Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 136 Black Hornet Mutation

The energy of the Sun Concentrate gradually calms down and becomes normal.

Qi Yuan asked Zhong Maiyun to borrow a "small maker" to make the sun concentrate into a huge telephone pole.

The solar thorns, which grow up to 7 meters high, can cling to telephone poles, absorbing sunlight from the sky while absorbing the energy of the solar concentrate.

Qi Yuan believes that with such a two-pronged approach, the rich solar energy will surely allow the Solar Thorn to quickly break through to the excellent level.

"Perfect!" Qi Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

Qi Yuan suddenly remembered that he still had seeds of light-eating grass that he had not yet planted. Now the environment next to Sun Thorn was completely sufficient for the growth of light-eating grass.

Take out the grass seeds and scatter them randomly nearby, allowing them to grow freely.

After doing these things, it was already afternoon, and Qi Yuan returned directly to the shelter.

He was so busy these two days that he was so tired that he even forgot to eat lunch.

The pot of Shiquan Dabu soup prepared by Chu Wenxi had already cooled down. Qi Yuan heated it up to replenish the energy lost recently.

After eating, he had one more important thing to do.

Qi Yuan has been thinking about how to use the blood potion (giant horned bull).

Among them, there were not many choices for Qi Yuan.

There are only four species: iron-backed mountain boar, bamboo rat, black hornet, and hornet.

If you don't consider the risks, it is definitely the most cost-effective to use it on Tiebei mountain pigs.

However, the prop information mentioned that the success rate of using blood potions is very low, which means that too few beasts are not suitable for use.

Taken together, only the Horntail is the most suitable.

The strength itself is poor, but the number is extremely large.

Even if the success rate is only one in ten thousand, Qi Yuan can boldly try.

Even if it fails in the end and loses tens of thousands of hornets, it won't be too heartbreaking.

They reproduce quickly anyway.

Qi Yuan took the blood potion to the north of the shelter, where the hornets gathered.

Without further ado, just call to the Queen of Tree Bees and ask her to summon ten thousand Horntails back.

Pour the blood potion into the cup and let the hornets line up to take a sip.

However, Qi Yuan still underestimated the power of the blood essence of rare beasts!

The first Horntail to try barely lasted 3 seconds before his body was exploded by the powerful energy, which was simply unbearable.

Seeing this situation, Qi Yuan couldn't help but frown.

After trying dozens of times in succession, the situation was almost exactly the same. As soon as he drank the blood potion, he immediately exploded and died.

Ordinary-level hornets have almost no chance of success.

Qi Yuan tried to find a good-level hornet.

After drinking the blood potion, the good-level hornet began to tremble all over.

Soon, the Horntail's body began to crack, and fine drops of blood appeared. Especially on its head, there was a crack, and it seemed that something was about to grow.

But this process didn't last long, and the good-level hornets couldn't hold on and exploded directly.

Sacrificing a good-level hornet made Qi Yuan unable to help but feel heartache.

It seems that the body of a good-level hornet is also difficult to withstand this kind of force.

But the endurance time increased significantly, allowing Qi Yuan to see the possibility of success.

So, Qi Yuan found two more good-level hornets to try, but the result was still the same. They couldn't last long before bursting.

Helpless, Qi Yuan could only drive away the hornets.

It seems that due to their physical constitution, it is difficult for them to resist the transformation of the blood potion.

"It seems that we have to find the Black Tiger Bee." Qi Yuan lowered his head and frowned, thinking to himself.

In order to ensure the success rate and avoid losing more combat power, Qi Yuan directly called for the high-level Black Tiger Bee.

As the black hornets flew in, Qi Yuan saw one that was particularly big among the group of good-level black hornets.

Almost twice the size of other good-grade black hornets.

"This is...a good-level black tiger bee with excellent bloodline?!"

Qi Yuan let out a sigh and summoned it curiously.

Compared with other black tiger bees, it is superior to other black tiger bees in terms of size, hardness of carapace, strength, and physical fitness.

Qi Yuan was a little confused: "What did you eat to grow up? How can you become good in just a few days?"

Qi Yuan found out the reason after asking the Black Tiger Bee Queen.

It turned out that in order to quickly increase the growth of excellent-level bloodlines, the Black Tiger Queen specially fed them with royal jelly, quickly raising the strongest one among them to a good level.

Qi Yuan's eyes lit up. So, this black tiger bee should be the strongest in the good level? !

The success rate is definitely the highest!

"You, come here and try."

Qi Yuan called it over and let it take a sip of blood potion.

If it can't succeed, then none of the other black killer bees should be able to succeed either.

As the blood potion was swallowed, the Black Tiger Bee did not react at first, but after five seconds, it began to tremble violently.

Then there was a "pop" and he fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Qi Yuan was shocked.

Why is this reaction greater than that of a hornet?

The hornets exploded directly in the air and did not have time to fall to the ground.

The black hornet fell to the ground and began to struggle wildly on the ground. Cracks began to appear in its hard carapace, and a large amount of blood came out.

Especially on his forehead, there was a big gash.

Qi Yuan saw that there seemed to be something black and horny growing out of it.

Moreover, the cracks that appeared on its body began to expand.

Like a balloon, slowly inflating.

As the body expanded, there seemed to be power within the body repairing the body, causing the cracks to slowly heal, but they were soon opened again.

Qi Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he thought to himself: "This is expanding its size, but the energy in its body seems to be insufficient."

Thinking of this, Qi Yuan immediately took out a bottle of spiritual liquid, which was extracted from the spiritual marsh pond.

At the same time, he took out a bottle of spring water, mixed it with the spiritual liquid, and poured it into a wooden basin.

Then carefully pick up the black tiger bees on the ground and put them into the water basin.

Visible to the naked eye, the Black Tiger Bee's spirit has recovered, and its size is growing faster.

However, the recovery speed of injuries did not increase.

This change almost caused it to explode.

"No, the spiritual liquid and spring water only replenish spiritual power, healing potions are needed to recover from injuries!"

Qi Yuan reacted immediately, quickly took out a bottle of healing potion from his dimensional backpack, and poured it into the wooden basin.

As the healing potion is absorbed, the Black Tiger Bee's injuries continue to be repaired, and the overall condition tends to be balanced.

Next, the body of the black tiger bee continued to break and recover, and its size continued to increase.

Soon, it reached the size of a watermelon.

"It's going to work!"

As Qi Yuan finished speaking, a large black sharp horn 10 centimeters long grew out of the Black Tiger Bee's forehead.

The original stinger of the black hornet fell directly.

As the giant black horn grows out, the size of the black tiger bee continues to grow, reaching about half a meter in length, almost catching up with the size of the black tiger bee queen.

At this point, all changes stopped, and the Black Tiger Bee was covered in blood-red mucus, lying in the wooden basin and breathing heavily.

"Did you make it?!"

Qi Yuan showed a happy expression and then took out the identification device.

Information about the mutated black tiger bee appears before your eyes.

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