Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 1024 Medicine Apprentice

This person's name is Yao Tu. He was born on the island in the middle of the lake. His parents died in an experimental accident, so he was an orphan since he was a child.

His talent is not very good. Neither his cultivation talent nor his attribute affinities are high. He can only be considered above average.

At first, in the baby living area, he was just an ordinary child with an ordinary appearance.

However, when they turned six years old, they began to study in schools, received specialized education from Huxin Island, and were exposed to pharmacy, and they showed talents far beyond ordinary people.

He could fully understand all the principles of medicines after reading them almost once.

It only took 3 years to learn all the potions below the perfect level, and be able to configure and use them skillfully.

You know, during these three years, he spent half of his time learning to read.

Otherwise, he could be even faster.

When he reached the age of ten, he had already begun to study perfect potions, and was able to make preliminary attempts to create new potions based on the potions he had learned.

Learned perfect potions at the age of 13.

Created a perfect potion on his own at the age of 15.

Now he is just 16 years old, his strength has reached the peak of the rare level, and the medicine he controls has reached the peak of the perfect level.

However, due to the influence of his strength, he could not use the perfect potion.

But even so, his strength is far beyond the ordinary rare level peak.

Because he is not only proficient in pharmacy, but also an extremely bold child, often testing medicines on himself.

It's more of a physical exercise than a trial of medicine.

He has his own set of logic and independent ideas to build himself into the most perfect medicine jar. He only uses forty or fifty kinds of perfect medicines on himself, and he can control them to a certain extent.

When the information was reported to Qi Yuan, Qi Yuan had only one idea in his mind.

Pharmacy seems to have produced a remarkable figure.

The pharmacist's understanding of pharmacy seems to open up a new path, similar to the internal seal carving of spiritual patterns.

A child’s future is limitless.

However, the only flaw of the medicine apprentice is that he is relatively withdrawn and seldom talks except for professional matters.

That's why this time, we specially arranged for him to come out and participate in this battle between two civilizations, hoping to bring some changes to him.

As the battle began, the medicine disciple, who was not tall and no younger than himself, attracted everyone's attention.

Almost no one knew him, even Zhang Wei and Irene looked at the child strangely.

After all, for such a genius, Qi Yuan's protection is very strong. Except for a few people, few people know of his existence.

But once the battle began, his performance was enough for everyone to remember him.

The medicine disciple walked onto the ring calmly, with his hands in his pockets and his head drooped, looking featureless.

But after the first two games, no one dared to underestimate him.

On the side, several members of the institute who followed looked nervously at this baby, but repeatedly reminded him below.

"Medicine disciples, you must be cautious and cautious, and remember not to underestimate the enemy."

"Yes, it doesn't matter even if we can't beat him, we just have to admit defeat!"

"Just let your Brother Lei and Brother Xingchuan fight back later. You must pay attention to your safety!"

"Remember to drink more medicine. We will do it after you finish drinking. Don't be stingy."


Listening to this outrageous explanation, everyone else's cheeks twitched.

Who said this on the ring?

Aren’t they all about fighting with style and fighting to the death for glory? Why are there people who tell you to pay attention to safety and admit defeat if you can't beat them?

But some people recognized that the two people shouting below were the top researchers of the former institute.

The existence that can make them so interested must be crucial.

The medicine practitioner rubbed his eyes, scratched the chicken coop on his head, and nodded obediently.

Just look at the enemy's eyes with a hint of boredom.

"I could have done experiments at home, but Uncle Qi insisted on letting me fight. This is not what I want... I'd better finish the fight and go back as soon as possible."

"Little man, what are you muttering about? And why do you smell so bad? It smells like stinky pickles that have been pickled for a long time..."


Yao Tu didn't react at all to the first half of the sentence, but when he heard the second half, he became a bit sharp.

Even the two researchers in the audience couldn't help but gasp.

Yao Tu has always had a good temper, but there is a taboo.

He hates other people talking about his smell, especially belittling and denying him.

That was all the medicines he had tried since he was a child. They had settled in his body and became a part of his body. It was something he cared about very much.

Although it tastes a little weird, it is his most precious item.

Once the old professor said something about the unpleasant smell, so he drugged me. It was said that it took ten months to get better.

The medicine disciple, who originally didn't have a high desire to fight, now had a dangerous look in his eyes: "You said this tastes... like stinky pickles?"

"No, it has been fermented for many days and the pickles have gone bad. Little man, please take a good bath. You are so sloppy at such a young age."

The big man seemed to be a chatterbox and kept chattering: "My mother always taught me that I must be clean. Didn't your parents tell you that?"

"My parents... they died early..."

Yao Tu said something inaudibly, his lowered and narrowed eyes already filled with murderous intent.

The next moment, a special purple-green aura quickly emerged from the ground.

"No, the other side is taking action. Silly dee, shut up and get ready to fight."

The teacher under the opponent's ring saw that the situation was not good and quickly reminded the chatty one.

The big man was also startled and took a few steps back, a little incredulous: "When was this arranged? Why didn't I notice it?"

They are equally powerful and at the same level. If their opponents don't know what they are doing secretly, they can more or less detect it.

However, the little man in front of him arranged this green-purple poisonous gas under the entire ring without any reaction.

The medicine diagram did not explain it. Rather than being arranged in advance, it was better to say that this aura was transmitted to the entire arena in an instant.

It's his unique ability.

Moreover, he did not specially prepare this poisonous gas in advance. He did not make any preparations for this battle.

This is just a mixture of a very small part of the breath in his body, a gas formed by random mixing.

To others it was poisonous gas, but to him it was not.

In his eyes, there is no poison, all breath is medicine, but different medicines have different effects.

As the green-purple gas began to spread, the big man quickly held his breath, trying to avoid the invasion of poisonous gas.

Unfortunately it had no effect.

Because the medicinal gas released from Yaitu's body has extremely small gas molecules, it can be absorbed directly through the skin.

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