Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 133 Level 5 Shelter

"Hahaha, I finally reached level five shelter!"

"A whole 3 kilometers of underground shelter space! This will be my real place to stay! This is my home!"

"It's so amazing. This land with a radius of three kilometers is constantly producing spiritual energy, nurturing the creatures in the sanctuary!"

"I am no longer a rootless Ping, I finally occupy a place in the misty world!"


Qi Yuan silently turned over the pages of his diary. Under his calm face, there was a turmoil in his heart.

Unexpectedly, level five shelters would be so important and would bring such big changes.

Qi Yuan had previously speculated that a level five shelter could have an area of ​​three kilometers, and it was confirmed here.

But that's not the most important thing.

The biggest difference between level five shelters and level one, two, three and four shelters is aura!

Within the scope of the fifth-level shelter, spiritual energy can be continuously produced to support all life living in it.

This change is like a small tree planted in a flowerpot being transplanted to a vast land.

Originally, the soil in the flower pot was limited, and the nutrients were also limited. If it was used up, it had to be replenished from the outside.

But now, after being moved to the earth, it can absorb a steady stream of nutrients directly from the vast land.

The same is true for level five shelters.

This is a priceless wealth!

Moreover, it was mentioned in the diary that after upgrading to a level five shelter, the shelter will not disappear even if the survivor dies.

Because the shelter does not belong to this world before level 5, so once a survivor dies, he is immediately rejected.

But after level five, the shelter will be part of the world.

The survivors also transformed from stowaways to legal residents and owned their own properties.

Although Qi Yuan does not fully understand its significance at present, he vaguely feels that it is important.

Qi Yuan thought to himself: "It seems that after returning, we need to earn spiritual coins as soon as possible and upgrade the shelter to level five as much as possible!"

The information in the diary gave Qi Yuan a lot of important information.

However, as the time in the diary continues to move forward, the frequency of diary writing by the diary owner becomes less and less.

At first, something was logged almost every day.

But in the end, it was only recorded once every few months, and even the longest one was a full year apart.

Moreover, the recorded content is getting less and less, and the information is becoming more and more fragmented. Most of them are just emotional expressions.

At the beginning, he wrote a diary out of fear and worry, but as time passed, he became more and more accustomed to life in a foggy world.

Until a year and a half later, he never wrote a diary again.

Therefore, the information Qi Yuan learned from it was actually not much, and it was only a little faster than the progress of survivors today.

Moreover, their second disaster was floods, but today's disaster is heat.

The two are completely different, so the reference value is not great.

The only thing that frightened Qi Yuan was the scale and intensity of the flood, which could be said to be a world-destroying flood.

I don’t know if the high temperature we are about to face will be of the same intensity.

Qi Yuan believes that learning from the experiences of others does pay off. But you can’t be completely led by information.

The disaster he will face next will never be the same as the survivors a thousand years ago.

Putting aside the issue of disaster, Qi Yuan began to search for the wealth that the owner of the shelter had in the few words in his diary.

According to the records in his diary, he owned many precious props.

The thing that made him most proud of was the sun in the shelter!

This is the first rare resource he has obtained in more than a year - Sun Concentrate!

An ore containing extremely strong solar energy.

This allowed him to truly grow crops and breed animals underground, forming a perfect little world.

He placed this kind of ore behind the shelter. He doesn't know if it is still there now.

In other aspects, he also obtained a lot of props, all of which should be in the warehouse.

After checking the information, the two of them started searching the house without wasting any time.

First, I found a dimensional backpack and an identification device in the bedroom.

That's right, it's the kind of identification device that Yang Zhenghe owns. It's worth tens of thousands of spirit coins in public stores.

After that, the two searched all other rooms and found that only in the warehouse, they found 10 storage boxes that were not rotten!

There are 10 storage boxes, and each storage box has 5 cubic meters of space inside. In other words, there are a full 50 cubic meters of materials here.

Qi Yuan excitedly opened all the storage boxes and poured out all the contents.

A large amount of food inside has been completely eroded by time and can no longer be eaten.

There are also resources such as wood that have been completely weathered and turned into a puff of fly ash.

In the end, when I sorted it out, there were not many useful resources, or even very few.

Among them, Qi Yuan found many good-level items, but as soon as he touched them, they turned into powder and were completely unusable.

Among the excellent-level items, there are still two ally scrolls, dozens of excellent-level ores, and a pair of stone lions.

The "stone lion" is a special facility placed at the entrance of the shelter, which can effectively deter outstanding beasts.

Rare items, on the contrary, have the largest number of all items, including two "Scrolls of Random Migration", a "Scroll of Shelter Transformation", a "Small Maker", and a bottle of unknown potion.

Six items in total.

Through the appraiser obtained previously, the function of all items can be understood.

The "Shelter Transformation Scroll" can change the shape of the shelter. Survivors provide materials and then turn the shelter into an underground shelter, or an underwater shelter, etc.

"Small maker" is actually similar to the previous workbench, which can directly produce finished products.

However, two conditions are required: making a scroll and paying some spiritual coins.

The last bottle of unknown potion was named "Blood Potion".

[Name: Bloodline Potion (Rare Level)

Function: Use the "Blood Extraction Scroll" to extract the blood essence of rare beasts.

There is a certain chance that beasts below the excellent level can be mutated to acquire some of the characteristics of rare level beasts.

Usage: drink directly

Introduction: The success rate is extremely low! 】

It is also an extremely special prop that can give the characteristics of rare beasts to weak beasts.

But it is conceivable that the success rate should be horribly low.

And this bottle of "bloodline potion" extracts the bloodline of a rare beast, called "Big-horned Barbarian Bull"!

Qi Yuan has never seen the "Big Horned Bull" with his own eyes, so he doesn't know its characteristics and abilities, let alone the effects of using it.

In the end, the two also found more than 20,000 spiritual coins and more than 100 spiritual stones in a resource box.

Seeing the word "spiritual stone", Qi Yuan's heart twitched, and a resource item suddenly came to his mind - the spiritual stone mine!

Check the spiritual stone information. One spiritual stone can be exchanged for 20 spiritual coins!

A spiritual stone mine, 500 spiritual stones, that’s 10,000 spiritual coins!

Fortunately, Qi Yuan thought about it, and the spring seemed to be not bad either.

Water emulsion can directly upgrade ordinary-level beasts to good-level beasts, and its effect is greater than the spirit stone mine!

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