Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 116 Birth? Incubation? Germination?

When I woke up the next morning, the forum was completely erupted.

The top 20 most popular posts are all occupied by the same information.

high temperature!

In the original civilized society, the surviving national leaders of various countries, as well as a large number of red-named survivors, jointly posted.

There is only one core content of the post!

The next disaster will be high temperatures!

Let all survivors collect ice cubes in time before the cold wave has completely passed to prevent sudden high temperature attacks.

At the same time, even various methods and measures are also stated in the post.

For example, use the basement to build an ice cellar.

For example, choosing a suitable geographical location can better protect you from high temperature exposure.

For example, we have collected foods and herbs that can prevent heatstroke in the mist world.

Another example is the exploration and acquisition of groundwater.

Another example is the selection of crops that are extremely resistant to high temperatures, as well as planting methods.

Another example...

When the wisdom of the entire civilization is used as a boost, the power that explodes is beyond everyone's imagination.

In the comment area below, there are more fantastic ideas from other survivors, which are constantly being promoted to the top.

Almost all useful information will not be buried. It will continue to increase the popularity in the likes and comments so that other survivors can see it.

When disaster truly strikes, when life faces a desperate situation.

Everyone is doing their part.

Qi Yuan woke up early in the morning and was completely confused when he saw this scene.

Contacted so many people overnight? !

Let so many people who are familiar with it and are not weak in strength send information about high temperature together.

Moreover, it can also make these posts all reach the top twenty most popular posts.

what does that mean?

It means a wide enough network of high-level contacts and a solid enough support from the bottom survivors.

"Mr. Zhang Zhongyue is really... really..."

For a moment, Qi Yuan only felt that the book was useful when it came to use, and he didn't know how to praise it!

Helpless, there is only one sentence: the heifer grows wings and the cow ascends to the sky.

Seeing the development of the situation, Qi Yuan finally felt relieved.

All the survivors finally caught the last tail of the cold wave.

Taking advantage of the last opportunity, start collecting ice cubes everywhere to prepare for the high temperature disaster.

At the same time, Qi Yuan also received his first business.

Yang Zhenghe chose to trust Qi Yuan and was willing to try to hand over resources worth 1,000 spiritual coins to Qi Yuan.

However, not all the supplies were given to Qi Yuan and then converted into spiritual coins before being paid to Yang Zhenghe.

If so, the risk would be too great for Yang Zhenghe.

The transaction method between the two was for Qi Yuan to inspect the goods first.

First send some resources to Qi Yuan to confirm the value and confirm that Lingmarsh Pond can increase the price.

Then buy it at the corresponding price.

For example, in this transaction, after confirming that the price of the resource was indeed 1,000 spirit coins, Qi Yuan purchased it directly at the price of 1,080.

Then put it into the spiritual swamp and turn it all into spiritual liquid.

The spiritual liquid was traded to a public store, and Qi Yuan received 1,200 spiritual coins.

In this way, the first transaction between the two was a complete success.

Just by moving his hands, he gained 120 spirit coins.

Qi Yuan was very happy, and Yang Zhenghe was also very surprised.

After this first success, the future trading model will be fixed and long-term trading will be possible.

Regardless of the 1,000 spirit stones, I only got 80 more spirit coins.

But for ordinary survivors, even if there is only one more spirit coin, it is worth the effort.

Most survivors have a relatively simple way of obtaining resources, and they are still at the level of food and clothing.

Even more than 85% of the survivors have not been able to upgrade their shelters to level four.

Because it is too difficult to obtain spiritual coins.

I don't have enough good-level items for daily use, so where can I have extra to exchange for spiritual coins?

Even Qi Yuan, Yang Zhenghe, and Qin Zhenjun.

Although they began to eat excellent-level food, it did not mean that good-level resources were useless.

Planting, breeding, and development require a lot of resources.

Where can I find extra resources to exchange for spiritual coins?

Qi Yuan even plans to return to his old business of cutting down trees, and maybe he can harvest a batch of high-quality wood every day.

However, when the store and spirit coin business comes, the daily income from spirit coins is still quite considerable.

Moreover, he also has a big customer who may bring him a lot of wealth.

Zhang Zhongyue!

If Mr. Zhang is willing to believe in himself and maintain a cooperative relationship with him, this will be a great asset.

And with Mr. Zhang’s connections, he might be able to develop this business.

Qi Yuan was in a very good mood as he fantasized about his business territory.

After getting up early and eating excellent golden eel soup, Qi Yuan began to exercise and practice archery.

After that, he checked the condition of the ice cellar in the basement.

The ice cellar project has been mostly completed, and it will only take three days at most to fill all five igloos in the basement with ice.

Seeing that Chu Wenxi and Zhou Yue performed well, Qi Yuan was relieved.

Currently, their charcoal work is completely stopped.

After all, today's weather is no longer so cold, and you can spend the night even without using charcoal.

All their thoughts were focused on making ice cubes.

My daily job is to find snow everywhere and make it into ice cubes.

After the ice is delivered to the shelter, they are stacking it in a basement ice cellar.

Of course, the breeding of bamboo rats also requires them to worry more.

If they see that the bamboo shoots have been eaten, they will take the storage box to the bamboo forest 3 kilometers away to deliver food.

Of course, in order to prevent them from having any accidents, Qi Yuan will arrange for Black Tiger Bees to protect them.

In any case, the three of them have known each other for a while. They have been working diligently together and have some feelings for each other.

Qi Yuan is also worried about their safety. The two girls are not very strong. Once they encounter danger, they have almost no ability to resist.

Fortunately, there are guardian thorns, black hornets, and hornets everywhere near the shelter, so we can keep an eye on them at all times, so there won't be much danger.

"Qi Yuan! Qi Yuan!"

Suddenly, two shouts interrupted Qi Yuan's thinking.

Qi Yuan frowned: "Why is Zhou Yue still so rough? What happened?"

"Qi Yuan! It's time to give birth! It's time to give birth! Your baby is about to give birth! Come here quickly!"

Qi Yuan's face turned dark instantly, and he racked his brains for a long time before he understood what she was talking about.

The seeds of the Guardian Thorn are about to hatch!

Qi Yuan ran back to the living room and immediately saw the big fruit next to the fireplace.

The original large red fruit had lost its red color and turned into an almost transparent gray-white color.

It means that the nutrients inside have been absorbed by the guardian thorn seeds.

A ten centimeter-long crack appeared above the fruit, and a pale white liquid came out of it and flowed to the ground.

At the same time, bulges appear from time to time on the loose peel near the cracks.

It seems like the life inside is trying to break out of the shell.

"It's about to be born! Bah! It's about to hatch... That's not right. Should this be considered germination?"

For a moment, Qi Yuan couldn't figure out what kind of creature the guardian thorn was.

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