Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 123 Shelter Development

It’s not just sunthorn that benefits, but other plants as well.

Whether it is the native vegetation in the misty world or the crops grown by the survivors, they are all vying to grow.

A large number of trees sprouted new buds, the barren grassland was smeared with new green, life was glowing in every corner, streams began to flow, and animals went out to look for food.

It seems that everything is developing in a good direction.

that's the truth.

The first five crystal rice plants have matured, and the yield is not as high as the one obtained from the secret realm, but it is still very good.

Almost every plant produced about 20 crystal rices, and in the end, a total of 112 crystal rices were harvested.

Under the ripening of rare-grade soil, winter wheat can be harvested in a day or two at most.

Tomatoes and ice-patterned watermelons are still some time away from ripening, but they have already produced small fruits.

There are only grape vines, and some of the grapes have already begun to ripen.

This kind of good-grade grape is different from ordinary grapes. Although the size is the same, the color is very deep purple and looks very beautiful.

Moreover, it exudes a very strong fruity aroma that can be smelled from a long distance away.

Qi Yuan has stored the ripe bunches in the basement ice cellar, hoping to be able to drink iced grape juice in a high temperature environment.

Recently, there is some very good news.

After the hornets settled in the north of the shelter, they began to explore the foggy area in the north and accidentally discovered a kind of food.

sweet potato!

Moreover, the quality is good and the quantity is quite large.

Qi Yuan sent out to guard the thorns, dug out all the sweet potatoes and brought them back to the shelter.

Qi Yuan didn't like eating this kind of traditional food very much before. He only liked eating purple sweet potatoes.

But now that it was discovered in the wild, Qi Yuan was also very excited.

You can bake sweet potatoes that night for a change of flavor and a fresh taste.

But what Qi Yuan didn't expect was that this kind of sweet potato, like bamboo, had extremely tough fibers and couldn't be bitten at all.

It also tastes bitter and difficult to swallow.

Qi Yuan only took a bite and after chewing for five or six minutes, he couldn't swallow it and immediately vomited it.

Seeing the hundreds of kilograms of sweet potatoes harvested, Qi Yuanqi's face turned green.

Fortunately, sweet potato vines taste great and can be used as a supplement to green vegetables.

As for the sweet potatoes, they are all piled next to the bamboo rat breeding ground as food for the bamboo rats.

Sweet potato seedlings were also preserved by Qi Yuan and can be replanted.

Although this kind of sweet potato doesn't taste good, it is still very good as feed.

Whether it is feeding bamboo rats or feeding mangosteens in the future, it is very economical and economical.

the most important is!

This good grade sweet potato is found in ordinary soil!

Ordinary-grade soil can grow good-grade crops. No wonder they are so unpalatable. It seems that the sweet potatoes have done their best!

Qi Yuan planted sweet potato seedlings next to the bamboo rat breeding ground, hoping to reproduce here.

Qi Yuan also sent this kind of sweet potato to Qin Zhenjun, which could be used as food for the iron-backed mountain pig.

These two pigs eat a lot and consume a lot of food every day, which is also a huge expense for Qin Zhenjun.

After Qin Zhenjun accepted it, he also told Qi Yuan good news!

Iron-backed wild boar! Pregnant!

After more than a week and hard work day and night, the iron-backed mountain pig finally bore the fruit of love!

Let the bloodline of the Tiebei Mountain Boar family be passed down in their hands!

Next comes the long pregnancy.

Generally speaking, the normal pregnancy time of domestic pigs is 4 months.

During this time, the Tiebei mountain pig will still live in the incubation room to improve the success rate of reproduction.

In terms of food, because of the sweet potatoes, Qi Yuan is responsible for everything.

Qi Yuan directly set aside 100 kilograms and sent it to them as food for them.

As long as they can survive the high temperatures, they can multiply and expand the iron-backed mountain pig family!

In addition to the iron-backed mountain pigs, which are mating extremely smoothly, the black tiger bee colony is also growing!

A total of more than 2,000 black killer bees hatched.

These more than 2,000 black tiger bees come from two parts!

Among them, 1,500 were collected from two black tiger bee colonies next to Qin Zhenjun's shelter. Many bee eggs were left in their hives and were hatched.

The remaining 500 are the direct descendants of the black tiger bee queen!

Because this is the bloodline of the excellent Black Tiger Bee Queen, its overall strength is stronger!

Just born, the physical fitness of this batch of black tiger bees already exceeds that of most ordinary black tiger bees.

Moreover, their size actually reached the size of a good-grade black tiger bee.

It is conceivable that when they break through to the good level, they will be much stronger than the original black tiger bees!

Qin Zhenjun sent back a total of 1,500 black hornets, and he kept 500 for himself to guard the sanctuary.

Originally, Qi Yuan asked him to directly take the Black Tiger Bee with excellent bloodline, which was stronger.

However, he finally left behind a batch of common black hornets.

According to Qin Zhenjun, these excellent black tiger bee colonies have just begun to hatch. If you take away more than half of them directly, they will not be suitable for future development and growth.

Qi Yuan thought about it and realized that it did make sense, so he didn't say any more.

Later, when the excellent black tiger bee colony expands, the bee colony will be assigned to Qin Zhenjun.

According to Qi Yuan's expectations, he plans to only breed outstanding black tiger bee colonies in the future.

Replace all the good-level black tiger bees in the current bee colony to form a new excellent-level black tiger bee colony...

However, this goal still has a long way to go!

This requires the black tiger bee queen to work harder and reproduce more!

In the past few days, business in the shops has continued.

But it was only at this time that Qi Yuan began to regret.

Although the benefits of healing potions are high, the materials for making them are relatively hard to come by.

In order to obtain more flesh and blood essence, Qi Yuan had to eliminate the black tiger bee queen and go out to hunt wild beasts.

Now that I know the location of the excellent beast, I feel more at ease.

Just stay away from the excellent beasts when you go out.

Therefore, Qi Yuan arranged for the black tiger bee queen to search for good-level beasts in the north and south of the sanctuary.

The queen black tiger bee led 38 good-level black tiger bees and more than 6,300 black tiger bee colonies and began to sweep around the sanctuary.

Of course, just to be on the safe side.

Qi Yuan asked Qin Zhenjun to borrow the "Beast Search Scroll" and once again confirmed the location of the excellent beasts. After finding that they had not moved, he was relieved to let the Black Tiger Bee Queen sweep them away.

In three days, the Black Tiger Bee Queen hunted 26 good-level beasts, harvested 28 bottles of flesh and blood essence, and 16 good-level meat steaks.

Because there are two large beasts among them, two bottles of flesh essence are made.

These flesh and blood essences were all made into healing potions. There were 28 bottles in total. 12 bottles were sold and 3,000 spiritual coins were obtained.

Qi Yuan enjoyed the huge benefits from the healing potion.

So next, Qi Yuan will send the Black Tiger Bee Queen out to hunt more high-level beasts and make more flesh and blood essence.

With the daily harvest of 1,000 spirit coins, it won't take long to collect the 30,000 spirit coins needed for the Vitality Sanctuary.

Moreover, Qi Yuan has other channels to earn more spiritual coins!

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