter 407 The Demon-Slaying Order ends!

"Su Mu, the guardian of Xuanluo City, please arrive at the Lingming Restricted Area in ten days."

"According to reliable information, a large demon stronghold was found on the edge of the restricted area."

"The Guardian Club has drawn up an extermination plan. There are 10 actual guardians and 30 reserve guardians, divided into five groups to attack at the same time."

The voice coming from Xingtu's phone was clear and murderous.

With a tone that left no room for doubt, after speaking briefly, the phone was hung up.

Su Mu smiled faintly.

I didn’t expect that the Guardian Club would also be anxious.

Under normal circumstances, such a commanding tone is rarely seen.

"It seems that the overall situation on the battlefield outside the territory has been decided!"

After several provocations, the Millennium Earl finally provoked the anger of the entrenched dragon.

The murderous name of Demon Slayer Order, in the eyes of many life professionals and ordinary people, means a relatively peaceful life, but the fear of returning to war.

But from the perspective of combat and auxiliary professionals.

It is another opportunity to make a fortune and become famous.

The demon-slaying order had been issued before, followed closely by mercenaries and lone wolves from home and abroad, so excited that they came all night long.

It is equivalent to a large commission, and the settlement is still based on the head.

For demons around level 30, if you successfully kill them, you can use the materials from key parts to exchange for corresponding rewards in the professional hall.

You can get 300,000 Chinese coins for just one!

If the level is higher, the value will also increase accordingly.

Even many official professionals expressed envy.

Although according to intelligence analysis, the previous goal of the demons was to reoccupy the Wujian Fire Domain.

Based on intuition, Su Mu believed that there was an enchanter among the demons who could exert enchanting abilities at a high level.

The seemingly high-cost Yuaneng equipment with multiple enchantments may be very low cost in the demon plane... plus the demon-made human troops that can be mass-produced.

If these demon-made troops were not too weak, they would have triple-enchanted equipment.

The burst of combat power will make any country in the human alliance tremble!

Next to her, Akaya listened quietly, her beautiful eyes filled with emotion.

In an inadvertent trance, it was like returning to the ruins burned by the flames.

Now it seems more like a fateful encounter!

Among the vampires, her talent is actually not very high.

She never thought that one day she would be able to stand upright in the sun.

Unexpectedly, she could also become a high-ranking prince!

I once heard my father talk about the old castle on Blue Star where vampires gathered.

It is a well-deserved holy place in the hearts of almost every vampire on the Blue Star.

It is the dream of many vampires to be recognized and enter to attend the dinner.


Now she is the king there.

He is the prince who stands at the top of all vampires on the Blue Star.

To get to this point, it only took her less than 3 years to follow Su Mu.

Remember all the precautions Su Mu said one by one.

Since she took charge of Xuanluo City, many things that Su Mu once explained have magically lined up to be performed.

Even she found it incredible.

"...Akaya, I may be away for a longer time this time."


"I feel relieved to leave Xuanluo City to you."


Although Su Mu was not surprised by this unprecedentedly well-behaved vampire, he still touched his nose awkwardly.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

The red sky spreads red gauze covering the earth.

Today, Akaya is wearing a burgundy long skirt that just fits her slender legs with perfect lines.

A small woolen coat complements the long hair.

It is dignified and elegant, but also reveals a bit of playfulness that only girls can have.

A blush instantly appeared on her fair skin, her eyes were lowered, and her voice was whispering.

"Master, I want it."

Restricted areas are shorthand for areas where ordinary people are prohibited from entering.

As we all know, today's Blue Star, in addition to the safe areas where humans live normally, is densely populated by ferocious beasts in many other areas.

Some of these areas are inhabited by extremely terrifying beings.

And once you choose to go to war with it, it will inevitably cause a huge impact that is close to or even comparable to a natural disaster.

He marked this area in red on the map to indicate that no ordinary people were allowed to approach.

The Lingming Forbidden Zone is at the other end of the Milian Mountains.

The endless mountains are more like a barrier separating the two sides.

This is Chuanjiang City, a famous ferocious beast resource city in China.

Since the surrounding area is developed as a place to raise monsters, professionals enter it to hunt monsters and obtain experience materials and other items, and they also pay part of the fees.

These materials will be recycled as soon as possible... Under this cycle, the professional economy of Chuanjiang City is particularly developed. Well

Su Mu walked out of the teleportation array, with Youlin alone beside him.

Akaya, Artoria and Meng Kerou are now working together in a tacit understanding and have considerable experience in the Infinite Fire Domain, which is inaccessible to the strong.

During this period of time in the Infinite Fire Realm, it was not like he had done nothing.

Enchant all the energy equipment in the warehouse.

Everything below star quality is triple enchanted, and the above equipment is enchanted again after careful matching of attribute entries based on the materials on hand.

These equipments are currently on the market, and few people will spend a lot of money to buy them.

Tell Akaiya and Altria to use them as rewards and send them to the Infernals or guards.

At the same time, some guards can be expanded according to the situation.

Considering the possibility that all the demons are wearing energy equipment, Su Mu still chooses to expand the number of people.

In fact.

The powerful guardians can have their own forces in the city-states they are responsible for.

After all, these forces are also non-staff forces of Huaxia in a sense, and they will also have extremely good performance at critical moments.

What's more, the power of the three is limited after all, and there may be a scene in the future where the three of them are separated and in a hurry.

As for Yu Yourong, he is still in Guihai City. With Yu Jiangtian imprisoned in the abandoned underground kingdom, Yu Qianshan has become the fourth veteran strongman who has broken through the shackles of professionals and successfully stepped into the realm of God after Pei Chunfeng, Meng Nanguo, and Qiu Yueyuan. Uh

Although Su Mu didn't know why he chose to leave Blue Star after stepping into the realm of God.

As the acting guardian of Guihai City, he basically handed over 90% of the power to Yu Yourong.

The original business empire of the Yu family was chosen by Yu Yourong as a talented cousin, who was the operator behind the scenes.

The Tianming Group, which Ilana was in charge of, has now developed quite well.

And Lafka returned to the Arctic Icefield to temporarily help her sister Mintai stabilize the situation.

She herself is also a candidate for the tribal priest...

Along the way, Su Mu introduced Yulin.

The two went straight to the Guardian Building in the east.

As soon as they appeared, other guardians greeted them.

The spacious combat meeting room suddenly became lively.

"I've heard that you're young, Su Mu. I'm really impressed today!"

"Hahaha! That's right. I'm Lin Jianchuan, the guardian of Qingying City."

"Don't let Su Mu scare you guys!"


To be a guardian, you must be carefully selected by the Guardian Club.

And there is a rule that you can't fight each other. Facing a young man with unlimited potential like Su Mu, other guardians are eager to establish a good relationship with Su Mu.

Although the levels of the guardians are much higher than Su Mu, no one dares to look down on him.

Everyone knows that it's only a matter of time before Su Mu completes the Nine Transformations Awakening Breakthrough.

By then, he will definitely be the most trusted and relied-upon first combat force of the Guardian Club.

Other reserve-level guardians envy Su Mu, who is younger.

They have all just passed the Holy Spirit Tower Domain. So far, there is still a rumor that Su Mu, who just finished the college entrance examination, has completed the feat of passing the Holy Spirit Tower Domain.

After experiencing the perverted challenges, they are more and more suspicious of Su Mu.

What kind of strength can achieve such an achievement just after the job transfer!

Not long after.

The dark big screen lit up.

The bird's-eye view of the Lingming restricted area appeared.

A middle-aged man in a white robe walked in slowly.

"Everyone, long time no see!"

"In order to avoid that someone here doesn't know me, let me introduce myself."

"The current guardian of Longcheng, Xu Qingxiao."

Su Mu smiled helplessly.

This is obviously for himself.

Looking at the expressions of the other guardians, they are obviously old acquaintances.

"Let's not waste any more time, I will directly explain the extermination plan."

"Everyone needs to understand that this is a war, and it is an annihilation war that can leave no one alive!"

Xu Qingxiao said again after his majestic eyes swept across the faces of everyone in the room.

"It has been found that there are five altars around the large base of the demons."

"The defensive formation constructed together will immediately migrate once attacked by the demons in the central base."

"Everyone will advance in five groups and attack the altars at the same time to remove them."

"The speed of this battle must be fast. There is no need for you to hold back. Just kill the demons you find!"

"Intelligence shows that the demons seem to be conducting some kind of experiment in the base. If anyone here can find the experimental data."

"Guardians can obtain the qualification to enter the national resource secret realm, and reserve guardians can be directly promoted to powerful guardians. As for other professionals, they can choose between resources and reserve guardians."

"Do you understand what I said?"

After the words were finished, the room was silent.

Everyone was shocked.

This time, the country gave a lot!

The guardians took a breath and their eyes became extremely hot.

If it was just ordinary equipment or resource rewards, it would be commonplace for them.

You have to know that these people can become the guardians of real power, and naturally they have their own huge forces behind them, and they are also not short of equipment materials, elixir resources.

If it is the qualification to enter the national resource secret realm.

It is another matter.

That is a secret realm that is enough to supply all the resources used by the huge national machine for 3 months!

Not only will it produce various high-quality materials, but most importantly, there is a small chance that epic or mythical equipment with unique attributes will be exploded!

Previously, the Dimension Sword Saint Pei Chunfeng, who ranked first among the professionals in China, was qualified to enter the national resource secret realm once after repeatedly making meritorious contributions in the battlefield outside the domain.

Then the only Dimension Blade in the world was exploded, with epic quality and attributes comparable to myths.

Epic and mythical equipment, for the guardians, the improvement is earth-shaking.

Su Mu smiled, it seems that he must fight hard this time!

He had heard Meng Nanguo say before that if you want to produce epic or mythical equipment in the national resource secret realm, it is almost destined from the moment you enter.

If the monster pattern that appears on the microscopic map is larger and darker in color.

It is undoubtedly the case that the resources are most abundant.

Only in this case, there is a greater probability of equipment explosion.

Equipment can also be exploded in normal situations, but the probability is pitifully small.

Su Mu prefers to gain experience in the resource secret realm.

Once you pass the level, it is basically certain that he does not have to think about how to gain more experience before the realm of God.

"Now I will announce the grouping."

"... Liu Shuang and Su Mu are in the same team, responsible for Altar No. 4."


"Got it."

Su Mu looked at the woman sitting opposite him, and the other party also looked over at the same time.

A decent fur collar uniform and flamboyant dark red long hair.

Especially the eye patch on the left eye, which is particularly eye-catching.

"Brother Su Mu, please give me more advice next time!"

"Sister Liu is the one who should go easy on me!"

Although the other party has the secret technique of restraining breath, and the means of hiding information are very clever.

Under the thin wave perception, nothing can escape.

"Level 85..."

Su Mu blinked.

It seems that she is a more dangerous big sister!

The Lingming restricted area is called the restricted area.

Because there is a powerful alien race entrenched in it.

Lingming tribe.

A special race with an appearance between angels and demons.

At birth, they have basic attributes comparable to those of human professionals at level 20, and in the next two years, they can grow into an existence that is not inferior to human professionals at level 50.

Strong physique and tenacious soul.

However, they will encounter natural disasters and natural disasters at levels 50 and 100 respectively.

If they successfully pass through, they will enter the realm of God in one fell swoop, otherwise they will be wiped out.

"Brother Mu, there are about ten minutes left!"

"Fight, sister can't help you!"

Liu Shuang's voice is very pleasant.

Charming and a little smart, playful and mature.

Of course.

The sarcasm in the words can be heard by anyone.

The other people in the team also smiled unconsciously.

A level 63 professional, mixed in a team with an average level of 85, even with the identity of a guardian, it is inevitable that people will look down on him.

"Thank you sister Shuang for your concern."

Su Mu responded lightly.

On the way, Liu Shuang would taunt from time to time.


Listening to the sound coming from the headset, Liu Shuang jumped forward.

Looking to the side from the corner of her eyes.

But she found that Su Mu had completely disappeared!

When she appeared inside the altar, the demon corpse on the ground had proved that someone had been here.

The young man sat lazily on the relief in the center of the altar and said with a smile.

"Sister Shuang, you are not very good at moving!"

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