Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 150 Sufficient Water Source

After eleven days, the reservoir was finally built successfully.

The five people from Qi Yuan stood by the reservoir, their eyes filled with emotion.

Qi Yuan couldn't help but sigh: "With this big reservoir, we won't have to worry about water problems for a long time."

"Indeed, at least during the high temperature period, everyone's water source is guaranteed." Qin Zhenjun's serious face revealed a smile.

However, Zhao Cheng held his waist and said a little tiredly: "Huh... It's done. It's just that we still have to go outside to transport water, and it's very tiring."

Hearing this, other people also felt their livers hurt! These days, my liver is really too tired.

Next, not only do we need to transport water, but we also have to look for water everywhere, which is tiring just thinking about it.

At this time, Qi Yuan suddenly smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone, leave the water transportation problem to me and I will solve it."

Everyone else was stunned. Only Zhong Maiyun looked at him thoughtfully, guessing: This bitch not only kicked my basketball, but also took away the cloud!

For a moment, I suddenly felt panicked. How many precious things have you lost? !

If only she knew. If Qi Yuan still wanted to take away her "Spiritual Arrow Making Scroll", he would probably be so angry that his brain would short-circuit.

But at this time, Qi Yuan had returned to his shelter.

The rain is still lying by the river, and it needs to be sent over.

As soon as he returned to the shelter, Qi Yuan was shocked.

In addition to the protective thorns, the entire foggy area of ​​the sanctuary is actually covered with "light-eating grass".

Under the dazzling sun, the "light-eating grass" grows at an almost incredible speed.

Almost visible to the naked eye, after the guardian thorns swallowed up a light-eating grass, another light-eating grass seedling grew in its place, in an endless stream.

However, the light-eating grass has not spread to disasters, and its growth is still under control.

This unimaginable and unscientific rapid growth has given the Guardian Thorn a huge amount of plant energy.

Perhaps at the beginning, the guardian thorns were indeed caught off guard by the light-eating grass, causing them to grow wildly.

But when the guardian thorns reacted and began to devour and counterattack, the light-eating grass was unable to parry.

After all, no matter how fast you grow, how can you eat so fast if you have guardian thorns?

So the current situation has been completely controlled by the guardian thorns.

Under the unified planning of Guardian Thorn Mother Vine, the number of light-eating grasses is controlled within a certain range.

They can reproduce quickly by relying on the sun, but their numbers are not too large to be controlled.

The speed of eating and the speed of growing are controlled in a delicate balance.

On the way to the creek, Qi Yuan glanced over and saw at least hundreds of good-level guardian thorns, which shocked him greatly.

And thought with a little hope.

"I wonder if the Guardian Thorn can successfully break through to the rare level during high temperatures..."

But it's probably unlikely.

After all, Guardian Thorn had to eat more than half an acre of rare-level Yunxi Bamboo Forest before he could barely reach the excellent level.

Don't think about this anymore, just let the Guardian Thorn develop on its own.

Qi Yuan went directly to the creek and saw the huge clouds floating in the sky, and it was still raining lightly.

The water in the creek has almost dried up, and the rain is maintaining the small flow of water.

Qi Yuan tried to put the cloud layer into the dimensional backpack, but it showed that it could not be successful.

The "rain" was so heavy that the dimensional backpack couldn't fit inside.

So, he directly tried to trade "Yu" to Qin Zhenjun through private transactions.

"Rain" is considered a prop after all, so this method can be successful.

As the rain "disappeared", a huge cloud layer of two hundred square meters appeared in the underground shelter.

Yang Zhenghe's eyes showed shock and he murmured: "This is a cloud! No, it's rain!"

Zhong Maiyun's face darkened, she had lost a lot, it was a rare weather item with extremely high value!

The next moment, the clouds began to rain heavily.

However, the rain was not heavy, and the raindrops were relatively small, so it could only be regarded as light rain.

In order to speed up the rainfall, Yang Zhenghe transported the "clouds" and kept hitting the "rain" clouds.

This has indeed had an effect, and precipitation has indeed increased significantly.

It lasted for more than 2 hours before all the rainwater in the clouds was released.

The water volume in the reservoir has reached about one-seventh, which is 5,000 cubic meters.

This should also be the maximum water storage capacity of "rain".

Qi Yuan received the "rain", came out of the basement, and rushed to the upstream river to fill water under the sun.

This water absorption process takes several hours.

So Qi Yuan went back to the basement to escape the heat.

This process needs to be repeated 6 more times.

Going back and forth, Qi Yuan was also tortured enough.

When the reservoir was completely filled with fresh water, it was the evening of the second day.

The 10,000-square-meter reservoir and more than 35,000 cubic meters of fresh water appear sparkling under the artificial sun.

Qi Yuan stood on the high embankment, looking at this scene with great satisfaction, and the fatigue of these days was swept away.

From now on, for a long time, everyone can live safely in underground shelters even if they don’t go out to obtain resources at all!

Sunlight, temperature, air, food, and water are all available!

In the past 20 days since I came to the underground shelter, it has been completely transformed into a paradise.

Zhao Cheng stretched himself. Even if he was in the best spirit, he was still very tired these days.

"Oh, I can finally take a rest. I shouldn't be so tired later."

Yang Zhenghe first nodded in agreement, and then said: "Don't take it lightly. The severity of the high temperature disaster outside is far beyond our imagination."

Qi Yuan also echoed: "Indeed, the underground shelter is our advantage. We must take this opportunity to accumulate a richer foundation."

No one knows what disaster will happen next.

This time, I was able to survive safely in the underground shelter.

What about next time?

If you only rely on a five-level underground shelter, you think you can sit back and relax.

The owner of this fifth-level shelter will not die, but will have been upgraded to a sixth-level and seventh-level shelter.

At this time, Qin Zhenjun suddenly said: "The most important thing next is to improve your own strength. Especially the ability to deal with excellent beasts."

"Yes, if possible, we will try to upgrade the first 10,000 people to level five shelters. The rewards should not be bad."

"Let's do this." Qi Yuan suddenly suggested: "Brother Qin, are you willing to take us and 49 workers for professional training to improve everyone's physical fitness!"

Yang Zhenghe's eyes lit up and he said: "Yes, although we have strong physical fitness, we are unable to display it."

"If you can learn the corresponding skills, your personal strength and self-protection ability should be greatly improved!"

Qin Zhenjun thought for a while and agreed directly without refusing.

Therefore, with the suggestions of Qi Yuan and Yang Zhenghe, and the consent of Qin Zhenjun, the exercise proposal was successfully passed.

Although Zhao Cheng wanted to be lazy, everyone still forced him to join him.

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