Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 174 Five People

"Come on, take me to see you."

Qi Yuan said casually, leading the two of them towards dormitory area No. 3.

The people around him consciously separated themselves, moved quickly and concisely, and did not dare to make any sound.

It wasn't until the three of them had walked away that another ten minutes passed before someone breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the ground.

Many people did not expect that such a young person could be so decisive in killing people!

This made many thoughtful people take a deep breath and put down their unrealistic thoughts.

With a single thought, Qi Yuan can kill them through the effect of the "Slavery Scroll".

But he didn't do that.

Instead, let the black tiger bee swarm eat all his flesh and blood in the most cruel way.

This is done to shock everyone!

You can do anything!

But if you do it, you will die! And you can’t die easily!

15 minutes later.

Qi Yuan and the other three came to dormitory area No. 3.

After counting, in addition to the six people who were killed, five people were not at the scene.

Qi Yuan was worried, wondering if these five people were doing something secretly.

But after coming here, Qi Yuan felt relieved.

These are five young boys, probably the five youngest among the 200 people.

The smallest is 16 and the largest is 19.

When Qi Yuan came over, he saw five people working in the dormitory.

There is a man outside the dormitory, holding a tool made of wood and reclaiming a small piece of land.

The dormitories Qi Yuan arranged for them were relatively spacious. There are many open spaces between dormitories.

Therefore, many dormitories will plant some private crops in the open space.

Qi Yuan did not object to this phenomenon and allowed them to develop on their own, as long as they did not misappropriate public property.

Looking closer, I saw that the oldest of these children was working on reclaiming land and was sweating profusely from exhaustion.

There is also a child who is cutting out the wood to make wooden fences of the same size.

In the dormitory, there is another shorter person who is selecting seeds.

Part of these seeds should be their own inventory. There are also some parts that should be left over from collective planting.

They take out the suitable ones, and then after certain cultivation, they can still grow crops.

Seeing this scene, Qi Yuan was quite pleased.

He didn't mind letting these workers have their own private industries.

If they work hard enough, they should naturally have a better life and obtain more abundant supplies.

This group of children, after being hungry and cold, can work hard and create a better life. Isn't it better than the group of people watching the excitement?

Qi Yuan walked over, and the child who was reclaiming the land immediately looked over.

The moment he saw Qi Yuan, his pupils immediately dilated, he dropped the tools in his hands and stood up quickly

"Qi Qi...Boss Qi!"

Hearing the noise outside, the two boys inside immediately ran out and lined up nervously in front of Qi Yuan.

"Qiqi...Boss Qi, you...hello!"

Children of this age should be the most rebellious, but after experiencing the mist world, they have become a little timid.

Qi Yuan smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, I just came to see you."

Later, Qi Yuan walked into the dormitory and visited their living environment.

Surprisingly, the dormitory was surprisingly tidy.

A wooden plank bed made by myself, and it actually has bunk beds.

Qi Yuan asked curiously: "How did you make this bunk bed?"

The oldest young man said naively: "Brother Zhang Yuan taught us. He said the room is too small. If we use bunk beds, there will be more space."

Qi Yuan nodded and said, "Brother Zhang Yuan... is he the other two roommates in your dormitory? Where are they?"

The honest young man nodded and said: "Yes, Brother Zhang Yuan is the head of our dormitory. He usually takes good care of us... He is not here now. Brother Zhang Yuan and Brother Chu Yang went out to catch fish."

According to Liu Zhong, Zhang Yuan's brother Chu Yang, as the big brother, is not only the main force in mental activities, but also most of the physical activities are completed by them.

Qi Yuan didn't want to encourage others, so he just provided some conveniences and let them develop on their own.

Because it was at the very edge of the island, the spiritual energy here was not strong, and the scorching sun outside kept pouring down, shining on the two of them.

The two cast the net again and again and dragged the fishing net up again and again.

The person who picked the seeds was 16-year-old Zhou Ming.

However, Saihara watched until the end. No one came forward to say hello.

"I'm stupid, but I still have some strength, so I stayed here to cultivate the land."

There are five people in this dormitory. The dormitory leader is the oldest, 19 years old, named Zhang Yuan.

This dormitory is mainly led by these two people.

What surprised Qi Yuan even more was that there was actually a small silver fish of good grade that was smashed to death.

IQ, responsibility, ability, and perseverance are all present, and he can be considered a good seedling.

Qi Yuan watched for a while and found that they often need to cast the net dozens of times to catch a few small fish.

The land next to it was already filled with more than a dozen small fish the size of a palm.

Although they were sweating profusely, the two of them still did not stop moving.

It seems that the two of them also caught good-grade fish and finally solved it successfully.

It can be said that the two eldest ones also set good examples for the rest.

Under the leadership of Liu Zhong, Qi Yuan walked south.

And he became a little curious about Zhang Yuan and Chu Yang.

Ranked second is Chu Yang, who is also 19 years old and has an equally good brain.

Among the remaining three, a simple and honest young man named Liu Chong is 18 years old. He grew up in a rural area, so he is honest and honest, and has a lot of strength.

Moreover, the five people have a clear division of labor, and they are all very diligent and never lazy.

The five people were assigned to a dormitory because of their age. Even after only one day, the five people established a good friendship.

Unlike the seaside islands, the islands in the middle of the lake here have no beaches and coconut trees, only steep cliffs and a large number of gravel swamps.

Although these five children are good, they still need time and experience.

The fence maker is 17-year-old Li Changlin.

Instead, he patted Liu Zhong on the shoulder and took him back to the dormitory, leaving behind a fishing net and two high-grade machetes.

After watching for a long time, Qi Yuan said nothing, but the look in his eyes became more and more satisfied.

The fishing net was often damaged, so the two men would stop, repair the net with rattan, and then continue casting the net.

There is a gravel cliff area lined with rocks.

The honest young man spoke eloquently, and Qi Yuan also had a general understanding of this small dormitory.

When Qi Yuan arrived, he saw two skinny young men throwing a fishing net off the cliff.

The fishing net is made entirely of rattan, looks clumsy, and is not very strong.

"Chang Lin and A Ming are still young and their physical strength is not very good. So they stay in the dormitory, making fences and selecting seeds."

As for the final step, it depends on their ability.

In this regard, Qi Yuan also nodded with great satisfaction.

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