Several piles of white"hills".

This is the harvest. in

【Dragon tooth rice in Lingtian.

Best results!

So much production.

Enough for all soldiers and heroes in the territory.

Enjoy it.

Don't look at the experience value of only 0.01.

This unit is really grainy!

A grain of dragon tooth rice, 0.01 experience value is indeed very small. but.

What about a bowl of rice?

There are probably thousands of pills at least!

That would be a big deal. and.

This is true for three meals a day.

So how much experience is it worth?

"It is not a problem for ordinary people to eat a pound of rice with a bowl of rice."

"One pound of rice contains almost 20,000 grains of rice!"

"However, we are not ordinary people, and our appetite is much larger than ordinary people."

"But these Longya rice are not ordinary rice."

"Therefore, Yifan needs to experiment with how much he can eat."

Qin Mo's brain started spinning all of a sudden.

His eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Lord of nature, the quality of these Longya rice is very good!"

"It smells so good!"

183"Thank you for the grace of heaven and earth, I can smell the blessing she left behind!"

The little Loli cows came up curiously.

They looked at the white grains of rice and chatted with each other.

Jinzhi looked at the products taken care of by his companions.

He was extremely happy in his heart.

But when he thought of the small animals raised in the pasture.

Suddenly he felt a little disappointed.

He was outcompeted.

The little guys in the ranch.

Will they be sad?

Qin Mo touched Jin Zhi’s little head.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"Seems a little unhappy."

Jin Zhi didn't expect that the Lord of Nature had been paying attention to him.

He felt a little disappointed.

He was noticed!

He felt the concern in Qin Mo's tone.

Jin Zhi was extremely happy in his heart. His little face was pink and tender.

His eyes were filled with joy. It's a smile

"The companions on the ranch also hope to take care of the spiritual animals."

Jin Zhi was not dazzled by joy.

He stood on tiptoes and whispered in Qin Mo's ear.

The fragrance of milk hit his face.

It was very sweet.

Qin Mo glanced at Bai Zhe's abyss and nodded.

"The cub of the spirit beast"

"I will look for opportunities to purchase some."

Spiritual plants and elixirs are extremely precious treasures.

Very few people sell the seeds.

Most of them are sold as finished products.

And the value of spirit beasts is much higher than that of spiritual plants and elixirs.

Among them, some spirit beasts The fighting power is also extremely powerful!

Therefore, it is not easy to buy and breed spirit beast cubs. Moreover, spirit beasts also have requirements for the environment in which they grow. For example, crystal rabbits need an extremely cold environment to breed normally. For example , lava chickens need to live in hot areas. At the same time, there are also requirements for the aura in the area. Just having an environment without aura is not enough. Therefore, there are many farming lords. But the lords who raise spiritual beasts. Then there are very few. Therefore, Qin Mo has not gotten the spirit beast cubs so far. Those raised in the pasture. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) They are just low-quality animals..The highest quality. It’s just blue and excellent.

"Thank you, Lord of Nature!"

Jin Zhi thanked him with a smile. He was very happy that Qin Mo could listen.


"You can't just say it with your mouth."

Qin Mo reminded.

Jin Zhi glanced at his companions shyly.

Their attention at this time was attracted by the white dragon tooth rice.

They didn't look over.

Jin Zhi blushed and handed Qin Mo a straw.[]

Qin Mo caught it with a smile.

Started drinking. in a blink.

Qin Mo drank it all.

He licked his lips with unsatisfied intention

"Golden branches are a bit scarce."

Jin Zhi said shyly

"I just gave you a drink this morning"

"There isn't much stock yet."

Have said it.

She held her little pink fist and promised.

"Lord of nature, rest assured"

"Jinzhi will work harder"

"You will definitely be satisfied with your next drink!"

Qin Mo nodded expectantly.

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

Jin Zhi nodded heavily.

He vowed to eat more grass soon.

Increase production.

Make Qin Mo happy!

"Okay, stop looking"

"Come on, lend a hand and see how much you can gain."

Qin Mo clapped his hands and greeted.

"Good Lord of Nature!"

The little lolita happily agreed.

The dragon tooth rice is relatively big.

Everyone worked together.

Soon they were all weighed.

With the addition of various powerful buffs, a total of 100,000 kilograms of dragons were produced. Rice.

Among them, a piece of [Spiritual Field] harvested 60,000 kilograms of dragon tooth rice!

And one pound of dragon tooth rice.

There are a total of 15,000 grains!

When converted, that is more than 15 million grains. Experience points!

Enough for heroes and soldiers to level up!

"What a great harvest!"

Qin Mo smiled happily.

The dragon tooth rice produced in other fields has several attributes missing.

But they all get 0.01 experience points.

This wave is indeed a bumper harvest!

"Congratulations to the Lord of Nature~"

Jin Zhi said with a smile.

"Rejoicing together."

Qin Mo nodded and said to the little lolita

"Thank you for your hard work."

The little lolita immediately beamed.

"can work for you"

"It's our pleasure!"

"Natural harmony!"

"Natural harmony!"

Qin Mo replied and took everyone away. ps: Chapter 178: Release the ban

, release the ban, laugh to death.

This is at least seven people who have entered the palace. This is the first time to set a record.

Playing like this is awesome.

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