Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 1000 Foreign Invasion

"I was so against them back then. I didn't expect that there was an old man who gave birth to a baby the next year..."

"Are they... not trying too hard?"

Zhong Maiyun was also stunned. They were all old men over 60 years old at least. They were really too fierce.

However, after thinking about it, Zhong Maiyun still refused for the time being.

"Let's wait until we are completely out of the mist world and reach the ninth-level shelter. I'm worried about what accidents will happen."

Zhong Maiyun had a sad look on her face.

Her worry is not unreasonable, and it has also been Qi Yuan's long-standing worry.

It has been developing steadily for ten years, and everything is moving forward steadily, but the expected disaster has still not come.

However, Qi Yuan was not naive enough to think that this planet would continue to develop in such a stable manner, but that there were hidden dangers lurking in invisible places.

Therefore, he will continue to improve his strength and continue to supervise the development of civilization.

He still remembered that he was forced back to the misty world by a powerful enemy in that eighth-level shelter, and hid in the terrifying deep sea.

The reason for this is unknown.

But if there are other options, they will never choose this method of self-destruction.

In this case, where is the disaster that belongs to them?

"Okay, then let's wait for a while, and I will try it out. If I can break through to the extraordinary level, maybe the child I will give birth to will have higher qualifications."

Zhong Maiyun smoothed her hair: "I'm afraid that the higher the level, the more difficult it will be to have a child."

"It's okay, I have medicine!"

Qi Yuan proudly took out a bottle of crystal-clear potion. It was made from a variety of materials and its quality reached the extraordinary level. It can make beings with extremely high strength also have high fertility.

He reserved this specially for himself, for fear that if his level was too high, he would suffer from infertility.

Zhong Maiyun couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "You are really well prepared."

"Of course……"

However, before he finished speaking, Qi Yuan's expression suddenly changed. He looked up at the sky and felt a throbbing in his heart.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Zhong Maiyun saw Qi Yuan's nervous expression and knew something bad had happened, so she asked urgently.

Qi Yuan did not answer directly. He frowned and looked at the sky, and said thoughtfully: "What a coincidence. I just mentioned the hidden danger, but I didn't expect this to appear..."

This sentence caused Zhong Maiyun, whose face was not very good at first, to change drastically in an instant.

"What's the meaning?!"

Qi Yuan did not explain the specific situation, but comforted him softly: "Something happened outside the shelter. I want to go over and take a look. You stay here first."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

When Zhong Maiyun came back to her senses, Qi Yuan's figure had completely disappeared. At the same time, Irene outside followed Qi Yuan and left.

After all, Irene has now reached the extraordinary level. Even if her strength is not as strong as Qi Yuan, she can still help.

After a brief moment.

On the periphery of the planet, three figures appeared here.

Qi Yuan looked around, his expression full of indifference, and he kept scanning the surrounding space, examining every position.

"Boss, have you noticed anything unusual?"

Zhang Wei behind him frowned slightly and also checked the surrounding situation, but didn't seem to find anything.

The same goes for Irene. They are all extraordinary and have long surpassed the scope of ordinary creatures. It is difficult for abnormal creatures to get close to them.

Qi Yuan's eyes were cold and he said in a calm voice: "It was the authority of space and time that detected an abnormality, and a transcendent being approached the planet."

The eyes of the two people behind him lit up, their muscles tensed, and they looked at their surroundings warily.

Zhang Wei said incredulously: "Extraordinary existence? Boss, are you feeling right?"

Qi Yuan glanced at him and said, "I might make a mistake. Do you think the authority in this world will make a mistake?"

Perhaps no one has noticed that as early as the creation of this world, it has been enveloped by powerful forces of space and time.

This kind of power is far from comparable to spiritual patterns, props, wind, thunder, water, fire, etc.

It is the power of time and space that truly touches the rules.

It integrates detection, concealment, confusion and defense.

When a creature approaches, it will automatically alert the person holding the full handle.

Under the cover of space power, alien creatures are almost unable to detect this planet.

If a creature approaches unexpectedly, it will not be able to enter the planet's atmosphere at all. Instead, it will be directly confused by the power of time and space and lost in the turbulence of time.

What's even more frightening is that there are super wonders and authority behind it as energy output, almost forming the most powerful defense system on the entire planet.

And just at that moment, Qi Yuan was keenly aware that an extremely powerful aura touched the outer space-time defense.

He wouldn't think it was an accident!

Seeing that he could not detect it, Qi Yuan no longer held back his hands and directly used his hands to exert force. The authority belonging to time and space began to burst out with powerful power.

At the same time, it connected to the space-time defense outside the planet and began to conduct comprehensive detection of the planet's periphery.

And in a hidden corner, a slender figure secretly said something bad and eagerly fled to the rear. The speed was beyond imagination, like a bolt of lightning.

However, no matter how fast he was, how could he possibly beat time? and space.

Qi Yuan noticed it immediately and snorted: "I found you!"

Then time and space were instantly blocked, directly locking the surrounding universe.

Then the power of his hands exploded, and the black and white spirit patterns of life and death rotated in the palm of his right hand. Along with the powerful spiritual energy at the peak of the extraordinary level, he slammed forward.

"Extraordinary peak?!"

The man couldn't cope with it and was instantly knocked away by a palm. The terrifying power of death instantly soaked into his chest, like the coldness and dampness from the abyss, invading his body.

A mouthful of reverse blood spurted out, and the man in front of him was shocked. He couldn't believe that with his late-stage perfection level strength, he couldn't even resist the opponent's palm.

The man forcibly mobilized the power in his body to restrain the eroding power of death, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked extremely solemn.

The three people from Qi Yuan also saw the person coming clearly for the first time.

They are not grotesque beasts or aliens, but existences that are very similar to humans.

And he looks very handsome. He looks like a man in his 30s, wearing a light blue robe, which is somewhat similar to ancient Chinese dress.

Since they are intelligent creatures, they can communicate, and Qi Yuan was relieved.

"Who are you? Why do you want to come close to here?"

Qi Yuan's words fell and were transmitted to the other party's ears with his thoughts.

At their level, they no longer need language to communicate and can completely communicate with their thoughts.

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