

Inside the city wall, densely packed little spiders began to charge. Although the little spiders were small, millions of them appeared. Like a wave! They rushed towards the outside of the city. Ten territories had been destroyed by the boss. Nine. The last remaining soldiers and heroes gathered outside John's territory. The magnificent city wall blocked them from entering. And behind them, the boss was approaching quickly!

"Boss, let us in!"

The big man with blond hair and blue eyes shouted.

Cold sweat ran down his forehead. Behind him, screams kept ringing out without stopping.

Those were the soldiers and heroes behind him.

But in front of the crazy boss, how could they still be opponents? ?

But they are loyal to the lord, even if their morale has long collapsed.

Even if their legs are shaking, they will still grit their teeth.

Fight with their lives 13!

This. is the bond between the lord and the soldier hero.

The lord can give up the soldier or the hero.

But soldiers and heroes cannot give up their lord!

This is their loyalty!

"rush! For the Lord!"

A hero shouted.

His voice was loud.

He seemed to be cheering himself up.

His blond hair was messy. His white armor was also covered with dirt.

The long sword in his hand was broken.

He exuded a faint holy light.

With it. With a desire to die, I charge towards the boss.

The courage is commendable.

But it is difficult to resist the steps of the boss.

"keep up"

"Get ready to take action!"

Qin Mo said calmly.

A faint white mist has appeared on the surface of Boss's body.

A lot of scarlet horniness has also fallen off.

The huge body has also shrunk to less than three meters tall.

Its strength is gone. One!


It’s harvest time!


Yan Ling'er grinned and waved his hand.

A scarlet spear condensed into shape.

"Where is the Red Flame Army!"

Yan Ling'er raised the god-killing spear in his hand.




The Red Flame Army raised the dragon gun in their hands and responded to Yan Ling'er.


Yan Ling'er stepped on the city wall and jumped out.

Behind him, the Red Flame Army followed closely.

The stream of light flickered.

In the blink of an eye, they spanned a distance of dozens of miles.

Ahead, the spider army had already covered the ruined territory. Covered.

They sprayed extremely corrosive venom, corroding the earth.


, they dug three feet into the ground to find the lord cores one by one!

"Fantasy world, get up!"

Meng Yun raised his hands.

The figures of Yan Ling'er and the Red Flame Army disappeared in the eyes of the boss and the lords.

Lilith raised her hands, and the spider silk spurted out.

It stuck to the little spiders and passed them over. lord core

"King, give it!"

Lilith handed several lord cores to Qin Mo.

Taking the lord cores, Qin Mo threw them towards Yintian Palace.

A soft light flashed. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lord Cores swallowed

"I don’t know how much harvest it can bring."

Qin Mo looked at the Yintian Palace with some expectations in his heart.

Under the Yintian Palace was his Lord's Core. At this time, several other Lord's Cores were being slowly swallowed by it.

The Lord's Core was the foundation of the Lord's destiny.

It is also the key to the survival of the territory.

As long as the core of the lord is still there

, most of the destroyed buildings can be repaired or rebuilt.

If the core of the lord is also destroyed, the lord will lose his identity as a lord.

He will also be unable to Use hero power, etc., lord's functions and permissions.

Not only that[]

The surviving soldiers and heroes will also be free.

Will you still follow the lord?

It depends on how you treat them on a daily basis.

If abused for a long time. insult.

After regaining freedom, they will bite you back! but.

Generally speaking.

The lord core was destroyed, soldiers and heroes alike.

They basically die at the front. so.

Some lords versus soldiers and heroes.

But I never regarded them as human beings.


"My lord core!"

"Damn it, how could it be!"

"ah! I will kill you!"

The few surviving lords kept insulting each other.

They felt that the core of the lord was being devoured.

Their identities as lords had been lost. 193

There was no chance of saving everything!

The core of the lord was still there.

They still had The chance to make a comeback.

But now, everything is gone!

At the same time, the soldiers and heroes who charged bravely were a little stunned.

The moment the lord core was devoured, they regained their freedom.

Some soldiers turned around and ran away.

Dispersed in all directions.

Some turned around and looked at the lords who were blocked under the city wall.

They had ferocious expressions on their faces.

Instead of attacking the boss, they instead attacked the original lords.

"Unjust is doomed to destruction. Qin

Mo smiled lightly and said


"Lilith will always be loyal to you"

"At your service!"

Lilith smiled charmingly and declared her loyalty.


"Me too!"

Ruth agreed.

Qin Mo smiled and nodded.

He still has this confidence.

Even if his real territory is destroyed in the future.


He will definitely not be backlashed by the soldiers and heroes under his command.

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