Everyone: Level 0 Start Enhanced 18th Style Blade Jakka

Chapter 9 The Dean of Academic Affairs has a meeting with you. Please don’t delay Youshuang any long

My hometown is Zuan.

In addition to claiming to be the "Zuan liberal arts champion", he can easily make people suspect that he is autistic.

Lu Liuliu is actually a very nice person.

The raging heat wave hit, and I collapsed on the ground covered in sweat, crying and singing the very popular song "Sleep on My Bottom Bunk, Uh Brother" during the graduation season.

Underneath the cry, there was even more sadness.

"...In the next life, you will be reincarnated. No matter how ugly you are, as long as you are a woman, I, Lu Liuliu, will definitely marry you and let you live without worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life, woo woo woo!"

As he spoke, he picked up gravel and built a simple small grave for his good brother who was burned to ashes.

"Hey, Liuliu, who are you building a grave for?"

"Who else could it be? Su Mu, the old man who passed away and died... Hmm!"

Lu Liuliu turned his head.


"Damn it! I must have missed you so much that I attracted Hun'er by singing and talking!"

Lu Liuliu sweat broke out on his forehead and he knelt down directly to Su Mu.

"Brother Mu, no, Grandpa Mu, I know it's uneasy for you to leave. Don't worry, as long as you go with peace of mind, I will definitely burn incense for you every year on your death anniversary!"

"Man and ghost have different paths. I know you miss me, but I haven't lost my virginity yet! As long as you don't take me away, my son's name will be Su Mu!"

Looking at the panic-stricken fat man who was speaking indiscriminately and frightened, Su Mu couldn't help laughing.

A few seconds passed, and Lu Liuliu also realized something. The wild boar flying almost fell to Su Mu. Fortunately, Su Mu had already exercised and caught it steadily.

Let’s just say, with this waist strength, can’t we play and sing all night long?

"Su Mu, give me your fucking life!"

"Nonsense, if I die, do you still plan to make me your son?"

Lu Liuliu smiled awkwardly, then thought of something, and shouted that Su Mu should return the head he kowtowed to intact.

The noise attracted the attention of many people. When they heard that Su Mu had returned from the dark forest, they were all surprised and sighed at Su Mu's good luck.

As a life professional, entering the dark jungle is a narrow escape. With the regional BOSS coming, there is no possibility of survival.

The two reunited did not notice the vicious eyes hidden in the crowd.

"That bitch Shen Youshuang was rescued, why can you come back? How come the frost dragon and the fire didn't kill you!"

The fingerprints on his face were particularly clear, and they still hurt after such a long time.

Qin Yu was trained as the future successor of the Red Wolf Guild since he was a child. He was condescended to attend Qixing Middle School, and he even stood out from the crowd.

After being dumped first and then slapped twice in succession, Qin Yu stared at Su Mu, wishing that he would die immediately.

"Su Mu? Can you please come over here? Teacher Wang, the academic director, is looking for you."

Lin Wei, the head teacher, shouted softly.

When Su Mu came into contact with Lin Wei's gaze, she felt an unprecedented indifference, even more so than yesterday in the infirmary.

In my mind, I was still used to the slow-talking and gentle head teacher. Compared with now, he was completely different.

"Go in."

From beginning to end, Lin Wei never looked at Su Mu.

Su Mu had already thought of these, so he was not surprised.

"Classmate Su, long time no see."

As soon as he entered the door, Su Mu noticed that the atmosphere in the room was unusually heavy. The academic dean, who was once amiable to him, was standing in front of the window with his back to him, and he had just lit a cigarette in his hand.

The corners of his mouth curved, and Su Mu exhaled.

"Teacher Wang, if you have anything to say, just tell me directly, no need to beat around the bush."


Unexpectedly, Su Mu would go straight to the point at the beginning. After looking slightly startled, he immediately put out the cigarette butt.

"Student Su, you were the pride of Qixing Middle School. Teacher Lin and I have high hopes for you. I think you should know. I am talking to you today not only for yourself, but also for the school and for another person." future!"

At this point, Su Mu already understood.

It's for Shen Youshuang.

I think it should be that guy Qin Yu.

"Teacher Wang, what do you want me to do?"

Su Mu's expression was calm, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

"Leave classmate Shen Youshuang. I know that you had a good relationship in the orphanage before, but you should also understand that after yesterday, the gap between you will only become wider and wider!"

"Youshuang cares about you very much. If you are here, it will only affect her upgrade, and it will also affect her college entrance examination results!"

"How can you bear it!"

Su Mu sneered and was about to speak, but the other end had lost patience.

"Su Mu, I was just thinking about the three-year teacher-student friendship before I was wasting my time with you. Don't forget, you are just an equipment master. If you still want to stay by Youshuang's side, don't blame me. Teacher He Lin had to use some extraordinary measures for the future of the school and Shen Youshuang's future. "

Su Mu, who lives a professional life, has never experienced the so-called teacher-student friendship since the job transfer ceremony.

The choice made after weighing the pros and cons is cold-blooded but normal.

After yawning, Su Mu said coldly:

"Teacher Wang, what I do has nothing to do with you or the school, right? As for the extraordinary methods you mentioned, I would like to experience it if I have the opportunity."

After that, he turned around and walked out of the room.

The dean was left punching the wall, extremely angry.

What are you pulling at?

If it were not for the military garrison here and it would be difficult for ordinary people to do anything in public, they would just kill them, and at worst they would have to pay a fine.

This is a society of professionals, did you think it was before?

If he really dared to contact Shen Youshuang again, he would be doomed!

"Hehe, you are indeed my Brother Mu, you dare to talk to the dean of academic affairs like this!"

Su Mu was noncommittal.

No one would take a leisurely look at the attribute panel of a mediocre life occupation, and naturally no one would find out that Su Mu had reached the upper limit of level 18.

The three years of teaching at Qixing Middle School have just separated the relationship.

Su Mu didn't mind if he really dared to play later.

After finding out where Shen Youshuang was, Su Mu and Lu Liuliu immediately came to the medical tent and saw the doctor doing various examinations on her.

After all the inspections were completed, Shen Youshuang looked at the smiling two people with some embarrassment, secretly angry.

"By the way, this is for you."

Su Mu took out [Heart of the Ice Dragon - Yubing Luochen] from the storage space. As soon as the temperature around her suddenly dropped, Shen Youshuang's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

I took the staff and couldn't put it down.

Lu Liuliu stared at it, as if he was seeing a ghost!

Damn it is a diamond-level staff. Although it is only level 15, at this sensitive time of the college entrance examination, it costs at least 20 million!

When did Su Mu become so rich?

Could it be that this kid was pretending to be poor before?

No no no!

If that was the case, how could Su Mu ask him to borrow money to buy that broken sword in the first place!

"Oh, by the way, Youshuang, I want to tell you something."

"Huh? What?"

This was the first time Su Mu gave her a gift. Before she could recover from the excitement and joy, Shen Youshuang spoke in an extremely gentle voice, which made Lu Liuliu next to her sigh repeatedly!

The gap between humans is greater than the gap between humans and dogs!

"Dragon meat is bitter and sour. It doesn't taste good!"

Nani Nani?

Dragon meat?

What is going on!

Lu Liuliu was completely confused.

Not far away.

Lin Wei, the head teacher, hid aside and looked carefully, wondering what good things Su Mu could give.


"My day! Diamond outfit?"

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