Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 165 Inspiring The Horntail Bloodline

All in all, the overall arrangement is the same as in the underground shelter.

Just pay special attention to avoid internal conflicts among them.

Before the high temperature ended, they lived in the southern part of the island, growing various ordinary crops.

Similarly, Qi Yuan takes 80% of the harvest in each round and uses the rest as their own food.

As for crops, Qi Yuan chose four types: potatoes, pumpkins, wheat, and green vegetables.

Where they grow crops, Qi Yuan also arranged four areas, all in the south of the island.

When the high temperature is over, Qi Yuan will clear out other islands and arrange them there to do other work.

For now, this can only be done for now.

After returning to the shelter, Qi Yuan had time to carefully examine the changes in the fifth-level shelter.

The area of ​​the house and yard remains unchanged, still 200 square meters, and even the internal facilities are the same as those of a Level 4 shelter.

However, the overall materials used to build the shelter have all become brand new excellent-grade materials.

Moreover, the overall structure is more solid and refined, and the internal living space looks more comfortable.

Various internal facilities, including tables, chairs, beds, kitchen utensils, bathrooms... have been improved and become more beautiful and durable.

In the basement, the sealing is better, making it more concealed and safer.

In the yard, the animal pen has become an excellent level, capable of taming good level beasts.

The soil of Ling Cai Garden has also become excellent grade.

But these are not important, Qi Yuan already has an excellent level animal pen. As for excellent-grade soil, let alone it. The entire island is excellent-grade.

Moreover, there is a steady stream of excellent spiritual energy emerging.

Overall, the form of the shelter has not changed much.

The biggest difference is the five-kilometer radius, the endless aura, and the land deed.

Qi Yuan opened the "Mist Survival Manual" and checked the shelter information.

[Shelter: Level 5 wooden house (occupies an area of ​​​​five kilometers, originally a radius of three kilometers, and expanded to a radius of five kilometers.)

Introduction: Territories recognized by the mist world and truly rooted in this land will not be excluded.

Level 5 shelter facilities: None (normal facilities have been configured)

Level 6 shelter upgrade conditions:

1. The survivor’s strength reaches the excellent level

2. Own a perfect-level item as the core of the shelter upgrade. (Including high-quality items such as spiritual objects and wonders.)

3. Own three land deeds of the same level.

4. 500,000 spirit coins. 】

The situation of shelters has not changed much. Upgrading level six shelters is more troublesome and requires very harsh conditions.

Especially 3 land titles. Is it possible that we have to find three level five shelters and then snatch their land deeds?

As for the second condition, it requires a perfect item, either a wonder or a spiritual object.

This is not troublesome. The characteristics of the shelter are spiritual objects and the totem pole is the only perfect level.

Both of these conditions are met.

And 500,000 spirit coins is still a very large number, and it will take a lot of time to collect it all.

Qi Yuan lowered his head and thought: "It seems that there is no hope of upgrading the sixth-level shelter in a short time."

I will bury the matter of upgrading the shelter in my heart for the time being.

Then, Qi Yuan looked at three new facilities in the yard.

Exercise room, totem pole, spirit boat.

I have seen the exercise room and the effect is very good. It is used to improve physical fitness.

Although it will not increase spiritual power, it will have great benefits in terms of strength, endurance, spiritual power control, etc.

The spirit boat is a means of transportation.

It can be used to travel to other islands.

The only thing I haven't checked yet is the totem pole.

The function of the totem pole is very fantasy!

It can stimulate the blood in the beast's body, thereby gaining more powerful power.

The effect is similar to that of blood potion, but it is very different. However, the success rate for both is very low.

But the totem pole is the only perfect level item, and it is one of the highest level items that Qi Yuan has ever owned.

Therefore, Qi Yuan has no doubt about its function.

In order to experiment with the function of the totem pole, Qi Yuan found the queen of the tree bees and brought 5,000 hornets with him.

How to use a totem pole is not difficult.

As long as the Horntail is placed under the totem pole, it will be enveloped in a white light and begin to stimulate the bloodline.

I watched the first Horntail standing under the totem pole, enveloped in white light, and a few seconds later...exploded with a bang.

Qi Yuan didn't pay too much attention and continued to arrange for the hornets to come forward.

After experiencing hundreds of experiments, Qi Yuan gradually understood the rules of the totem pole.

After the totem pole activates the bloodline, there are generally four possibilities.

The first is that the bloodline is too weak and cannot be stimulated at all.

This situation accounts for about 50% of the total.

The second type stimulates the blood, but it cannot bear it and explodes directly.

This happens about 40% of the time. This part is straight to death.

The third type, after stimulating the blood, can bear part of it, but cannot bear it completely.

In this case, the hornet will generally not die, but will be seriously injured.

This part accounts for about 9%.

The fourth situation is that the bloodline is successfully activated.

That is, less than 1% succeed in the end.

At present, more than 5,000 hornets have been tried, and a total of 2,000 have died. In the end, only 3 were successful.

And these three successful Horntails have awakened two bloodlines in total.

Two of them tend to breed.

[Name: Pregnant Horntail (Good Level)

Introduction: In the history of hornet bees, there have been special bee species with powerful reproductive functions. 】

There is another one, which is more focused on logistics.

[Name: Fine honey bee (good grade)

Introduction: In the history of hornet bees, special bee species have appeared that can brew more pure honey and improve the physical fitness of their offspring to a certain extent. 】

Two special hornets, one speeds up reproduction and the other improves the fitness of offspring, which is a great bonus for the bee colony.

Moreover, not long after the bloodline was successfully activated, the ordinary-level hornets directly broke through to the good level.

The role of the totem pole certainly did not disappoint.

But the mortality rate is also horribly high.

Only the Horntails are large enough to withstand this kind of consumption. If it were any other beast, they would all be dead long ago.

However, the role of the egg-pregnant hornets and spermatophore hornets is indeed worth such a sacrifice.

Therefore, Qi Yuan worked until daytime the next day, helping the hornets to stimulate their blood vessels.

A total of 50,000 hornets, all tried to activate bloodlines, 20,000 died, and 36 succeeded in activating bloodlines.

10 gravid hornets and 16 sperm hornets.

The remaining ten are two other new species.

Nine of them are called Guard Horntails.

[Name: Guarded Horntail (Good Level)

Introduction: In the history of hornet bees, there have been special bee species that have relatively powerful combat effectiveness. 】

Horntails are actually not a bee colony that is good at fighting, but a bee colony that mainly focuses on collection and development.

Therefore, the appearance of this kind of battle bee swarm really surprised Qi Yuan.

But it wasn't until another Horntail appeared that Saihara realized the role of the Guard Bee.

The last one, the tree bee that inspired the bloodline, is called [The Tree Bee Queen]

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