Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 1009 Civilization Exchange Meeting

Using that set of communication tools, Qi Yuan contacted the master of that civilization, Gu Ling, in an area isolated by time and space.

This meeting and conversation is very necessary.

When they met for the first time, both parties were wary, so they only had a brief conversation and did not communicate in depth.

However, if we want to determine the exchange conference five years from now, it will definitely require more in-depth discussions.

For example, the specific content of the transaction, the specific time, and what needs to be done during this period.

This is an exchange between two civilizations, and its importance is self-evident. It cannot be completely determined by a verbal agreement.

Therefore, Qi Yuan and Gu Ling, two masters of different civilizations, met again.

"Senior Gu Ling, what are your specific thoughts on the exchange meeting five years from now?"

Due to age issues, Qi Yuan still addressed the other party as "senior".

Gu Ling thought for a moment, and an old but powerful voice came: "According to my plan, the main thing is communication and transactions."

"Oh? Can you elaborate on communication and transactions?"

Gu Ling said calmly: "The transaction should be easy to understand. It is the exchange of resources. Whether it is natural resources, special props, or brand-new technology, it can be included."

Qi Yuan nodded, this was something he had thought of a long time ago.

Natural resources, the resources on each planet are slightly different, especially a super planet like Qi Yuan, which has a full 32 powers, the resources are definitely more abundant.

Therefore, the exchange of resources is definitely inevitable.

The transaction of props is actually the exchange of scientific and technological achievements.

Just like communication, the communication technologies of both parties have their own advantages and embody their own different technologies.

For Gu Ling, their strongest skill is forging. Whether it is forging powerful weapons, making artificial alloys, or making precision instruments, it is easy.

After all, they have been developing for thousands of years and have traveled a long distance on this path.

For Qi Yuan, there are many technologies, including spiritual patterns, potions, puppets, plant control, witchcraft...

These technologies also include the manufacturing of many props.

Many spiritual patterns are not only used in cultivation and combat, but have been successfully integrated into ordinary people's lives and become a part of their lives.

The same goes for puppets, not only war puppets, but also mechanical vehicles, mechanical ships, mechanical tools, etc., which are daily necessities.

This is especially true for potions. The knowledge of potions does not greatly improve the strength, but it has a very strong effect on treatment and other aspects.

Nowadays, Qi Yuan has a wealth of treatment methods at his disposal, and once the people below him get sick, they can easily get treatment.

This is all thanks to pharmacy.

Because doctors in most pharmacies and hospitals are proficient in pharmacy, they only need to prepare a few doses of medicine to treat the disease easily.

It's just that this kind of medicine is not a traditional Western medicine type, but more similar to traditional Chinese medicine.

Various natural herbs are used to cook and refine medicines to produce medicines for various diseases.

In addition to these, there are many very practical life tools, which are actually derived from these important technologies.

Without basic technology, there would be no such cutting-edge achievements, which can definitely be regarded as the essence of human civilization.

Everyone must be very welcome at this exchange.

Therefore, material transactions between the two parties were absolutely indispensable. This was determined very early, so the two parties did not discuss it for too long.

Instead, the most important thing is communication.

What is communication?

Naturally, it is an exchange of knowledge and culture, as well as an exchange of strength and power.

For two powerful civilizations that mainly focus on cultivation, it is naturally impossible to hold a debate and argue about whose civilization is more powerful.

Therefore, the true meaning of communication is actually to learn from each other!

"Lord Qi Yuan, what do you think about communication?"

Qi Yuan thought for a moment and already had a plan in mind.

The exchanges between the two major civilizations must be appropriate. If a combat force that is too strong is sent out, once there is a loss, it will inevitably lead to anger, which is not good for both parties.

But if you let a group of good-level people fight with good-level people, it makes no sense.

Therefore, the most appropriate thing is to let the rare level and perfect level fight, so that it will not be too boring and will not get angry.

"Senior Gu Ling, let's send a group of rare-level and perfect-level combat powers to have a few competitions."

"Rare level and perfect level... no problem, how to arrange the specific number of people?"

Qi Yuan thought for a while and said: "50 people are rare level, and 10 people are perfect level."

Opposite me, Gu Ling thought about it silently, and finally agreed.

50 are rare and 10 are perfect. This number is definitely just right.

The rare level supports time and quantity, and can probably maintain the communication time for about a week, which is enough to serve as a feast for a civilization.

Through rebroadcasting, it can be spread widely within civilization.

At the same time, there is a high probability that rare-level candidates will not be selected by Qi Yuan, but will be allocated to other forces below.

I think the same is true for Gu Ling.

In a civilization that has been passed down for countless years, there must be more than just Gu Ling talking about it. There must be other forces within it.

Speaking of which, the purpose of rare-level battle exchanges is to allow other forces within the civilization to participate, rather than just watching the show.

Finally, there is a very important point. For Qi Yuan and Gu Ling, rare-level battles are too low-end to look down upon.

Therefore, naturally there will be no grudges over the victory or defeat at the rare level.

As for the ten perfect levels, the meaning is completely different.

Even for them, the perfect level is a very important combat power.

And there is a high probability that both sides will send experts at the peak of the perfection level, which is not comparable to ordinary perfection levels.

Because their next step is to break through the extraordinary and truly become the strongest group of people in a civilization.

Each of them must be a core figure that they have focused on cultivating and can shoulder important responsibilities in the future.

So for Qi Yuan and Gu Ling, perfect battle is the key point.

It is also a battle that the top leaders of both civilizations really care about.

This means not only temporary victory or defeat, but also indicates the strength of the next batch of extraordinary levels.

If there is one party, 10 strong men at the peak of perfection are crushed by the other party, and they have no power to resist at all.

This means that even if they break through to the extraordinary, their strength will still be inferior to that of the other party.

In future exchanges, the weaker civilization will naturally not benefit, and may even be restricted everywhere.

"Lord Qi Yuan, I have a suggestion for these 10 perfect fighting methods."

"I would like to hear the details."

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