
It's a good time to train for combat.

And the night.

It’s a good time for another sport

"rest assured"

"I will definitely do what I promised you."

Qin Mo nodded with a smile.

"Your Majesty, I will go and inform the sisters first."

"It's better to be prepared"

"You can come back later."

Yan Ling'er smiled slyly and ran away quickly, leaving behind a ringing laughter like a bell.

Qin Mo shook his head in a funny way.

Walking on his own territory, quietly enjoying the good time at this time.

Looking at the territory Growing vigorously.

New territorial buildings are rising one after another.

He has the illusion of watching his children grow up.

Sometimes, he strolls on his own territory.



It was also very comfortable.

After wandering for a long time,

Qin Mo felt that his heart was much more relaxed.

It was as if the shackles on his body had been removed.

His steps were much lighter.

Especially when he saw one after another.

Baihua. When you see beauties with different styles, your heart feels even more joyful.

Everyone has a love for beauty.

Looking around, there are beautiful scenery, beauties, and moods everywhere.

Naturally, they can also be much happier.

"I don’t know what surprises there will be."

Qin Mo felt relaxed in his heart.

Walking in the Yintian Palace, he was looking forward to it.

He didn't know if there were any new tricks.


The door opened.

A pretty figure walked out of the room.

"Karen, why don't you take a rest?"

Qin Mo hurriedly stepped forward and supported the opponent.

After all, he was just a novice.

How could he bear the weight of Qin Mo?

Although it was only for an hour, the terrifying intensity was no less than for several hours. Even if it was for several hours,

Qin Mo could bear it. Kallen has the advantage over women.

As the saying goes, there are no damaged fields.

There are only exhausted cows.

You can’t see it.

But many people were actually sent to the hospital.

"Lord God."

Karen smiled shyly and whispered.

"I just think the room is a bit stuffy"

"Just want to go out for a walk"

"This is easy to do."

Qin Mo stretched out his hand and gestured towards Kalian.

Kallian looked at Qin Mo in astonishment.

Then she smiled sweetly and took Qin Mo's hand.

Qin Mo held her hand and walked in the Yintian Palace.

The Yintian Palace is very big. It is forty-five levels. It covers an extremely vast area.

There are hundreds of palaces. Each palace has dozens of spacious rooms.

Each palace has. Independent courtyards, small gardens, rockeries, etc.

Countless strange but beautiful flowers are blooming. They are swaying wantonly.

Showing their own beauty.

Release their own floral fragrance.

Each rockery has its own unique temperament. (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) are also different.

No one is the same.

Every rockery is a unique work of art.

It cannot be carved by human beings. Among them, there are even It implies a certain mysterious charm. Visually, it is extremely comfortable! Kallen held Qin Mo in her arms. She was in a very graceful mood. She looked comfortable. She had gone through countless battles to the death.


Eventually all relatives and friends died.

Leave yourself alone.

Experienced countless darkness. now.

Finally I have a new home of my own.

It can be so comfortable.

Holding the arm of the person you admire and admire.

In this fairyland-like area.

Such a peaceful walk.

In between.

She couldn't even think about it

"Lord God, thank you. Kallen thanked her in a low voice.


Qin Mo scratched her pretty nose in a funny way.

It seems that this title cannot be changed.

However, it is just a title.

It is harmless. It is just a fairy.

He is confident that one day he will be able to become a real person. The immortal god!

"have a good rest"

"Come back and I will prepare an army for you. Qin

Mo smiled lightly and said


Kalian said in surprise.

She is similar to Yan Ling'er.

They both like to fight.

At the same time, they also know how to command the legion to fight.

They are very qualified commanders.

Although their strength is gone, everything else is still there.

The command. Experience, skills, how to march and fight, how to survey the terrain and identify directions, etc.

She knows them all.

In her own world, in addition to being a powerful warrior leader, she also commands the city defense army of the City of Sages.


He also commanded legion battles.

He is a good talent.

"This is natural."

Qin Mo nodded confidently.

He stayed with Karen for a while.

Qin Mo sent her back to the room.

"Lord God, do you really not need my company?"

Karen asked weakly.

"You are not afraid of dying directly."

Qin Mo said funny.

Kallen bit her silver teeth lightly and nodded heavily.

"As long as God-sama needs it"

"even death"

"Karen is willing too!"

Qin Mo stepped forward.

He was so funny that his brain collapsed.

"Talking nonsense"

"You are to me, to the territory"

"But it's very important"

"Be more confident in the future, take a good rest and become stronger"

"i hope to see one"

"The heroic general Wan"

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