Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 127 Lost Preciousness!

Zhong Maiyun's hazy eyes suddenly brightened, as if grasping a life-saving straw, she took out the "Mist Survival Manual" from her arms with difficulty.

Qi Yuan: “Where are the people?!”

Qi Yuan: "The healing potion was sent. Was yesterday's one sold?"

Qi Yuan: "I still have yesterday's spiritual arrows. I'll give you two of them. Are the rest ready?"

Qi Yuan: "Zhong Maiyun, where is the person?"

Qi Yuan: "..."

Zhong Maiyun's eyes were blurry, and she struggled to reply with two words on the message: "Save me."

Nowadays, it is no longer just a matter of "appetite powder".

There is no one here anyway, so even if you do something in broad daylight, no one will notice.

At best, it's just an embarrassing thing that only I know about.

What really frightened her was that she hadn't completely stepped out of the water mist area yet, and was still breathing continuously, inhaling the aphrodisiac powder into her body.

As for how much "appetite aphrodisiac powder" is contained in this cloud, no one knows!

If he was only punished once and could leave normally after being released, Zhong Maiyun would be able to accept it.

But if I keep staying here... over and over again... and over and over again... I'll never stop.

Thinking of this, Zhong Maiyun couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth, and her heart was full of grief and anger.

She can accept losing someone once!

But she couldn't bear to be embarrassed all the time, and she collapsed from exhaustion!

You can even accept death in the foggy world!

But she couldn't accept dying in this way!

After death, he became a mummy with a small pond.

If this is discovered by the screenwriter of "Into Science", at least three episodes can be filmed, and all her past and past affairs will be revealed!

Physiological death is not scary, social death is scary.

Opposite him, Qi Yuan's expression changed and he realized that something was fishy.

Quickly call back the black tiger bee queen and the bee swarm.

A machete in the left hand and a teleportation scroll in the right hand.

Then use the teleportation array to teleport.

Alliance scrolls are no longer valuable, so he and Zhong Maiyun have also signed alliance scrolls.

With the Black Tiger Bee swarm surrounding him and the Black Tiger Bee Queen covering his chest, Qi Yuan looked carefully.

If something unexpected happens, he will immediately use the teleportation scroll to come back.

When he opened his eyes again, he had arrived at the living room of Zhong Maiyun's shelter.

Qi Yuan's muscles tensed up instantly and he quickly checked his surroundings, only to find that there was nothing abnormal.

The shelter was intact and there was no danger around it.

"What's going on?" Qi Yuan did not take it lightly and still looked around nervously.

When I got to the yard and looked outside the shelter door, I noticed something unusual outside.

From an underground cave entrance, thick white mist floated.

Unable to see the specific situation clearly, Qi Yuan did not dare to approach easily and ordered the Black Tiger Bee Queen to go and check.

Only after he was sure that the water mist was not fatal, Qi Yuan dared to walk in.

In the distance, Qi Yuan saw a slightly twisting figure.

"Zhong Maiyun?"

Qi Yuan called tentatively, but there was no response.

But he was already seventy-eight percent sure that this was Zhong Maiyun.

Instead of rushing over, Qi Yuan checked the situation at the entrance of the cave and couldn't help but sigh: "This cloud... is a natural gas meteorological prop?"

This cloud is very similar to the excellent item "Cloud" obtained from the resource box dropped by the golden eel last time.

But looking at its characteristics, Qi Yuan felt that it should be "rain"!

However, because it is buried deep in the soil, it is too close to the ground, and there is insufficient moisture to form effective rainfall.

"But... how can a natural gas prop be so damaging?"

Qi Yuan was puzzled and didn't understand how Zhong Maiyun could be injured so severely that he could hardly move.

"Could it be...a thunderstorm?!" Qi Yuan thought to himself.

Although he didn't know the specific situation, Qi Yuan couldn't leave Zhong Maiyun alone.

A group of ordinary black tiger bees were sent into the fog to try to move Zhong Maiyun out.

Everything went well at first. Zhong Maiyun was easily lifted by the swarm and moved outside the cave entrance.

But in just a few seconds, the black hornets fell down and began to hug each other.

"Is this? The water mist is poisonous?!"

Qi Yuan saw such obvious signs of poisoning clearly and finally understood the problem.

And the message sent back through the black tiger bee queen seems to be... aphrodisiac powder? !

"Damn it, who is so wicked as to add aphrodisiac powder to the water mist?!"

After understanding the situation, Qi Yuan was not so worried.

He directly sent out another batch of good-level black tiger bees and quickly dragged Zhong Maiyun out of the water mist area.

For a few seconds, the aphrodisiac powder will have no effect on good-level beasts.

After they slowed down, they died again in the mist, and all the ordinary black tiger bees that fell to the ground were brought out.

Only then did Qi Yuan have the time to check on Zhong Maiyun.

Can only be described in one word.


With hazy eyes, Zhong Maiyun could vaguely see the figure in front of her and the large number of bees surrounding her.


"Black Tiger Bee Queen, carry people home."

Qi Yuan was not polite and asked the Black Tiger Bee Queen to lift Zhong Maiyun and transport her back to the shelter.

He found the bedroom and threw her directly into it.

"What can we do? How much aphrodisiac powder must we have sucked?"

Looking at the corrupt situation in front of him, Qi Yuan also had a headache.

This is another huge challenge for Qi Yuan after coming to the foggy world.

There was a constant struggle inside, angels and demons already wrestling together, partly up and down.

Finally, Qi Yuan stamped his foot and his eyes became firm.

If you don't take advantage of it, you are a bastard!

Such a good opportunity is in front of you. If you can't seize it, what kind of man will you be?

Moreover, he had saved Zhong Maiyun's life. What happened if he took something from her?

This can only be said to be that good things come to you!

After making up his mind, Qi Yuan immediately took action.

Qi Yuan pushed open the door, rolled up his sleeves, and began to rummage in... the studio.

"The scroll for making spiritual arrows... The scroll for making spiritual arrows... Where is the scroll for making spiritual arrows? Why can't I find it? Where is it hidden?"

Five minutes later, Qi Yuan was sweating profusely and collapsed helplessly on the ground.

"Is there something wrong with this woman? Who makes scrolls and doesn't keep them in the studio?"

Qi Yuan cursed and felt helpless.

Returning to the bedroom, Zhong Maiyun was already flushed and sweating profusely.

Seeing this scene, Qi Yuan couldn't help but feel hot and hot in his lower abdomen.

Zhong Maiyun's consciousness seemed to be clearing up.

Seeing Qi Yuan come in, with his last will, he reached for the bedside table and grabbed a bottle on the table.

It shattered with a "pop" sound.

It seemed that he wanted to attract Qi Yuan's attention.

At the same time, a gentle and hoarse voice sounded with difficulty: "Come... come here."

Qi Yuan frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then walked over.

But as soon as he got closer, Qi Yuan noticed something was wrong.

He actually felt that his body began to weaken uncontrollably, and his legs couldn't help but fall.

Moreover, he also saw Zhong Maiyun stuffing a small pill into his mouth.

"What did you do?"

The next second, Qi Yuan fell on the bed.

Zhong Maiyun was like a fish seeing water, quickly turned over and climbed up.

His consciousness seemed to have recovered, and he gasped heavily: "Anesthetic...anesthetic, you lie down and don't move, I'll do it!"

"Fuck you, you bitch... ugh!"

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