Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 113 Raising Bamboo Rats

Secondly, bamboo rats also like to eat bamboo roots underground.

Once the bamboo roots are lost, the bamboo cannot absorb water and nutrients and will die naturally soon.

Finally, and most importantly!

Bamboo rats live in underground burrows in bamboo forests.

Therefore, under a bamboo forest, bamboo rat burrows and tunnels extend in all directions.

When bamboo rats encounter bamboo roots during the burrowing process, they will eat them all, which not only destroys the root system of the bamboo, but also destroys the land structure of the bamboo forest, making the bamboo forest intolerant to drought, causing soil moisture loss, and causing the bamboo to die. Drought lacks nutrients and swaths of land die.

In other words, not only will the bamboo forest be destroyed, but the soil will also be damaged.

Thinking of this, Qi Yuan was very angry.

How many rare items do you have in total?

You want to destroy both of them as soon as you come here?

Qi Yuan was furious when he saw an even more uncomfortable scene.

The guardian thorn vine in the distance is transporting several tied bamboo rats here.

This shows that there are definitely a lot of bamboo rats under the bamboo forest!

Now, in the entire foggy area, the guardian thorns are looking for bamboo rats in all directions.

The root system of guardian thorns is indeed underdeveloped, but that does not mean that their roots cannot grow.

It’s just that they don’t need to absorb nutrients from the soil, so they don’t deliberately grow rhizomes.

But under the unbridled provocation of the bamboo rat, the guardian thorn began to make changes!

Transfer plant energy to rhizomes, enhance the underground combat capabilities of the guardian thorns, and form a large net to capture bamboo rats.

Surrounded by the sudden attack of the guardian thorns, the bamboo rat clan was caught off guard.

A large number of burrows were breached, and before the bamboo rats could react, they were tied up by the intruding protective thorns and transported out without any resistance.

Next to the guarding thorns, the number of bamboo rats gradually increased from 7-8 to more than a dozen or more than 20.

Finally settled on 32.

Except for some that were not in their burrows, almost all the other bamboo rats were captured.

Looking at the more than thirty bamboo rats in front of him, who were as fat as pigs, Qi Yuan was furious.

How would such a nest of bamboo rats destroy the bamboo roots of Yunxi bamboo?

Fortunately, it was discovered in time. If it had been discovered a few months later, the bamboo forest might have been completely destroyed.

However, Qi Yuan also suddenly thought of it.

Since the bamboo rat can eat the roots of the rare Yunxi bamboo, its own strength must not be simple.

After checking, I found that it was indeed the case!

These 32 bamboo rats are all good-level beasts.

However, they are not ferocious and powerful beasts.

So Kong has a good grade, but no corresponding combat effectiveness.

When captured by the guardian thorns, he had no ability to resist at all.

And he is very timid.

"Excellent quality! Thin skin and plenty of filling! Fat meat! Timid by nature! Not strong!" Qi Yuan murmured to himself, his eyes slowly brightening.

This kind of bamboo rat is really suitable for breeding!

Qi Yuan has been thinking about the breeding industry in the sanctuary for a long time.

He thought about raising pigs, cattle, sheep, and chickens... but he never had the right conditions.

For livestock that can be raised, the following characteristics are required.

The first is the quality issue.

Qi Yuan is now at the peak of the good level. He has been stuck at this level for a long time and has never been able to break through.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to eat ordinary grade food, at least it must be good grade or above.

Secondly, that is to be docile enough.

He doesn't have that many "beast domestication scrolls", and it's impossible to domesticate all good-level domestic animals, so he can only domesticate them artificially.

It is almost impossible for ferocious predators such as lions, tigers, wolves, snakes, and leopards to be domesticated successfully in animal pens.

Finally, the economic value must be high. Can harvest more abundant resources.

Bamboo rats meet all three conditions.

Good grade!

Mild and timid character!

There is a lot of meat, and it can also be made into flesh and blood essence!

Thinking about it this way, how can this still be a sinful bamboo rat? Even looking at them now, I find them a bit cute.

Qi Yuan's eyes towards the bamboo rat also became softer.

After thinking it through in his mind, Qi Yuan just went ahead and started preparing for bamboo rat breeding immediately.

The first is the breeding site.

In the foggy area. There are also many vacant areas, so don’t worry about running out of space to breed.

"Where should we place them?" Qi Yuan lowered his head and thought silently.

In today's foggy area, with the shelter as the center, the direction of the stream is determined to be east-west.

To the north of the shelter is a small river that runs east to west.

To the southeast of the sanctuary, there is an acre of rare-grade spiritual fields and an acre of rare-grade Yunxi Bamboo Forest.

The rest of the place is still very empty, all occupied by guardian thorns.

After thinking about it, Qi Yuan planned to keep the bamboo rats on the east side of the shelter, above the planting area.

This is also considering that the breeding of bamboo rats and the planting of crops can be mutually beneficial.

The feces of bamboo rats is a very good organic fertilizer, which can replenish the spiritual energy lost in the soil and the nutrients needed for the growth of various crops.

Therefore, the cleaned bamboo rat excrement can be fermented and used as fertilizer to be provided to the spiritual fields nearby.

The crops nearby will also produce a lot of useless plant roots, similar to watermelon vines, grapevine leaves, winter wheat rhizomes, etc.

These useless plants can serve as food for bamboo rats, but this is only part of the food source.

If you want bamboo rats to thrive and achieve large-scale breeding, you must pay special attention to their food and living environment.

Qi Yuan also began to think deeply about these two aspects.

In terms of food, in addition to plant roots, we also need to look for more staple foods.

Since there are bamboo rats living nearby, it is very likely that there will be bamboo forests, and no matter what, there are plants suitable for bamboo rats to eat.

How else could they have survived before?

Therefore, as long as the bee swarm is arranged to go out to search, there is a high probability that it will be found.

As for the living environment.

Bamboo rats like to live in dark, cool, quiet and dry environments.

To meet these conditions, there are two measures: underground and wood chips.

Bamboo rats still prefer the living environment of burrows, and this does not need to be changed.

Moreover, there are guardian thorns, which can use the roots to form a circle underground to prevent the bamboo rats from escaping.

At the same time, covering them with sawdust in the hole can maintain a dry living environment and have a certain antibacterial cleaning effect.

After thinking about it, Qi Yuan started to make arrangements.

Instruct the guardian thorns to enclose a 30 square meter space in the east area of ​​the shelter.

Guardian Thorns can monitor bamboo rats around the clock to prevent them from escaping secretly.

Under the ground, the rhizomes of guarding thorns also form a semicircular space for bamboo rats to burrow.

In this way, the bamboo rat can be completely surrounded and unable to escape the surveillance of the guardian thorns.

Qi Yuan moved all the bamboo rats into this space and allowed them to survive in it.

Then, dozens more logs were thrown to them.

They chew the wood themselves, chewing out a large amount of soft wood chips, and then lay them in the burrows where they live.

This is their living habit.

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