Chapter 411: Change

Su Mu didn't know what Moser got from this slash.

But he was anxious, this was true.

"Hey, what data did you get? Show it to me?"

Su Mu raised his eyebrows, but Liu Ren Ruo Huo was not idle either. The fierce dragon breaking the air slash had no cooling time, and it was fully exerted at this moment.

Every time it passed through, it would always leave a shocking scar on Moser's body.

"Aren't you going to kill me?"

"You can do it now... I don't mind."

"Huh? Is it a dead machine?"

Su Mu really wanted to know what the other party got from that slash.

"Shut up!"

The voice of incompetence and rage was soon covered by the dragon's roar.

A more powerful attack passed by, but it still had no way to deal with the fast-moving Su Mu.

No matter how fierce the attack was, it would be futile if it could not hit.

"What on earth did you use!"


Moser's roar resounded throughout the universe, but it was unable to change the status quo of being beaten.

"You didn't...get a shabby long sword?"

Su Mu suddenly stopped attacking, and instantly thought of the predecessor of Liu Ren Ruo Huo.

That was a shabby long sword that he bought with Lu Liuliu's money.

It can be said that it was a piece of junk equipment that was not even of white quality. Even a demon who focused on science like Moser could easily break it.

"No way!"

"Is it really true?"

Su Mu tried to suppress his inner smile and asked tentatively.

"How...did you know?"

"Hahaha! Man, you are so funny!"

Moser was actually very helpless.

In his plan, the magic-created human army continued to fight, so as to discover the defects and logical errors in the magic-created human design.

It was also testing the collection of talents and skills of human professionals.

The demons in Xuanluo City, as well as the demon production factory that appeared in Huaxia later, were specially prepared for this operation.

Of course.

The life and death of these demons had nothing to do with him.

The most important thing was the data!

Now that he had obtained these, only Su Mu, who was at the special level, had all the talent and skill data.

This new body was the result of Moser's years of research.

The system logic that truly had a full set of perceptions, not only the professional talents and skills, but also the equipment and its attributes that caused damage.

It was completely different from the previous Iron Giant Soldier.

It was completely different from the same equipment that the demons had previously generated. The equipment obtained from this body could be traded.

In other words.

If the attributes were explosive and the effects were amazing, they could be copied in batches!

What's more, the basic attributes of this new body were comparable to those of the demons who had entered the realm of God, and were higher than those of normal human gods!

With Su Mu's equipment and skill talents, it was equivalent to having a high-end version of Su Mu.

Based on this judgment, Moser chose to summon his most proud effort.

However, the cruel reality made him completely collapse.

He was hit by the black quality skill Raptor Breaking Sky Slash without any cooldown time, but his skill bar only had one more white quality skill called Three-stage Continuous Slash.

Both are at the two extremes of skill quality at the same time.

However, his white skill is the worst, while Su Mu uses the opposite top skill!

Moser thought that there was a problem with the system or the data collected, but unfortunately after repeated experiments and adjustments, it was finally determined that there was no problem.

This also led to a basic conclusion.

These seemingly terrifying skills are actually just garbage that is not even ordinary!

Then why did Su Mu use it to destroy the world, while he used garbage to fall to the street?

As for the one move of Liu Ren Ruohuo, it made Moser feel that his IQ of hundreds of years was rubbed back and forth on the ground.

Under normal circumstances, it is a skill attached to the weapon.

After attacking and causing damage, the body will get the complete data of the weapon.

The result is...

A katana that is as worn out as a toothpick.

In other words, Su Mu used this equipment to deal a lot of damage?

What a joke!

The data collection again and again, but the reality is even more bleak.

In a sense, Moser and this new body are not weak.

It's just that they lack effective mechanisms.

If they get a matching and harmonious innate skill mechanism, they can take off immediately.

Among all the professionals, Moser thinks Su Mu's mechanism is the most powerful.

The result is -

He obtained Su Mu's full set of skill data, including the data of Ryujin Jakka.

It's just that they have not been exposed to potential.

Moser, whose mechanism is backward, actually has a weakened combat ability.

"Okay... It seems that my guess is not wrong."

"You are no longer useful."

"Next, I will use all my strength to kill you here."

Hearing this, Moser was slightly stunned.

Then he laughed loudly.

"You are so proud of yourself!"

"You are a human professional who is not even level 70?"

"Do you know what my body is targeting? It's the god of our great demon clan!"

"That is an opponent that even you human beings who have become gods need to consider before taking action!"

"You want to kill me?"

"I'm standing here not moving, and you can kill me? What a joke!"

Ignoring Moser's yelling, Su Mu's face was indifferent and cold.

The moment the smile suddenly disappeared, a beautiful ice-blade sword appeared in his hand again.

"If I use it to kill you once, you will probably get more satisfactory equipment!"

A hand as sharp as fire.

A Hyōrin Pill in one hand.

Su Mu, who was holding a knife in both hands, suddenly felt like a god at this moment.

The body serves as a dividing line, with the left and right being the two extremes of hot and cold.

"I'll start!"

"Su Mu, you will only be my experimental subject today!"


Moser's body had a very keen perception, and at this moment, he instinctively took a few steps back.

Even he didn't know why he stepped back.

Out of biological instinct, and even more out of a self-preservation system!

"Everything in the world is turned into ashes, and the blades are like fire!"

Crimson flames suddenly wrapped around the flowing blade, and the temperature of the entire Lingming Forbidden Zone suddenly increased at this moment.

Xu Qingxiao and others who were on their way had an even more anxious look on their faces.

Even if they wanted to trigger such a vision of heaven and earth, it would be quite difficult.

What's more, Su Mu didn't even achieve the sixth awakening breakthrough.

Then this kind of terrifying vision can only come from Moser, or even an even more powerful demon master!

Thinking of this, Xu Qingxiao, Liu Shuang and others became increasingly worried.

"Where did I go? Why are my perception skills useless!"

"Mine too..."

"Maybe we can look for it based on the temperature!"

After Liu Shuang finished speaking, she felt the direction of the heat flow in the air and immediately pointed out a direction.

"Sit on the frosty sky! Hyōrinmaru!"

The moment the words fell, starting from the tip of the ice-colored blade, a milky white cold air slowly filled the whole body.

The crystal armor of ice covered the entire body at this moment. In addition to being fantastic and magnificent, there was also an indescribable ferocity and terror.

The scorching wind and the icy cold wind came at the same time.

Extreme high temperatures and terrifying low temperatures unexpectedly appeared on one person.

In the gap between the ice armor, there are raging flames.

The two swords began to unravel, and Su Mu's mind turned again.


Moser's eyes suddenly froze.

The body's vigilance has been turned to the maximum, and it appears only when it perceives a huge danger that threatens life.

The flowing blade is like fire, and it is not a layer of black material close to rust.

Instead, it shows the dark red color of the ashes that are about to be extinguished but not yet extinguished.

After being fused with the disaster weapon, Ryuken Ruohuo not only changed its normal state and initial state, but also its swastika state.

The rising temperature completely overshadowed Hyōrinmaru's temperature.


A long knife filled with cold air also appeared.

It’s Daiguren Hyōrinmaru!

Since the disaster weapon has not been fused, its own effects and attributes will be different.

"Now, I won't be polite!"

Su Mu took elegant steps and slowly walked towards Moser.

"You, don't come here!"

His heart was filled with huge fear, and he was overwhelmed by the unknown and unsolvable situation.

In this case, it is only natural for me to choose to run away.

If you just escaped without thinking, it would still be possible.

Now the future opportunities have been completely lost!


Moser's body went completely rigid.

It's like time has stopped, completely still!

The thick frost has condensed into transparent ice. No matter how strong Moser is, if there is no way to break through the time blockade, it will be in vain in the end!

It is said that within four steps, everything can be frozen.

Even time is no exception!

[Frozen Realms]!

The rising temperature can scorch everything, and there seems to be no end to this temperature.

This temperature keeps increasing over time.

"Um? "

"This is!"

Su Mu's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately showed a look of ecstasy.

Previously, after the Ryukenwakura Swastika was released, it would become the residual fire sword, and 4 new skills would be added at the same time.

That is, the four directions corresponding to southeast, northwest and northwest.

They are the Rising Sun Blade, the Ten Trillions Death Burial Formation of Fire, the Prison Clothes of the Remaining Sun, and the Ashes of Heaven and Earth.

After the fusion of disaster-level weapons, a brand-new residual fire sword was born.

The affixes have also changed.

From [Remnant Fire Sword] to [True Disaster. Residual Fire Sword].

Even this was far from surprising Su Mu.

The more important thing is .

Brand new skills have appeared!

This name is called [Disaster Broken Blade, Mid-Burning Blade Calamity]!

That is to say, it corresponds to the direction of center.

Southeast, northwest, middle, everything is available!

"Mosel, you really made me discover an incredible skill!"

"But it's just right!"

"I'll use this skill to send you on your way!"

Su Mu pondered for a moment, this was the best stage to try the limits of this new skill!

After all, the opponent is a monster with attributes beyond level 90. Although the mechanism is very poor, it is undoubtedly strong in basic attributes such as life and defense!

As if sensing Su Luo's intention, the shape of the Canhuo Tachi suddenly changed.

There were cracks like spider webs on the blade.

Then came the increase of the blade.

In each crack, there was something twisting like the essence of true fire.

It seemed that there was no flame burning, but it showed the catastrophe after the flame to the fullest.

The moment the knife pointed at Moser, Su Mu felt some extremely terrifying power filling his body!

"This is it!"

Su Mu's pupils suddenly contracted.

Then he understood the essence of this power.

It is the power equivalent to the rules!

Just like a flame burning white paper, the result is that the white paper is burned to ashes.

The flame will continue to burn on the ashes until it becomes flying ash. After there is no material that can burn, it will slowly dissipate.

This process is a phenomenon recognized by everyone.

It can also be called something like a rule.


The skill of [Disaster Broken Blade, Middle-Burning Blade Disaster] is also a similar rule power.

Being directly hit by this skill will produce a terrifying effect similar to the flame burning white paper just now.

That is, the target will continue to burn until it is burned to ashes!

It can be said that it is an absolute output skill that forcibly grants the skill of natural burning to any target individual!

And it is at the rule level!

A knife was swung out, as if it was an ordinary attack.

Xu Qingxiao, Liu Shuang and others also saw the scene of Su Mu swinging the knife at Moser.

They were naturally shocked.

Just imagine.

A lone wolf, facing a behemoth like a dinosaur, can still take the initiative to attack?

Being able to avoid damage is already precious!

But he dared to attack!

What puzzled them was that Moser did not react at all to this slow knife throughout the whole process!

Did something extraordinary happen before they arrived?

Such doubts arose in everyone's mind.

A slow and weak knife tore a hole in Moser's body.

"What kind of weak attack is this? Let's go!"

A prepared guardian couldn't help but sigh.


In the next second.

There were wisps of flames on the blade, which burst into the sky in an instant.

Then everyone saw this scene.

The area of ​​Moser's blade expanded wildly under the scorching flames. It didn't look like a terrifying opponent with basic attributes reaching the level of a god.

Instead, it was similar to an ordinary little monster.

Jumping wildly and rolling on the ground.

Using various methods to try to extinguish the flames on the blade.

Even jumped into a nearby pool of water.


Liu Shuang was shocked and her red lips opened slightly.

Her breathing became abnormally rapid.

Those seemingly ordinary flames that could be extinguished with just a little water had extremely tenacious vitality.

And even more terrifying adaptability!

In other words.

There is no way to put it out!

The tiny burning became bigger and bigger under Moser's almost crazy efforts!

In less than five minutes, Moser was just a black mummy on the ground.

He was already dead and could not be deader!

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