Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 1037 The Miniature World Develops Into A Fantasy World?

The acupuncture points and meridians that were originally like stars and streams, after a new round of expansion, are like stars and rivers.

The strength displayed in this way is no worse than the Tianfu realm. It is even easier to break through and the strength is more powerful.

Following the Human Ancestor, prodigies came one after another, and another Demon Ancestor appeared. Because his innate meridians and acupuncture points were incomplete, he was unable to practice, so he relied on the ancient Shuojin's talents to create his own path.

Collect the acquired essence to make up for the innate deficiencies.

Using the soul and blood essence of living creatures, new artificial acupuncture points and tendons are condensed in the body.

The acupuncture points and meridians thus condensed are completely unaffected by innate talent, and spells of any attribute can be completed easily.

Until Dacheng, Demon Ancestor had almost created a complete bloodline and meridian system for himself. He was able to master all attribute spells and had a deep understanding of all cultivation paths.

In terms of personal strength, although he has never fought against the Human Ancestor, most people speculate that the Demon Ancestor's strength is absolutely unprecedented!

It's just that this cultivation method is really against the harmony of nature and creates too many evils.

The Demon Ancestor alone slaughtered hundreds of millions of creatures, both monsters and humans, in order to forge the meridians and acupuncture points in his body.

During his lifetime, no one could rival him.

But after his death, the remaining forces were almost wiped out, and the fight for his cultivation method almost caused a shock that swept the entire world.

In the end, the power of the Demon Ancestor disappeared and the method of cultivation was destroyed.

It's just that this time's turbulence did not have much impact on the micro world, and it is still developing prosperously.

Next, enter a blank period of thousands of years.

It was not until 6,000 years later that a bright and prosperous age was once again ushered in in the long river of time.

It is not like the ancestors of humans and the ancestors of demons. There is only one genius in an era who can support the glory of an era.

In today's era, many people have emerged one after another claiming to be kings and ancestors.

The young man who was favored by the power of space controlled the laws of space and created a new space spell, as well as a space system that has been used by future generations for millions of years.

It includes small alien spaces, storage bags, space teleportation arrays, space magic weapons, etc.

He is respected as the Lord of Space.

A person with a special physique, a person with unique talents. His sword skills are unparalleled in the world. His strength is extremely domineering. He is invincible all the way and reaches the peak of perfect strength at the age of only 25.

Known as the King of Swords.

There is also a young man who was born with a broken pulse and rose up in his youth. After being ridiculed and tempered by the world, but blessed by opportunity, he finally reached the top of the world, fought against the Sword Emperor in his later years, and finally won.

Later, there was a stunningly talented and beautiful woman, with both human and demon blood, who controlled the power of fire, became a generation of empress, and created a generation of divine kingdom.

In this era, people with amazing talents appear one after another. They often do not follow the path that has been followed before, but develop new methods of cultivation on their own.

On their own paths, they all reached the pinnacle of perfection and became kings and hegemons in an era.

In addition, various technologies are gradually emerging in this world.

Of course, there is also Qi Yuan's secret arrangement.

Some basic knowledge about spiritual patterns and medicines was secretly introduced into this miniature world.

And this era seems destined to be the beginning of everything and the cradle of genius.

In just a few thousand years, these technologies have been thoroughly developed, and equally bright new stars have emerged.

From the most basic spiritual patterns, unique talismans and formations are derived. The talisman ancestors and the formation ancestors appeared in almost the same era.

In fact, they were not enemies, but teachers and friends. On these two different paths, they supported and helped each other and created a good story.

It is also rare that two kings appear in the same era, but they can be safe and become friends.

In terms of pharmacy, the emergence of Alchemy Master completely opened up the way of alchemy, making the breakthrough of realm easier, and also provided indelible help for the subsequent breakthrough of extraordinary methods.

In fact, when the world developed to this extent, Qi Yuan was completely shocked.

It is completely different from the development model of human society. It is full of fantasy colors and extremely rich in the spirit of cultivation. This world is extremely pure.

Even the formations, talismans, alchemy, and weapon refining in fantasy novels have begun to appear in this world, and there is almost no difference.

This made Qi Yuan couldn't help but think that such a fantasy civilization would appear in the development of the miniature world.

So in the vast universe, do those bright worlds really exist? Those unique civilizations? Those emperors, ancestors and kings who were the best in an era?

Maybe it’s really possible!

Because the miniature world in front of you is interpreting a completely different and glorious epic.

The emergence of every king-level figure will open up a new path and leave a long-standing force.

This has allowed the development of the micro world to completely jump onto the highway and enter a stage of rapid development.

And, in order for this development to be sustainable, Saihara had to expand the size of the miniature world again.

But this time, he did not expand the miniature world on the original basis, but used some hidden space passages to open up some unique worlds.

Anyway, he is in the [Origin of All Realms], and he can use the power of space to create different sizes of different spaces at will.

Moreover, when combined with other authorities, the created alien space can have unique attributes.

In order to allow the miniature world to continue to develop and have a chance of reaching the extraordinary level, Qi Yuan deliberately created some special spaces and did not possess some extraordinary resources and energy.

It even deepened the power of authority in this world again.

But such deliberate help does not seem to bring much help to this world.

Although it is still prosperous and multiplied, it seems that there has never been a breakthrough on the path to the extraordinary level.

Qi Yuan has discovered that the development of all things follows its own rules. If people deliberately guide it, it will not go as people want, and they can only let them develop on their own.

In the years that followed, the miniature world flourished.

The forces formed around powerful individuals are entrenched in one side of the world, occupying abundant resources, and become a giant-like existence.

At the same time, it also began to use family as a bond to form a powerful clan and create an epic.

Countries even began to appear, and the vast land of Mianyang protected the people of one side.

In the stage of rapid human development, the monster beasts are still stuck in a long dilemma, and no existence similar to Kui Niu has ever appeared.

However, no civilization can always be strong, and no civilization can always decline.

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