Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 1043 The Development Of Various Ethnic Groups

Eventually it evolved into a royal family and established a country, calling itself the country of mountains and rivers, but others generally called it the "Ye Country".

Within Zhao City's forces, the most important combat force is the Vulcan Guard.

The captain and deputy captain of the Vulcan Guard happened to be a boy and a girl. The two were already extremely talented, and the child born from their union actually had a 99% fire attribute affinity.

Since then, the two have become more and more powerful, gradually taking control of the entire force and becoming a powerful family.

Finally, with the help of others, the nation was successfully established and became a country, called the "Fire Nation".

As for the forces left by Qi Yuan, Yang Zhenghe, and Qin Zhenjun, there was no extremely powerful family within them, so they ended up existing as powerful forces.

Or to be more precise, the sect forces.

The remaining forces in Qi Yuan became stronger and stronger under Han Dong's diligent management, and were finally renamed Shanhaizong.

The most important core force, mainly the secret battle situation left behind, is the foundation of strength.

As for others, because of decades of development, many small and medium-sized forces have emerged.

Therefore, Han Dong made a unified plan to let them form their own families or forces and disperse them around the Shanhai Sect.

The force left by Qin Zhenjun did not master the beast puppets, but learned to tame them, so it was renamed the Beast Sect.

The forces left behind by Yang Zhenghe were mainly puppet masters, and were eventually renamed Thousand Puppet Sect.

Their development model seems to be influenced by both Xincheng and Beidou Sea Area, combining the characteristics of both parties.

Qi Yuan actually doesn't particularly care about these. No matter which direction he develops, it is a spontaneous act of civilization and must be the most appropriate path.

Because of himself, it is more important to be busy and enjoy life.

You are working hard on cultivation, so just pick the fruits when the time comes.

As for the internal development of the force, the secret war bureau and the research institute are their own faction, and An Changlin is in charge of the overall situation, so there is no need for him to worry about it.

Therefore, taking Zhong Maiyun with them, the two of them completely lived a life without shame.

The world is so big that there is no place that two people cannot go.

The snow-capped mountains of the polar plateau, under the aurora in the northern land, the depths of the vast ocean, the beautiful and brilliant sea of ​​flowers, the hot springs of the endless fire area, the lair of the perfect beast...

After all, the two of them are quite young, and it's time to leave a descendant.

However, despite the long years that have passed, the two of them still look like they are in their 20s.

For the total life span, today's age is not particularly old.

However, Zhong Maiyun's face was red, fair and warm, while Qi Yuan's eyes were sunken, his lips were white, and his waist was slightly aching on both sides.

Only then did Qi Yuan understand that in many cases, it was not his own fault that he was unable to extricate himself, but it could also be that the enemy's methods were too tough.

After many times of madness and visiting many magnificent attractions on their home planet, the two finally returned to a peaceful life.

I found a peaceful mountain forest and lived the simplest food, clothing, housing and transportation, just like I had just arrived in the misty world, working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

It seems that deep down in human hearts, we still long for peace and quiet.

It's just that when we as a whole need to work hard for racial research, we have to focus on war.

As far as Qi Yuan himself is concerned, he only hopes that such peaceful development can last longer and have fewer conflicts and disputes.

It would be a good thing if it could continue like this for the past 50 years.

But he knew better that if he wanted to maintain such peace, there was only one way, and that was to continuously improve his strength so that no one would dare to invade.

Just like Gu Ling Civilization, if Qi Yuan is not strong enough, the two sides will definitely not be able to live in peace.

Therefore, most of Qi Yuan's energy must be focused on improving the intermittent combat power.

"Mai Yun, are you busy at the shelter?"

Zhong Maiyun straightened her broken hair and said nonchalantly: "With Irene watching, I don't need to worry too much. If you want to be busy, just go ahead and do it."

She also knew very well that with Qi Yuan's status, it was difficult to travel with her every day. After all, there were too many things going on on the entire home planet. Even if Qi Yuan didn't need to cover everything, he couldn't just let it go.

The two have been in a relationship for many years, and there is still some tacit understanding.

Qi Yuan didn't say much, nodded and said: "Okay, I have to pay attention to the development of some top forces."

Qi Yuan's so-called top power actually includes many aspects.

On the one hand, there is the situation of Qin Zhenjun, Yang Zhenghe, Zhao Cheng, Zhang Zhongyue, Camposhe, and Acleutis.

Qi Yuan has always allowed them to develop on their own and has not interfered too much within them.

Therefore, I don’t know much about them.

On the other hand, Qi Yuan has another group of top combatants.

That is the forces scattered in various super wonders, bound by attributes and blood.

There are currently six in total, representing the six attributes of water, fire, earth, metal, sand, and poison.

And in the past 50 years, the two attributes of sand and poison have been given, and the corresponding bloodlines of beasts have been found, which has a high probability of adapting to humans.

They are the Xuansha Scorpion King and the Ten Thousand Poison Frogs.

The Whirlpool Scorpion King is a kind of scorpion in the desert. It controls an entire scorpion group and has the power to control the sand. It is extremely powerful in the desert.

After absorbing this bloodline, not only can it perfectly adapt to the conditions in the desert, but it can also control the swirling sand scorpions.

Nowadays, the number of children with the sand attribute is relatively small, so the vast majority of the population is born from Shaluo in Shacheng.

The two were originally of the earth attribute, but under the influence of the environment and after their descendants absorbed the blood of the Whirlpool Scorpion King, a high-quality sand attribute began to appear.

The Ten Thousand Poison Frog is a highly poisonous frog that lives in swamps and is also an extremely precious medicinal material.

After absorbing its blood, it can become almost invulnerable to all poisons, has a strong sensitivity to toxins, and can absorb toxins.

The stronger the toxin absorbed, the greater the improvement in strength, and it can be controlled to a certain extent.

Du Yan and Du Yue are both 100% poison-attribute friendly, and most of the children they give birth to are also poison-attributed. After absorbing their blood, the quality of their offspring will also be very high.

However, just like the sand attribute, the poison attribute rarely appears in human society, so we can only rely on reproduction to increase the number of people.

As for the four attributes of metal, water, fire, and earth, they are very popular attributes. Although the affinity requirements are relatively high, it is very normal to add a few every year.

Therefore, the groups with these four attributes have now become relatively large.

Even, in order to further screen and improve the affinity of future generations, Qi Yuan once again raised the restriction - the affinity must reach 90% or above before he can stay.

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