Everyone: Level 0 Start Enhanced 18th Style Blade Jakka

Chapter 422 This assassin is both sexy and overly voluptuous (1/2)

Chapter 422: This assassin is both coquettish and overly voluptuous.

"Dead pig, what are you talking about!"

"I'm talking to my future wife...what's the problem?"

Lu Liuliu was also not to be outdone and asked immediately with his hands on his hips.

The woman on the other side of the ring looked normal, but she unconsciously tightened her grip on the whip.

"Don't even look at what you look like!"

"That's Wu Qingmin, you fat guy, be careful you get whipped to death!"

"How ignorant must you be to have never heard of Wu Qingmin's super bondage... You can also watch the scene where Loli beats the fat pig, so it's worth it!"


The audience in the audience all sneered at Lu Liuliu's shamelessness.

Just because you have no shame, you call someone else's wife when you come up?

"Tch! What do you people know? Who dies without a handful of faces?"

"People come up to me and want to fight me. What does that mean?"

"This is love——"

Everyone felt nauseated.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case.

Why did he choose this fat guy as his opponent?

Although Wu Qingmin is not as big as the mountain-like Lu Liuliu, his size is very different.

In fact, the auras they exude are completely opposite.

Especially after Lu Liuliu revealed the equipment he was wearing, the two looked even more shabby in comparison.

Lu Liuliu, who was full of flesh and looked like a black pig standing up, has added a bit of greasy air in recent years, while Wu Qingmin, who stood opposite him, was petite and lovely with a hot body.

Even Wu Hongfeng, the veteran guardian on the high stand, couldn't help but be amazed in his heart.

He thought, this excellent junior of his family, could it be that he is really like what the fat guy said...

"No, no, no, how could this be possible!"

"I must have thought too much... Minmin, quickly end this meaningless battle!"

Wu Qingmin nodded towards the high platform and waved the long whip in his hand at the same time.

Silently, the long whip was like a swimming dragon.

Although there was no sonic boom, everyone present could see that Wu Qingmin's whip was of a high standard.

"Minmin has practiced in the Wild Secret Realm for two and a half years, so it's easy for her to catch such a person!"

After seeing Chu Tiange's defeat, Wu Hongfeng couldn't help but sneer in his heart, and his tone when introducing him seemed extremely proud.

After all, he is also a priest of the indigenous people of the resource plane, so he always has some unseen means.

It's ridiculous that Chu Tiange claims to be an elite and dares to mock publicly... Wu Hongfeng can foresee that Chu Tiange will not appear on the club's recruitment list in recent years.

And Chu He will most likely have to publicly review and reflect on his mistakes in the future.

As a veteran guardian, the words and deeds of the family behind him are equally important!

It's a pity that Chu He's operation was completely wasted because of a sentence.

Wu Hongfeng thought that this was a bargain for himself. He had not planned to let Wu Qingmin enter the club now.

Now it seems that he got a chance in vain!


The long whip made a dull but crisp sound, accompanied by Lu Liuliu's ecstatic expression and disgusting moans.

Those who saw this scene undoubtedly felt that their eyes were insulted.

It hurt the heart more than seeing something unclean!

"This guy... his heart is still so dirty!"

Su Mu looked at the stormy whipping scene on the stage and was not worried.

Even he had to rely on the effect of the equipment to cause damage to Lu Liuliu.

As long as he didn't encounter an attack-specialized professional like Lu Xueying who was specifically good at dodging, Lu Liuliu would never lose even if he couldn't defeat him.

It must be admitted that Wu Qingmin's skills are superb. Like Chu Tiange, he is an elite professional.

A remarkable attack, for a man whose dodging is equivalent to 100%, will have no meaning if it can't hit.

"Master, your friend... I can't seem to beat him at the moment."

"Well, he doesn't want to beat me either."

Rafka gently stepped forward and said.

Mintai next to him smiled immediately.

"Sister, why don't you just use control skills? Then as long as you don't stop attacking, there will definitely be a chance!"

"For example..."

Hearing Mintai's various methods, including Ilana, their expressions became strange.

The seemingly innocent little white rabbit, this change of style is really unexpected!

Under continuous whipping, Lu Liuliu flirted, but did not move at all.

Instead, many people suffered a lot of mental damage.

"Hum... Let's see how long you can dodge!"

"Viper bite!"

The straight long whip suddenly became like a venomous snake, winding and unpredictable.


It fell from above without bias, hitting the top of the head accurately.

"You still...ah!"

Wu Qingmin screamed unexpectedly, and her originally indifferent pretty face also wore a mask of pain.

"Oh, my future wife, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you injured? Let me see..."

Lu Liuliu took a step, and the whole alloy arena began to shake.

"Don't come over here!"

"How can that be? Don't forget we are still dueling!"

The many professionals present were slightly stunned, and immediately knew the reason.

The gazes towards Lu Liuliu were a little different.

There are not many professionals who take the evasive route. Huaxia's huge population base has created many professionals, and their different ideas have also evolved quite a lot of career routes.

Among them is the human shield assistant who specializes in evasion.

Relying on the high dodge attribute value, the main thing every time is to pull monsters to attract hatred.

What's more, their own defense and life are also not low.

Even if the dodge fails and is attacked, life will not be endangered at all.

But the Shadow Assassin in front of him is actually the squishy profession with the lowest HP, and his dodge can also cause damage!

As the young area where Wu Hongfeng, the veteran guardian Wu Hongfeng, focuses on training, Wu Qingmin has almost all-round countermeasures.

That is to say.

She also has skills that can restrain dodge professionals.

There just aren’t many of them.

Just like the viper bite just now.

Naihe had just broken the shackles of dodge and was immediately hit by a counterattack!

And judging from the way Lu Liuliu was jumping around, it was most likely that he was not injured and then returned all the damage and pain he received with his skill!

Of course, there was another terrifying fact that shocked many people present.

After so many blows, he didn't even get a real hit?

"Ah, ah, I really like you more and more like this..."

Wu Qingmin jumped up and waved the long whip in her hand again. The misses one after another in front of her eyes almost made her extremely desperate.

When her eyes touched that greasy face, she became increasingly panicked.

"Perhaps the first blow will cause back damage, but the second blow will have an effect?"

There is no way she has perfect talents and skills, there must be some way to restrain them.

From her indifference when she took the stage, she was filled with confidence.

The other female professionals must be extremely strong, but the only boy looked like he was not very powerful, so he couldn't wait to get into the alloy ring.

At this moment, Wu Qingmin felt the tension and oppression in his heart that he only felt when facing a huge monster.

He immediately gritted his teeth and his long whip was suddenly burned red by the flames.

"I don't believe it!"

"Adder bites, hydra!"

When the wrist shakes slightly, the long whip splits into nine heads.

The extremely fast whip shadow bit Lu Liuliu from all directions.

This is the only skill Wu Qingmin possesses that can invalidate the dodge attribute.

It is a single-target pointing skill, and it is also mentioned in the description of the skill book that the hit rate after using the skill is 100%!

At this moment, she had no longer thought of winning easily before, and was carefully testing Lu Liuliu's talent mechanism.

That is to say, he is treated as a lord.

The splitting whip shadow instantly hits key parts of the obese body, including even the most deadly and sensitive parts of a man's body.

As expected, miss never appeared again.

The scene where nine blood flowers shot out and the alloy arena was dyed red did indeed appear.

It's a pity that it's Wu Qingmin himself.

"Oh ho ho ho..."

"Madam, do you think you can make your husband feel heartbroken for you in this way?"

"Shallow woman!"

"It seems necessary to let you know my depth. "

Everyone was stunned when they witnessed this scene.

There were 9 pierced wounds on the delicate body, and blood was pouring out.

Wu Qingmin's eyes were dull and gloomy, with an expression that was ruined, and his delicate body could not stop trembling.

"Madam, what's wrong with you?"

"Who made you cum all over your body?"

"Who can kill with a thousand swords!"

"Don't worry, madam, I don't have any other bad habits..."

The sound like mosquitoes and flies filled his ears. How could Wu Hongfeng dare to let the fight continue? As soon as he surrendered, Wu Qingmin was sent off the ring by Lu Liuliu like a baby.

Sun Tianrao sighed helplessly.

"Su Mu, are the remaining four people the same as them?"

"It's almost right. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

He looked at the other veteran guardians beside him and smiled bitterly.

"Everyone, do you still want your juniors to fight them?"



He was answered with endless silence.

Fight a ghost!

All of them are professionals who are particularly outstanding in certain aspects. How to defeat them?

"Do you have any objections to the candidates participating in the national resource war this time?"

The response was also silence.

"Okay, now, on behalf of the Guardian Club, I officially appoint Su Mu to lead Lu Liuliu, Lafka, Mintai, Lu Xueying, Yilana, and Meng Kerou to participate in the national resource war to be held in half a month!"

Along with the applause, the expression on the face of the veteran guardian was dark and unreadable.

Su Mu was stunned for a moment, looked at Sun Tianrao in confusion, and thought to himself: "I obviously didn't tell anyone else's name, how could he know it?"

Everything settled, and the six people moved into the club's temporary room.

In the following time, a dedicated person will receive you and meet your needs such as equipment and consumables.

The night before departure.

Su Mu came to Sun Tianrao's room.

Simple and simple style, there is nothing superfluous except normal furniture.

It’s hard to imagine that this is the place where the veteran guardians of China live every day.

"Come on, sit down."

"Don't blame me, old man, for talking too much. This time you are going against most people!"

"So the results of this national resource war must be good."

After pouring the tea, Sun Tianrao was like a dead tree, as calm as an old monk in meditation.

"Among those who are disobeying you?"

"Me? Haha, Su Mu, you think too highly of me."

"I am just a professional who is temporarily in a high position and exercises the power of this position... But you, who have just won the seat of the elders, dare to be so arrogant. Aren't you afraid that others will trip you up?"

"When people get old, they always like to speak in this tone. This world has never been straightforward. It is mixed with many considerations of human relationships and worldly affairs. This is the same as if you want people to work for you, you always have to give corresponding benefits."

"If you want the horse to run and the horse to obey, just listen and see, don't take it seriously."

"You and your friends are indeed outstanding in ability. It is understandable to take them with you in the national resource war, but it is inevitable that 'one person's success will bring chickens and dogs to rise'."

"Those people may not obey you. Even if they cannot disobey you for the time being, they will go their separate ways sooner or later without common interests and goals."

"If I don't stab you at that time, it will be considered as mercy!"

Su Mu nodded and did not refute.

He had seen all the evils of this world in the black soil of sin.

He also had memories from the saints, so he could understand the good intentions of Sun Tianrao's words.

"But... I know roughly what level my descendants and their descendants are at."

"I feel more at ease leaving the national resource war to you."

Although he had guessed Sun Tianrao's thoughts a long time ago, Su Mu still couldn't help but smile.

This old fox-like guy was entangled in many worldly chains and shackles, and the interests of all parties had to be satisfied.

He had to do it... In fact, he was more like someone who could directly break this pool of water.

"Don't laugh, kid!"

"I remember the account of establishing my family's prestige without permission. How do you plan to compensate me later?"

Su Mu was stunned immediately.

Then two people laughed from the room.

The opening of the national resource war was not as grand and gorgeous as expected.

Hosted by the Human Alliance, the Professional Temple, as a judge who is independent of the human countries, handles many related matters.

When Su Mu and the other seven appeared, they were wearing uniforms with the Chinese emblem, which immediately attracted the attention of all parties.

As a rival to the Free Country, every national resource war is almost a competition between two behemoths.

After several wins and losses, neither side has ever gained a truly overwhelming advantage.

"Hello, is this Mr. Su Mu?"

"Hello, who are you?"

The blond young man who greeted was slender and had a pair of sapphire blue clear and flawless eyes. Although he did not show any momentum, his every move secretly conformed to a certain rhythm.

"Let me introduce myself, Gretel Dorian, the leader of the Lieyang Islands team."

"Thank you for coming to help us successfully reverse the situation. I and the remaining six will be your powerful teammates."

The voice was sonorous and powerful, and immediately made the teams of many countries present change their faces.

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