Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 109 Huge Harvest

The golden giant eel has completely lost its vitality.

Qi Yuan tried to get the black tiger swarm closer, but there was no response.

It wasn't until they saw a white and silver resource box appearing on the ground that everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's finally over."

Yang Zhenghe's expression softened and he said with some emotion.

The others also smiled.

The strength of the excellent beast has exceeded everyone's expectations, and its vitality is so tenacious that even five people working together cannot easily solve it.

It stands to reason that they are both excellent combat powers. Whether it is the guardian puppet or the black tiger bee queen, they should have the same strength as the golden giant eel.

But during the actual battle, they were unable to fight against each other and were much weaker.

Under everyone's strange gazes, Qin Zhenjun climbed onto the back of the giant golden eel and used an excellent weapon to directly cut open the back muscles.

The thick skin and flesh are removed, revealing the dark yellow spine inside.

Qin Zhenjun looked serious and looked carefully with calm eyes.

Qi Yuan asked curiously: "Brother Qin, what are you looking at?"

Qin Zhenjun looked serious and did not respond directly. It was not until two minutes later that he said: "I am looking at the growth rings on the spines of the golden eels. This is a symbol of their age."


Everyone was shocked and had not thought about this issue.

"How old is it?" Yang Zhenghe asked.

Qin Zhenjun was silent for a few seconds and said with a hint of shock: "More than 80 years old! And he's still in his prime."

Zhao Cheng was confused: "80 years old? How old can a normal eel live?"

"Six to 10 years, maybe no more than 15 years."

Qin Zhenjun explained, looking a little unhappy.

Qi Yuan saw Qin Zhenjun's face and understood what he was thinking.

These giant beasts did not appear out of thin air.

Instead, he has been born and raised in the misty world for decades or hundreds of years, and has continuously eaten food rich in spiritual energy, and has achieved his current strength.

Moreover, the lifespan of these beasts far exceeds that of life on earth.

Since an 80-year-old golden eel can exist, will there be other powerful beasts that are more than a hundred years old or more than a thousand years old?

Then what should their strength be?

Rare level? Or stronger?

This cast a shadow over everyone's hearts.

However, it still cannot dilute the joy of this harvest.

An excellent gold giant eel, plus a silver resource box.

Just a large amount of excellent flesh and blood is enough to make up for everyone's consumption.

Qin Zhenjun started cutting, peeled off the entire eel skin, removed the head and tail, and divided the flesh into five parts.

This time there was no distribution according to work, but directly divided into five equal parts.

Even if Zhao Cheng didn't help, he still didn't give him less.

If it weren't for him, the five people would probably not cooperate again to hunt the golden eel.

Leave the bones and blood to Zhong Maiyun.

The finally made spiritual arrows were given directly to Zhong Maiyun to replenish her lost spiritual arrows.

The props in the silver resource box were divided equally between Qi Yuan, Qin Zhenjun, and Yang Zhenghe.

Generally speaking, the resource box contains 3 items, which is just enough for three people to share equally.

The exception was the Bailang Fishing Rod.

The five people distributed their flesh and blood and spiritual arrows and gathered in front of the silver resource box.

As the silver light emerged, the resource box was opened.

Four items appear.

"There are actually four of them?!"

【Shop (Excellent Level)】

[Mountain Moving Scroll (Excellent Level)]

[Cloud (Excellent Level)]

[Yinshuitan (Excellent Level)]

Surprisingly, there was no weapon, just various tools.

And they are tools that no one has seen before.

Several people checked the information individually.

[Name: Shop (Excellent Level)

Function: Form a private store on the public store interface.

Traded in spirit coins, can be put on the shelves for sale:

Good level items: 5 types

Excellent level items: 3 types

Rare items: 1 type

Daily transaction limit: 5,000 spirit coins

Introduction: Special props dropped by killing excellent beasts within a certain period of time. 】

The function of the store is simple and easy to understand, similar to that of a public store. However, this store is a private property.

"It's very useful. You can earn spiritual coins, and the daily transaction volume is not low. Not bad!" Qi Yuan murmured to himself.

The fifth-level shelter requires 30,000 spirit coins, which is an extremely large amount and is difficult for ordinary survivors to obtain in a short time.

Even many survivors may not be able to obtain 30,000 spirit coins in their lifetime.

Even for Qi Yuan, this is an astronomical figure.

The "store" prop opens up a brand new way to earn spiritual coins.

[Name: Mountain Moving Scroll (Excellent Level)

Function: Move wild resource points to designated locations.

Resource point level: less than or equal to rare level.

Resource point area: less than or equal to 3,000 square meters.

Introduction: Everyone moves home! 】

Scroll for migrating resources.

Qi Yuan saw it for the first time, but he understood its value very well.

Once used on the right resources, the value is absolutely extremely high.

[Name: Cloud (Excellent Level)

Function: Form a cloud that will not dissipate at a designated location.

Reduce the impact of the natural environment on the clouds below to a certain extent.

Scope: 200 square meters

Function: A natural prop formed by the force of nature. 】

A prop similar to the shelter mask?

This "cloud" prop is similar to Yang Zhenghe's "Shelter Mask", and it is also a powerful prop with a wide range.

Qi Yuan was very moved by this.

[Name: Yin Shuitan (Excellent Level)

Function: 1. Form a 20 square meter Yinshui pool.

2. Yinshuitan has the effect of enhancing physical fitness.

3. Yinshuitan can soften metal and make metal ore more tough.

Introduction: Cold water pool, not edible directly. 】

Another excellent prop!

Each of the four props made Qi Yuan excited.

Earn spiritual stones!

Occupy advanced resources!

Area-wide shelter props!

Enhance your physique and improve the properties of metal ores!

Either way, it will have a great impact on the development of shelters.

Qi Yuan only had one thought in his mind: "I want them all..."

There are four other people in the same way as Qi Yuan.

Zhao Cheng's eyes were already dull: "Fuck...what kind of magical resource box is this? Who of you just opened it? Did you risk your life to open it?"

When Qi Yuan heard this, his excited face suddenly froze, and he said seriously: "Don't talk nonsense! Do you still believe in this kind of superstition? Childish!"

Qi Yuan secretly thought: This time the loss is big, next time let the Black Tiger Bee Queen drive.

Yang Zhenghe looked at the four props with excitement on his face. He didn't know how to choose, so he said, "Let's all distribute them. They are all good things."

Qi Yuan looked at the four items and suggested: "I thought there were only 3 items, but I didn't expect 4 items."

"In this case, let this shop prop be regarded as a common asset of our alliance."

The others thought for a moment and agreed.

Shop props are indeed more suitable for five people to jointly manage.

A person's resources are ultimately single and cannot maximize benefits.

After discussion, the five people finally decided to hand over the store props to Zhong Maiyun for safekeeping.

After that, Zhong Maiyun's position in the league will gradually shift towards logistics support.

Although he had concerns, Qi Yuan still chose to believe her.

As for the remaining three items, Qi Yuan and the other three also made their own choices.

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