Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 141 The Alternation Of Day And Night

This is indeed the case.

Yang Zhenghe took out dried chili peppers and green onions, as well as many vegetable accessories, potatoes, lettuce and other ingredients from his dimensional backpack.

Zhong Maiyun also took out a lot of mushrooms. In addition to Yinggu mushrooms, there were also many other types.

Zhao Cheng also brought many surprises and took out some coriander and garlic.

In this way, the hot pot ingredients are almost complete, and with the addition of chili peppers and green onions, the aroma is even stronger.

A total of 8 people sat together in the pavilion in the yard and started making hot pot.

The cozy farmyard, the simple and simple pavilion, the rising heat, the rolling red soup hot pot...

When everyone was in this situation, they suddenly felt an unreal feeling.

In my mind, scenes of decades of life on earth passed through my mind. Intertwined with more than thirty days of life in the misty world, there is a dreamy feeling in the trance.

Looking at the hot pot boiling in front of me and the scene around me that was like a gathering of friends, it was familiar yet strange.

Once upon a time, this was an extremely ordinary scene in ordinary life.

But at this time, it seemed extremely precious.

Qi Yuan saw everyone stunned. Although he was quite emotional, he still raised the iced grape juice in his hand and said, "Why are you standing there? Why don't you hurry up and take action!"

Everyone was pulled back by the voice, then smiled and raised their chopsticks.

Talk and laughter spread in the small courtyard.

"Hey, Brother Yang, where did you get this chili pepper? It's spicy enough!"


"Qi Yuan, your grape juice is okay. The fragrance is so strong. Do you still have it?"


"These mushrooms are so fresh. I'll make a three-fresh soup next time. It's so spicy that I can't even open my eyes..."


The atmosphere is all harmonious, the only flaw is the artificial sun in the sky.

Qi Yuan couldn't help but sigh: "Everything is good, except that the sun hangs in the sky 24 hours a day. It's really..."

Hearing this, Yang Zhenghe breathed a sigh of relief and swallowed a piece of fat beef. After swallowing it quickly, he said: "Don't worry, I have already considered it. When I return to the shelter tomorrow, I will collect all the vegetables in the yard. Then bring "Cloud" here."

Others also brightened up.

Yes, Yang Zhenghe also has a "cloud" prop!

If there is a "cloud", then the alternation of day and night here can be controlled.

It releases sunlight as usual during the day, and releases clouds at night to block out the artificial sun.

After all, the artificial sun is only made of solar concentrate, and it should be relatively easy to cover it with the prop "cloud".

If the weather gets hotter in the future, the "cloud" can also be used to block part of the sunlight and adjust the temperature of the underground shelter.

If necessary, Qi Yuan can also use the "rain" prop to make the underground shelter more colorful.

In this way, the entire underground shelter environment becomes more like a complete small world.

After eating hot pot, a few people moved some chairs randomly in the yard and chatted until midnight.

After that, everyone did not go back, but stayed here directly.

There are a lot of empty rooms around, so you can just find a place to sleep, and you won't catch a cold in the current weather.

Early the next morning.

Yang Zhenghe returned to his shelter first, collected all the vegetables in the yard, and then brought Yun over.

After one night, the daytime temperature in the desert increased again, almost reaching 50°C.

Even with the shelter of the "shelter mask" and the "cloud", it is difficult for crops to have a good harvest.

So it is better to move to underground shelter for planting.

The temperatures in other areas generally exceed 40°C and are still rising.

This made all the survivors feel anxious.

And in the underground shelter.

Qi Yuan was taken away by Qin Zhenjun, Zhong Maiyun and Zhao Cheng early in the morning and helped them build several cabins.

Although Yang Zhenghe is not here, he also said it yesterday, so he also built a few rooms for him.

Guardian Thorns has also become a sought-after commodity, wandering around in underground shelters to help cultivate land.

With Qi Yuan's support, everyone's progress was accelerated, and the houses and spiritual fields were completed in a short period of time.

What was once a arduous job suddenly became easier.

The next thing to do is watering, fertilizing, and weeding. Although it is relatively tedious, it is actually quite easy.

In addition, you also need to manage the business of the store, the business of the middleman, etc. As for my spare time, I just care about the forum.

The situation in the outside world today is definitely not as peaceful as imagined.

Qi Yuan and others lived a very leisurely life because they hid in the underground shelter, a paradise, and did not have to worry about the invasion of high temperatures.

But for other survivors, the disaster of high temperature is far more terrifying than the cold snap.

This is just the beginning of the high temperature disaster. The temperature is rising so fast. In just one or two days, it has soared to above 40℃.

How far would this have gone if it had been a few more days?

With the experience of the cold snap, everyone is not optimistic and is trying to make as many preparations as possible.

Therefore, transactions between survivors are extremely frequent.

Transactions between alliances, transactions within alliances, private transactions among survivors...

The items with the most transactions and the greatest market demand are nothing more than food, cooling, and water storage.

In the following days, Qi Yuan was also preparing these three aspects of supplies.

Taking advantage of the fact that the temperature was still around 40 degrees Celsius and had not reached the abnormal level, Qi Yuan continued to arrange for the black tiger queen bee to go out hunting.

Because Zhong Maiyun is weak, there are many wild animals near the shelter, especially the area 5 kilometers away, which is almost unexplored.

This gives the black tiger queen a lot of room to shine.

Coupled with the guarantee of the "Beast Search Scroll", it was clear that there were no outstanding beasts around, so the Black Tiger Bee Queen acted even more unscrupulously.

In just one day, more than 20 high-quality beasts were brought back.

Worried that the meat steaks would go bad, Qi Yuan kept some beasts with better meat quality and made the rest into healing potions.

Now that the store has been open for seventeen days, 51 bottles of healing potions have been consumed, and there are still 16 bottles left in stock.

If in the future, the weather is too hot to continue hunting, and there is no way to obtain the essence of flesh and blood.

Qi Yuan estimated that the treatment potion business would be temporarily shelved.

In fact, for now, many resources in the Survivor Store have begun to be discontinued.

Including Zhong Maiyun's Yinggu mushrooms and Yang Zhenghe's Huangyun rice, they also chose to stop selling.

On the one hand, it is to hoard supplies to prepare for high temperature disasters.

On the other hand, if you want to wait until the peak of the disaster to sell it, the price will be much higher.

If the high temperature lasts long enough until the crops in the underground shelter mature, Qi Yuan and others will definitely make a fortune.

It is even very possible that the five of them can collect 30,000 spirit coins and meet the conditions for upgrading the fifth-level shelter.

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