Everyone: Level 0 Start Enhanced 18th Style Blade Jakka

Chapter 96 The fourth hammer that King Fengli didn't expect! Nitta Teruko will never give up

"Elite: 12 minutes 49 seconds 44"

"Lord: 15 minutes 05 seconds 21"

Just like how Su Mu won the time-limited challenge on behalf of Canglan City.

I'll go first.

Then, you can do whatever you want.

The two terrifying clearance records made Sobedo, Pedana and others breathless.

I can't figure it out.

I can't understand it.

All the dark elves present fixed their eyes on the rock wall and couldn't move away.

This can no longer be described as a surprise, it is a shocking world-shaking shock!

The other three looked ashen, especially Nitta Teruko, who had come to this point with the heart of changing her fate. These two mountains are the gaps that she will never be able to cross in her life!

Is this the so-called fate?

Seeing Sobedo coming with four potions in his hand, Nitta Teruko's eyes flashed with a look of determination.

If she accepted her fate, perhaps she would now be the plaything of a certain clan member, or she might become a reproductive machine in a sense, and a mother's status would be based on her son.

Never yield to fate!

You know, the hymn of humanity is the hymn of courage!

Changing fate is just around the corner, and we will never miss any opportunity!

After learning about the effect of the secret medicine, Huizi was more decisive than Pedana.

The four of them took it one after another, and after checking the attribute panel, they were full of confidence. They had no way back.

"Feel the grace of the lonely king!"

The lonely king Fengli glanced at the four intruders in front of him with a majestic look, and his whole body burst out with infinite momentum.

At this moment!

The size of the sledgehammer in his hand increased several times.

With a solemn expression, the four people began to count down in their hearts.

It was the most terrifying full-range skill of the lonely king Fengli, commonly known as smashing the floor.

Swing the sledgehammer three times to hit the ground, causing damage to all enemies on the ground and 100% entering a dizzy state. Next is the lonely king Fengli's pursuit skill...

In lord mode, as long as you are dizzy, you will be killed instantly.

Fortunately, these mechanisms have been well known.


The first hammer.

Pedan and the others smiled and jumped high when they hit the ground.


"Give it to me!"

The second hammer fell.

With a smile on her face, Pedan even made a face at Feng Li in the air.

After mastering the mechanism, it doesn't matter if you are a mad dog hitting the floor, isn't it easy to play?

"Kneel down!"

The huge shock wave spread, setting off a storm visible to the naked eye. The four people were unstable and fell to the ground.

"Go to hell!"

The fourth hammer? ! !


After returning to the room, Su Mu stretched his waist, and then smiled and looked at Akaya, "Akaya, come on, it's time for me to fulfill my promise, take it off~"


For some reason, Akaya exhaled, and her dress burst directly. Under her beautiful and graceful body, the stars were annihilated, and the sun and the moon were dim.


"Ah! My Aka, I mean to enchant your equipment, not to, oh, no, you, don't move!"

In short, in a room full of exotic atmosphere, after things come to a brief end, proper exercise will not have much impact.

Night falls.

After quite detailed exploration and research.

Finally, the part suitable for enchantment is determined.

Su Mu took over an exquisite bracelet made of blood-colored metal, and the crystal clear red spider lily is particularly conspicuous.

[Legend. Bloody Return] (treasure)

Attributes: Strength +230, Intelligence +270, Life +50000, Abnormal State Resistance +50


[Fantasy of the Other Shore]: When using skills, 50% of the consumed magic power will deduct the corresponding life value, and 100% increase bleeding after causing damage to the target

Introduction: The source of blood, the red spider lily blooms, come with blood, and return to see the flowers

Tsk tsk tsk!

I thought that if I had good equipment, I would just change it for my lovely vampire maid. After checking it out, I found that the lowest level was diamond, and the attributes were quite suitable for Akaya's talent.

The equipment on her body perfectly highlighted one word, meat!

No wonder she is so durable... cough cough!

He took out the fallen enchantment card [Knight of the Lonely King. Light] and enchanted it without saying anything.

After many promotions, Akaya can bathe in the sun and become an invincible existence.


If she is given the title of "invincible", she is basically close to death.

Even if she overcomes the weakness of vampires being afraid of the sun, Akaya still has a fatal flaw compared to the perfect meat shield.

Holy attribute or light attribute.

Su Mu stared at the other side of the enchantment and smiled with satisfaction.

The three skills of the equipment master, [Perfect Enhancement] can improve the attributes of the equipment. As long as the materials are enough, it may be directly strengthened to 99!

Many of the equipment on his body were strengthened only when the corresponding materials were needed, especially the strengthening materials of [God's Heavenly Chain]. Maybe in the future, he would need to tie up the gods and pull off some hairs.

Of course.

It is also a good idea to keep a group of gods.

[Potential Explosion] can increase the potential of items to the limit.

It seems to have nothing to do with the original quality of the equipment. What really determines the final result is the potential of the equipment itself...

As for [Perfect Enchantment].

In addition to 100% success, the real usefulness lies in improving the effect of the enchantment card.

Although it is impossible to determine what the effect will be, after several enchantments, Su Mu has a rough judgment in his mind.

[Holy Light Blessing]: Holy attribute resistance +100, light attribute resistance +100, damage caused by these two attributes -35%

Gently put it on the sleeping Akaya, and checked the attribute panel with the Eye of All Insights. At least it was not negative.

Su Mu sighed.

The obsessive-compulsive disorder of playing games before!

One night passed.

In the next two days, the Blue Moon King City was decorated with lights and filled with joy.

It was no surprise that the next Moon Priest fell on Grandi. Even though Sobedo was the regent, he could only watch Grandi get his wish.

When Kalande put on the badge symbolizing the Moon Priest for Grandi, Pedana was not there.

In the secret prison of the Regent's Palace.

Pedana looked embarrassed, and she was uneasy when she saw the naked girl.

In order to achieve the goal, is it really necessary to do this?

"That, Huizi, I, I can't do it!"

The cold and humid air continued to erode the girl's slightly hot skin. There were still a few drops of mud on her long, straight, soft hair. She snapped her fingers lightly and the stove ignited...


I saw that Nitta Huizi took out the tools one by one from the storage space, and in the blink of an eye, the whole wooden table was filled with strange shapes and everything. Pedana's mouth twitched when she saw it.

She was really sure that this witch from the Sakura Country was not just performing the mission normally.

"Come on, Pedan! Don't forget what you promised me..."

"But, but, do we really need to use all of these things?"

"Yes, otherwise how can we convince that guy! Huizi, hurry up!"

Faced with the human girl who kept urging her, Pedan picked up a metal clip with a cold luster and a sharp and thick object. Before Huizi could introduce it, this dark elf learned it by herself...


"Am I using it correctly?"

Having said that, Huizi still trembled unconsciously when he touched Pedan's eyes that were about to awaken.


Or excited...

"Hahaha, yes, that's it, Pedan!"

In the cold and damp cell, the screams of pain and excitement were mixed with the shouts of someone who gradually discovered happiness, and the flames burned quietly...

"My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is to-"

"Defy fate and change fate! Ugh! It hurts!"

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