Everyone: Level 0 Start Enhanced 18th Style Blade Jakka

Chapter 83: Dark Elf Kingdom's big move, Shinsengumi assassination in progress


In layman's terms, it is to add a new effect or mechanism to equipment or items through this operation.

Under the current professional rules, except for titles and those clearly marked as not enchantable, all equipment can be enchanted.

As we all know.

If you want to improve your strength, strengthening and enchanting are the two most direct and crude ways.

However, there are obvious differences between the two.

Through strengthening, you can improve attributes, while enchanting can give new mechanism effects or improve the original effects of equipment.

There is also a common point between the two.

That is, there is a chance of failure!

If strengthening fails, the strengthening level will drop to zero at the least, and the equipment will be directly broken at the worst.

In comparison.

Enchanting does not need to worry about equipment damage. In case of failure, the enchanted cards and many auxiliary materials will be completely lost.

Most professionals still choose enchanting as their first reaction between strengthening and enchanting.

Even so, the price of enchantment cards is comparable to that of skill books of the same quality, or even more expensive. At this time, an enchanter with sufficient experience is needed.

As a result, the status of those with enchanting talents has been elevated, and famous enchanters have terrifying power behind them.

As for the enhancer——

If Kelly was not a street NPC, the grass on the grave would have changed tens of thousands of times, right?

The notice posted by the sturdy dark elf female guard clearly stated that a large sum of money was sincerely invited to invite experienced enchanters. Combined with the information obtained from the drunk big sister, it must be the big man with a high status.

In this way, it is a great opportunity sent by God!

However, it is too cheap to be delivered so easily?

What's more, the notice clearly stated that all enchanters who have registered will be gathered in one place in three days and selected from the best.

After finding the guard to register, Su Mu left the dark elf's residence.

When he walked outside the villa, Su Mu saw a cute pink small sports car in the parking lot, and knew that there were guests at home.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Yu Qianshan and Yu Yourong drinking tea, and looked at Akaya, who left obediently.

"…Since you are Yourong's future classmate, I will call you by your name."

Yu Qianshan is indeed the richest man in the Southeast District. He is well versed in the art of speaking. In just a few words, he has brought himself and Su Mu closer.

"Yourong heard that you returned to Canglan City, so she dragged me here!"

Su Mu smiled lightly, and when she looked at Yu Yourong, the girl shyly buried her head in the deep valley.

"Haha! Why are you so shy now? Su Mu, in fact, my granddaughter looks quirky, but she is actually very shy. That's right, when school starts, I want to go with you, but I can't save face, so I can only say it!"

While speaking, Yu Yourong raised her head slightly and observed the changes in Su Mu's expression. Seeing that she was not unhappy, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"It doesn't matter to me, as long as you don't feel troubled by it!"

Tasting a sip of tea, Yu Qianshan's own strength is comparable to Meng Nanguo's, and he can naturally see the changes in Su Mu before and after. He narrowed his eyes and was secretly shocked.

He had investigated Su Mu's information.

The speed of growth can almost be described as terrifying. It has only been more than 40 days since he graduated from high school. He is like a roc riding the wind, flying 30,000 miles a day. Now even he can't estimate where the future of the boy in front of him will end.

Yu Qianshan's conversation is humorous and funny, and he often says a few jokes that only men can understand. At the end of the chat, Yu Qianshan has become a close friend with Su Mu...

After waiting for a few days, Su Mu wanted to call Lu Liuliu and Shen Youshuang, but he called them and learned that they had set out to level up after the city's luck battle.

After returning from Lu's house, holding the crystallization of his good brother's years of appreciation, he was very moved.

Su Mu didn't expect Lu Liuliu to give him the resources he regarded as treasures as a birthday gift. At this time, Akaiya curiously poked her head over and saw Su Mu's sentimental look, and immediately inserted it into the player.


Once again, she realized that the true meaning of life was thousands of times richer than what she accidentally discovered in the couple's hotel, as if the door to a new world was opened instantly.

In short.

Akaiya loves to learn.

Three days passed too quickly.

When she came to the dark elf station again, she found that many enchanters had already gathered at the door.

The dark elves chose to embrace dark magic and separated from the original elf group. Most of them were warriors, archers, mages and assassins. Although there were also life professionals such as enhanced enchantment, the overall level was not high.

This is also the reason why they chose to come to Canglan City nearby.

Of course, because of this, the reward is particularly high!

Otherwise, there would not be dozens of enchanters coming.

Many dark elf guards surrounded a tall woman with short silver hair and announced the rules of the selection.

In simple terms.

In order to ensure the best of the best, the dark elves will provide exactly the same equipment and enchantment cards, and decide whether to keep them based on the final enchantment effect.

And so on, until the last person is left.

Su Mu was secretly surprised. Regardless of their abilities, there were at least sixty or seventy enchanters present. Simply selecting an enchanter would cost tens of millions!

This is enough to show that the total value of the enchantments required in the end is hundreds of millions!

With the skill [Super God Enchantment], Su Mu easily followed the short-haired woman into the depths of the settlement under the envious eyes of everyone.

At the same time.

Outside the Dark Elf Station, several eyes watched Su Mu's back disappear into the depths of the porch, and then used a secret device to send a text message.

"Very good! We have indeed grasped Su Mu's whereabouts, and the rest is to consider when to act!"

The leader of the Shinsengumi who led the team to sneak into Canglan to carry out the assassination mission was not tall, with a shiny head and a circle of black. His name was Meichuan Qiuyi, a five-star ninja who successfully completed the eighth transformation!

In addition to him, there were 88 people, half of whom were third-transformation professionals, and the other half were fourth-transformation professionals.

Such a force was dispatched only to completely wipe out this genius who could be ranked in the history of China.

"Captain Meichuan, this Su Mu is now in the Dark Elf Station. Should we rush in and kill him directly!"

"The Dark Elf Station must not be acted rashly. Any reckless behavior will only embarrass Team Leader Sanada! When he returns to the villa, we will kill him under the nose of Mengnan Country!"

Meichuan Qiuyi is very confident.

Even if Su Mu's home is close to the city's guardian Meng Nanguo, what can he do?

Although he cannot compete with Meng Nanguo, it is no problem to stop him for 30 minutes.

88 well-trained professional killers, are they afraid of not being able to kill a boy who is not even a third turn?

He wants to use this blatant way to completely crush Meng Nanguo's strong heart!

"…By the way, it seems that the people from the Special High Technology Department have also come here."

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Meichuan Qiuyi grinned and issued orders one by one, waiting for Su Mu to return to the villa, and the assassination operation will begin!

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