Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 172 Poisonous Island

Thinking about it this way, the Grimace Gila Monster is pretty weird!

If he really wanted to surrender directly like the Barbarian King, it would be hard for him to take action against them. After all, he was a pretty good fighter.

But now it seems... there is no need to be polite.

Three minutes later.

There was a huge sound that shook the earth, accompanied by the heart-rending screams of the beasts, and the screams that pierced the sky.

Even the "Barbarian King" who was six kilometers away heard the sound coming from the south.

I couldn't help but shrink my neck.

After the war broke out, the sounds of bones breaking and muscles exploding continued to be heard in the forest.

Seeing this purgatory-like scene, Qi Yuan couldn't help but close his eyes.

Under the ruthless trampling of the possessed turtle, even the excellent Grimace Gila Monster could not withstand the second attack.

Not to mention the Good and Normal Grade Gila Monsters.

When they were so frightened by being killed that they began to burrow into underground swamps, it had no effect at all.

Across the thick muddy swamp, the spirit-possessed turtle stepped hard, and with the sheer force, the swamp and the grimace-faced Gila monster underneath were all crushed to pieces.

In just 10 minutes, all the nearby Grimace Gila Monsters were killed.

On the ground, a silver resource box and 6 bronze resource boxes fell.

Qi Yuan calmly opened his eyes and took back all the resource boxes!

Snapped! Snapped! …

Seven crisp sounds sounded in succession.

There are no amazing props in the 6 bronze resource boxes.

There were only two items, which made Qi Yuan quite satisfied.

[Bidu Bow and Arrow (Good Level)]

[Hundred Scale Armor Manufacturing Scroll (Good Level)]

The Hundred Scale Armor is a defensive armor made from the scales of high-grade beasts.

The defensive effect is related to the quality of the scales and the manufacturing skills.

Qi Yuan couldn't help but think that although this was only a good-level item, if he thoroughly mastered the technology, it would be better.

Is it possible to use excellent-level beast scales to create excellent-level hundred-scale armor?

This should be possible!

After obtaining the "Hundred Scale Armor Manufacturing Scroll", the corpse of the Grimace Gila Monster will be useful.

Collect all the relatively complete corpses and put them into dimensional rings.

The flesh of the Grimace Gila Monster is poisonous, but its scales can be made into armor, so it can be considered a waste product.

In the final silver resource box, three items were opened, all of which were excellent.

[Poison Dagger (Excellent Level)]

[Poison Marrow Flower Seed (Excellent Level)]

[Poison Miasma Bead Manufacturing Scroll (Excellent Level)]

The last two items brought quite a surprise.

[Name: Poison Marrow Flower Seed (Excellent Level)

Effect: For plants growing in a highly toxic environment, the petal epidermis is extremely toxic.

However, its flower marrow liquid has extremely strong vitality and a strong therapeutic effect, and is extremely effective for poisonous injuries.

Introduction: Collection is dangerous. 】

A flower with two extreme abilities.

It has both highly toxic properties and healing effects, making it extremely special.

[Name: Poison Miasma Bead Manufacturing Scroll (Excellent Level)

Function: A special prop created by using the highly toxic sap of Bidu scale wood through special refining methods.

It can form an extremely dense poisonous miasma within a certain range, creating an environment suitable for the growth of poisonous animals and plants.

Introduction: The refining process is dangerous. 】

The effect of the poisonous miasma beads can just match the poisonous marrow flowers, providing a suitable growth environment for them.

"That's great. The Grimace Gila Monster's death is really worth it!"

Qi Yuan accepted the prop with satisfaction. Consider how to use it.

Items with such poisonous properties will definitely not be brought back to the shelter for use.

The best option is to plant it on this island.

Completely transform this entire island into a poisonous island, cultivating poisonous marrow flowers and green poisonous scale trees.

The existence of poisonous miasma beads can maintain the environment here to a great extent.

If other poisonous plants are discovered in the future, they can be moved here for planting.

Moreover, the Grimace Gila Monsters on the island should not have been completely killed.

In this highly toxic environment, the Grimace Gila Monster's strength can quickly increase.

As long as you clean it up on time and control the number of Gila Monsters to a certain level, you can breed them effectively and safely.

But this does not prevent some forces from frantically upgrading level five shelters.

No one knows what will happen next!

But in fact, everyone still has only a partial understanding of the truth about the foggy world.

They are even more willing to store resources to deal with sudden disasters in the foggy world.

He was worried that if the stall was too big, accidents would easily occur.

For the next period of time, you still have to move within the scope of the shelter.

Even the conditions for upgrading a level six shelter are almost met.

Unless he uses "Scroll of Slavery" or "Scroll of Control", it is impossible for Qi Yuan to let a stranger live next to his shelter.

Most of them are only rare-level rewards, and there will be no extremely precious props.

And named it Miasma Island.

After the high temperature has passed, collect poisonous sap, make poisonous miasma beads, and plant poisonous marrow flowers.

There are also some survivors who want to contact Qi Yuan and move to his shelter to become his affiliated shelter.

The future direction of development is actually not clear.

However, the rewards after 100th place are much worse than the beginning.

Although his excellent strength would definitely not kill him from the heat, the high temperature was still serious after all.

But in fact, many powerful forces have not blindly upgraded a large number of level five shelters.

Instead, all resources should be concentrated on one or two shelters and focused on development.

But now, Qi Yuan decided to return to the shelter island first.

However, Qi Yuan refused them all.

Nowadays, the survivors in the third-level shelters are either dead or using enslavement scrolls and merged into high-level shelters.

Even many fourth-level shelters will use "arbitrary teleportation scrolls" to move next to the fifth-level shelters.

But in the end, I chose to give up.

This way, you can have a lot of good grade land.

In particular, some forces with larger numbers are fully capable of building more than a dozen level five shelters.

Living together in a state of half cooperation and half surrender.

What's more, the "Secondary Shelter Scroll" is not too expensive and can be built by yourself.

The same goes for other survivors.

Thinking of this, Qi Yuan has already arranged the role of this island.

Qi Yuan also thought about whether he could try to develop those third-level shelters for workers?

In order to facilitate future management, Qi Yuan arranged for the spirit turtle to walk around the entire island and clean up all the plants except the "Bidu Poison Scale Wood".

However, no one dares to upgrade directly. If it attracts rare beasts, the gain outweighs the loss.

No one knows what it means to have a deeded shelter!

Obtain its scales for a long time and create "Hundred Scale Armor".

Now one day has passed, and the number of level five shelters has reached more than 300.

It seems that it has a huge territory and has the confidence to expand aggressively.

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