Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 125 Store Update

No matter how rare the item is, no matter how valuable it is, no matter how great the market demand is!

Anyway, you can only earn up to 5,000 spirit coins in a day.

This means that only a very small number of survivors can purchase items from the "Survivor Store".

Most other survivors can still only buy them in public stores.

Qi Yuan was actually a little confused.

The emergence of props like "stores" is actually to allow top survivors to have channels to quickly accumulate wealth.

However, various rules restrict survivors from obtaining spiritual coins.

The two are contradictory to each other.

"Perhaps, the system wants to screen out those who are truly capable, rather than those who rely solely on luck..." Qi Yuan thought silently in his mind.

But then I thought: Damn! Is this the kind of person who can’t guard against this? !

Putting aside unrealistic ideas, Qi Yuandian opened a public store and started checking.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, Qi Yuan's eyes are dazzled by this look!

There were originally only a few public shops, but now a large number of items appeared.

There are common grade, good grade, excellent grade, and even rare grade items.

Most of the ordinary-level items are food, clothing, daily necessities, ordinary tools, etc.

The prices are almost always between 1-10 spirit coins.

Most survivors probably won't use precious spiritual coins to buy ordinary-level items.

Next look at the good level items.

There are many types of high-quality items, and the various items and props that Qi Yuan has seen and never seen before are dazzling.

Flower bed, charcoal, fence, animal trap, ice crystal, salt, healing potion, steak, fruits and vegetables, flesh and blood essence, bow and arrow, machete, luminous stone, teleportation scroll, rental scroll, leather armor, 1 cubic meter storage box, various crops seed……

There are thousands of props of all kinds, with good and bad quality.

The price is generally below 100 spirit coins.

But there are also some special props that are much more expensive than other props.

For example, the price of healing potion is 300 spirit coins, which is higher than Qi Yuan's price.

A 1 cubic meter storage box costs 200 spirit coins, which is also prohibitively expensive.

The soul-seeking scroll can search for nearby good-level resources and costs 250 soul coins.

Item upgrade scroll, 300 spirit coins.

Frost flower releases cold energy for a long time, worth 120 spirit coins.

Although these items are all of good quality. But its value far exceeds the good level.

Even props like "Item Upgrade Scrolls", although most survivors don't know its function, are still very expensive.

The system knows the hidden functions of many items very well, so it is almost impossible to miss them.

Most of the good-grade items you need every day are available in public stores, but the prices are very high.

If you only buy it occasionally, most survivors can barely afford it.

But if you say, rely entirely on public stores to replenish all the supplies you need for your life.

That is really a case of being taken advantage of, and the consumption of spirit coins is also very, very large, which is far beyond what ordinary people can support.

There are also many types of excellent-level products after that.

Ally scrolls, dimensional backpacks, storage boxes, secondary shelter scrolls, excellent soil ores, shops, various foods, tools and weapons...etc.

The price of excellent-level items ranges from 100 to several thousand spirit coins.

Among them, tools, weapons, and food are relatively cheap, mostly costing a few hundred spirit coins.

But this is also relatively speaking. For ordinary survivors, it is still an astronomical figure.

The "store" is the most expensive, almost unique, and requires 10,000 spirit coins.

It is absolutely impossible for the price of excellent-level items to reach this level, but the store is an exception.

This is more like an admission ticket. Most ordinary people are screened, but only a small number of survivors are eligible to receive it.

But as long as you get it, you will never lose money in the future.

The daily transaction volume is 5,000, and as long as the product is good, you can make it back quickly.

Everyone understands this problem, but how many people can collect 10,000 spirit coins?

Find 10,000 people, each with 1 spirit coin?

Or look for 500, 20 spirit coins per person?

If someone really did this, Qi Yuan would definitely be shocked.

However, if there are 10 people, each investing 1,000 spirit coins to buy a store together, this is feasible.

Each person gets 500 spirit coins every day, which is definitely not a small amount, and they can be earned back quickly.

However, if ten people cooperate in their interests, the probability of conflicts will greatly increase. Whether it can be operated for a long time is also a question.

Finally, Qi Yuan saw a rare item.

There are relatively few items, but they are all exquisite.

Appraiser, 10,000 spirit coins.

Move the scroll at will, 10,000 spirit coins.

Random resource scroll, 10,000 spirit coins.

Random facility scroll, 10,000 spirit coins.

Shelter merger scroll, 5000 spirit coins.

Gold resource box, 20,000 spirit coins.

Looking at the prices of rare items, Qi Yuan seemed to be looking at astronomical figures.

You know, spirit coins have not experienced inflation, they are very valuable and have very strong purchasing power.

It's just that the prices in public stores can be said to be ridiculously high, and many of them exceed their own value!

If there is no other choice, no one will buy it in public stores.

After all, among survivors, the prices of most goods are far lower than those in public stores.

But there is one thing that you can’t do without buying it!

That's the "Random Facility Scroll"!

Because among the conditions for upgrading the fifth-level shelter, there is a rigid rule that there must be a rare-level facility.

This alone directly wiped away 95% of the survivors.

This is different from a store, which can also purchase together.

But for rare-level facilities, you can almost only buy them independently, and you must ask the living to collect 10,000 spiritual coins.

Even Qi Yuan's current total assets are only about 5,000 spirit coins.

If you want to collect 10,000 spirit coins, you don't know how many resources and props you have to sell!

"Rare level facilities" are like a barrier, blocking most of the survivors from the door.

At least in a short period of time, they will never be able to break through this hurdle.

Perhaps in the future, when the strength increases and the resources collected become richer and more advanced, enough wealth can slowly be accumulated to purchase a "rare facility scroll" and then upgrade to a level 5 shelter.

But for many survivors, even collecting 1,000 spirit coins to upgrade a level 4 shelter is very difficult.

The update of the public store has disappointed almost all survivors.

It’s tasteless to eat, it’s a pity to throw it away!

The same goes for Qi Yuan. Who can be so generous and buy so much in public stores?

It shows that future trading channels will still focus on three aspects.

Private transactions, alliance transactions, and survivor shops.

However, there was one item among them that Qi Yuan felt was worth the money.

That is the item upgrade scroll!

300 spirit coins, exchange for 3 good-level beasts!

Although in Qi Yuan's opinion, the strength of a good-level beast is only average, it is better than nothing.

And for other survivors, this prop can definitely improve their survival rate.

I just don’t know how many people can discover the secret of the “Item Upgrade Scroll”.

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