Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 163 Spirit Pattern Technology

The first Talisman Spirit Pattern - Communication Spirit Pattern.

After the engraving is successful, you can directly communicate with others without using other tools.

The function is the same as private chat.

There are also water-avoiding spiritual patterns, growth spiritual patterns, animal-taming spiritual patterns, etc.... The variety is very rich.

But Qi Yuan had seen that even for the first spirit pattern, the carving materials, conditions, and techniques were all horribly complex.

"The stuff is good, but I don't know how long it will take to learn it..." Qi Yuan sighed painfully and happily.

The harvest this time is really too big for people to digest.

It will take a longer period of time to fully transform all items into one's own strength.

Qi Yuan placed all the items in front of him and was very satisfied with the details.

[Random characteristics of shelter (spiritual objects)]

[Totem pole (the only perfect level)]

[Spirit pattern engraving technology (the only perfect level)]

[Exercise Room (Rare Level)]

[Title area expansion scroll (rare level)]

[Spirit Boat (Rare Level)]

[Dimensional Ring Rare Level]

[Any migration scroll (rare level)]

[Scroll of Shelter Transformation (Rare Level)]

One spiritual item, two unique perfect items, and six rare items.

The harvest is not small!

Qi Yuan used all these props, facilities and buildings, and stuffed the rest into the dimensional ring for later study.

However, this is not all today’s gains.

Apart from these obvious rewards, giant dead trees and the corpses of excellent beasts are also rare treasures.

Go outside and check out the guardian thorns and swarm.

After leaving the shelter, Qi Yuan could clearly feel that the temperature outside was only about 20°C, which was not considered hot.

This is because of Level 5 shelters.

A large amount of pure spiritual energy rose up, blocking out most of the sunlight and lowering the temperature within the shelter.

At this temperature, we can already live very comfortably.

This means that after reaching a level five shelter, it will be able to shelter many survivors.

As long as you are willing, a level five shelter can accommodate at least tens of thousands of people.

Qiyuan's shelter is larger and can naturally accommodate more people.

Therefore, the next big trend is likely to be the emergence of gathering places, and the weak will begin to rely on the strong.

However, Qi Yuan himself has no intention of becoming a slave owner and only wants to develop peacefully on the island in the middle of the lake.

While thinking about it, he had already walked to the guardian thorns.

At this time, the guardian thorns had swallowed up two excellent dead trees. A small part of the remains of the giant dead tree has also been swallowed up.

The extremely rich plant energy filled Guardian Thorn's body, healing all injuries.

Moreover, its physical energy has reached the peak of excellent level.

It is only one step away from the rare level!

The giant dead tree is not a rare crop, but a truly ferocious beast with rare strength!

Even if it is a wreckage, the energy in it is enough to support the guardian thorn in taking the final step.

However, guarding the thorns requires a lot of time to digest the abundant energy!

Nowadays, the guardian thorns are in a dormant state, and at the same time they are still devouring the remains of the giant dead trees, realizing the body's leap step by step.

Qi Yuan took a look and found that the guardian thorn was healthy, so he didn't worry anymore.

However, the Sun Thorn on the side was not in good condition.

After being intercepted and severed by a giant dead tree, his strength dropped significantly. His strength, which was originally at the peak of the good level, is now only at the beginning of the good level.

Qi Yuan took out a large amount of Sun Concentrate and placed it next to Sun Thorn to help him recover.

After processing it, he went to the giant hornet queen.

Where the giant horn bee swarm gathers, there stands a hive dozens of meters high.

Qi Yuan saw the corpses of two excellent beasts lying next to them.

One of them had been eaten by a swarm of horned bees, leaving only half a broken body.

Qi Yuan was not angry either, and generously left it to the giant hornet queen, letting them use it as his own food.

In this battle, Qi Yuan also saw the strength of the Giant Horn Bee Queen, which was much stronger than the Black Tiger Bee Queen.

Therefore, we must focus on training!

The other goat-like beast was intact, so Qi Yuan took it away directly.

This giant beast weighing several tons is just the next food.

Although there are still a lot of golden giant eels left, who would think there is too much excellent food?

Moreover, the flavor of mutton is definitely different from that of eel, which is just enough for a change of taste.

On the list of level five shelters.

In addition to Qi Yuan and Qin Zhenjun, several other people also appeared separately.

Zhong Maiyun ranked 33rd, Yang Zhenghe ranked 38th, and Zhao Cheng ranked 67th.

Qi Yuan has discovered that, except for the slow emergence of the first ten level five shelters, subsequent upgrades are getting faster and faster.

It's not because the survivors are getting stronger.

It's because survivors who reach level five shelters gain stronger strength, making it easier to help others.

There is also another possibility that other survivors use the "arbitrary migration scroll" to move to the vicinity of the fifth-level shelter.

Upgrade easily with the help of Level 5 Shelter.

It is believed that the number of level five shelters will increase rapidly in the future.

However, survivors after 100 can no longer name the shelter.

It seems that not everyone has the title of shelter, it is regarded as a symbol of strength.

In the underground shelter, the five people who successfully upgraded gathered together again.

The last time they were separated, Qi Yuan was in crisis, the shelter was almost destroyed, and the rest were also in level four shelters.

However, when they met, everyone was already in level five shelters.

With the turtle father alone, the five of them easily defeated two outstanding beasts and successfully upgraded to the fifth-level shelter.

"Damn it, Boss Qi Yuan, so this is your father?!" Zhao Cheng's expression was extremely exaggerated, and he asked as soon as they met.

Although the others didn't ask the question, their expressions all meant the same thing.

Qin Zhenjun asked with some confusion: "Qi Yuan, is this the blue turtle? Or is it its elder?"

They naturally knew that there was a blue turtle following Qi Yuan, which looked very similar to this rare beast.

Qi Yuan nodded and said: "That's it!"

The rest of the people suddenly took a breath. Unexpectedly, it was really the harmless turtle.

And Zhong Maiyun changed her face dozens of times in one second, recalling some not-so-good memories.

Zhao Cheng also looked embarrassed. He had secretly touched the head of this big turtle more than once.

I just hope that this big turtle won't hold a grudge.

When Yang Zhenghe heard this, his expression changed. He coughed and said, "Um...Qi Yuan, will our father be okay after he goes back? You see...these resources are not meant as respect, so they are given to our father as a filial piety!"

With that said, Yang Zhenghe took out a large amount of excellent flesh and blood from his dimensional backpack.

Seeing this series of actions, Qi Yuan was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself: When did Yang Zhenghe become like this?

When we first met, he seemed quite serious.

Qi Yuan shook his head and said helplessly: "Okay, I'll bring it to you."


Zhao Cheng slapped the table and said angrily.

"Who is it calling?! Call it Daddy!"

Qi Yuan: "..."

After the five people chatted with each other, they also started to discuss the truth.

After the shelter reaches level five, the entire shelter is filled with spiritual energy, which greatly reduces the impact of the outside climate.

Therefore, even though the high temperature is severe now, the temperature in the shelter is generally maintained at a tolerable level.

There is no need for everyone to hide here, they can go back and develop their own shelters.

Moreover, all five of them were among the top 100 upgraded, so they all received a lot of high-quality resources.

Next, it is time for rapid development.

By the way, everyone also shared their achievements and future development directions with each other.

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