Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 1033 50 Years

There are too many beasts in nature, and most of them are not suitable for human blood. It takes a long time to search to find the right one.

Not only Qi Yuan himself is doing it, but the research institute, the Secret War Bureau, and the Ghost Department are also secretly searching.

Many attempts have been made, but the success rate of bloodline adaptation has never been high.

There is nothing we can do about this. After all, it is something we can encounter but cannot seek.

But now it is almost certain that every time a suitable bloodline is found, a powerful ethnic group will be created.

It must be the mainstay of the future.

But it still takes time to find this mainstay.

After the two major civilization exchange conferences ended, the popularity did not drop, but it was still talked about among the people.

Along with the enthusiasm for cultivation, it has also improved a lot in a short period of time.

Especially the various forces, because of this defeat, they have been criticized, so they have to spend more energy cultivating future generations.

After seeing the broader world, I gradually realized my own shortcomings, so my desire to compete greatly increased.

Also in this war, let all forces clearly understand their position.

For example, United College still looks brilliant on the surface, but it is no longer as good as the days when Zhang Zhongyue was the principal.

On the contrary, some less famous forces, such as the Seven Tribes and the Beidou Sea Region, are catching up and have reached a very high level in all aspects.

Only by knowing oneself clearly can all parties work harder and be more attentive in cultivation, which will be beneficial to future development.

Ten years from now, 20 years from now...even 50 years from now, 100 years from now, the situation will still be changing, with downtrodden forces disappearing and emerging forces emerging.

But in all of this, Qi Yuan, as the highest being in the world, was just a bystander, sitting and watching the clouds rise and fall, witnessing the rise and fall of each era.

Time is like a meteor streaking across the sky, bringing brilliance but also carrying the ruthlessness of time.

50 years have passed by in a flash.

Changes in the world, rise and fall, old age and rebirth, birth and death... all appear constantly in this world.

For Qi Yuan and others who have had a long time, 50 years is not a particularly long time, it is just a part of life.

In particular, Qi Yuan was able to harvest lifespan through contracts. Although the number was relatively small, he had harvested nearly 105 years of lifespan in these years.

There is almost no consumption, and I have earned it for decades by the way, but in order to sign more contracts, I have consumed a lot.

In the end, it is equivalent to no profit and no loss.

Most of the time, Qi Yuan stayed at the [Source of All Realms], observing the development of the miniature world.

The miniature world has completely developed from the original tribal era into a vibrant cultivation civilization.

After all, in 50 years on the outside and more than 1.8 million years on the inside, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

As for the tribal era, it has been called the ancient era by modern people, which is really too far away.

In this long period of more than 1.8 million years, this miniature world has also experienced many changes. Many civilizations were born and many fell.

It has experienced mass extinctions and also experienced amazing prosperous times.

For a long time in tribal times, the situation was the same.

Because of one person's sin, the entire grassland experienced tens of thousands of years of massacre. A large amount of blood dyed the soil red, and the power of the entire grassland stagnated in the Tongmai stage.

This situation lasted for tens of thousands of years.

Finally, the person who changed all this also came from the grassland.

After years of persecution and pressure, they gave birth to a second being who changed history and changed the world structure. Later generations called him Earth Lord.

An extremely domineering name, even more distinctive than Zhong Yanghao.

From Qi Yuan's point of view, he is 100% earth-friendly and has a large number of naturally lit blood and meridians in his body.

And more importantly, he seems to have a special physique and an almost abnormal talent in earth attributes.

Later generations called it the "Thick Earth Tyrant Body".

Since childhood, his cultivation talent has been extremely high. He broke through the Tongmai at the age of 13. He even ignored the curse set by Qi Yuan and directly broke through to a higher realm without touching the blood of Zhong Yanghao's descendants.

It is equivalent to the perfect level of human society!

Such a special existence caused an uproar throughout the grassland.

But what is even more shocking is his strength among the same level.

Not only the people in the miniature world were shocked, but Qi Yuan was also shocked!

Because the strength he possesses is simply not what a perfect level should possess.

When he had just broken through to the early stage of his perfection level, or in the words of the micro world, he was in the early stage of the Tianfu realm.

Refining blood, enlightening spirits, channeling meridians, finding meridians, unblocking meridians, and heaven.

It means opening up a new spiritual energy storage space, called Tianfu!

Logically speaking, there have been people who have broken through this realm before.

However, when the tribes outside the grassland massacred them, no one could escape.

After all, with the help of Qi Yuan, the strongest tribes outside the grassland have reached the late stage of Tianfu realm.

Massacres were carried out every five years, preventing the grassland tribes from becoming too strong.

However, Earth Master is the one who changes all this.

Relying on the strength of Tianfu in the early stage, he killed the strong men in the later stage of Tianfu in one fell swoop, with 1 against 6.

That battle was fought in darkness. With his special physique, Di Zun refused to retreat and became more courageous as he fought. He killed three of them with force.

Finally, they broke through and reached the middle stage of Tianfu Realm, easily killing the remaining three people.

Such explosive strength completely conquered the entire grassland. In just one night, all tribes surrendered, and the grassland was officially unified.

At this time, it was just the time for outside tribes to enter the grassland through the passage to carry out massacres.

Di Zun led the tribesmen, killed through the passage, and directly broke out of the outside world, abruptly reversing the situation that had been going on for tens of thousands of years.

After this battle, Qi Yuan lifted the barrier between the grassland and the outside world, because it no longer made any sense.

Everyone in the outside tribes is no match for the Earth Lord, and even the strongest men at the peak of the late Tianfu period can be easily defeated by him.

Not only the unification of the grasslands, but the unification of mankind in the entire micro world.

A behemoth has risen again, entrenched in the world of micro-continents, reaching unprecedented heights.

At only 23 years old, Di Zun has become an unparalleled existence.

But such a prosperous era is often not created by one person. It must be countless talented people who can create this splendid era.

When Earth Lord was dominating the human race, a great being was also gestating among the beasts in the miniature world.

Different from the beasts on the planet, the beasts in the miniature world are actually very special, with longer lifespans and higher intelligence.

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