Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 217 Division Of Gathering Areas

On the outskirts of the plain surrounded by mountains and rivers, to the west of the river, is an extremely vast and barren plain.

At first glance, there are almost no flowers, plants or trees, only endless yellow weeds.

However, it is better than being flat and vast!

The location of the super teleportation array is placed 20 kilometers west of the river!

The distance from the gathering place of mountains and rivers is not that close, but it is definitely not far.

At this time, the "Super Teleportation Array" has been successfully used, but it has not yet been opened to all survivors.

But now, within a 30-kilometer radius of the "gathering place", only in the most central area stands a huge teleportation array.

Moreover, this area with a radius of 30 kilometers is the same as the fifth-level shelter. Good-level spiritual energy is constantly rising from the ground, which is separated from the chaotic spiritual energy of the outside world. The environment is completely suitable for survival.

At this time, in the center of the gathering place, under the super teleportation array, there were seven figures standing.

Ruoyouruowuou's conversation came...

"Zhang Zhongyue, do you really want to give 30% of the area to other survivors? Do they know how to manage it?"

A middle-aged man about 50 years old, wearing decent British clothes and looking like a gentleman, said.

On the side, another big man with a white beard frowned and said in agreement.

"You're right. If something unexpected happens, the entire gathering place may be destroyed."

Zhang Zhongyue shook his head and objected: "We will divide the entire area equally. It is impossible to convince the public. It is a wise choice to divide some of the benefits."

"Moreover, the survivors who can be assigned to the area will either contribute to the construction process or send combat forces to garrison the gathering place."

"These two types of people, no matter which one they are, can be regarded as one of our own!"

"Even if you take a step back, is it possible that the 10% of the area you acquired will be managed by yourself? Not divided at all?"

"This area is too big, and it will inevitably attract the covetousness of powerful beasts. Can we really withstand it with our strength alone?"

After Zhang Zhongyue finished speaking, the seven people were silent.

Everyone is not stupid. Don’t they understand this simple truth?

What they are most worried about is that a few stupid young people suddenly come out and break all the original rules and damage their original interests!

The best way to solve this problem is to tie these stupid people into the same boat and let their interests bind them.

At this time, someone spoke, and the language he spoke was actually the same as Zhang Zhongyue, which was Chinese.

"I think Mr. Zhang is right. Don't think that just because you are an official power, you really think you are invincible!"

"Take a look for yourselves. How many of the top 10 level five shelters are here?"

"I don't believe it. Have you contacted other powerful survivors in private? Do you know the strength of others?"

"If my guess is correct, you will also give away a lot of your shares and earn some favors back, right?"

When these words were spoken, everyone's fig leaf was ripped off, leaving everyone speechless.

Indeed, among the 7 people present, only Zhang Zhongyue's "Mountain and River Sanctuary" ranked fourth. The rest were mostly ranked between 10th and 50th, and some were even further behind.

To be precise, the Shanhe Sanctuary was not Zhang Zhongyue's, but Ye Zhongming's.

It's just that based on the relationship between the two, there is no need to make such a clear distinction.

"Then it's settled. The middle super teleportation array area will be built into a central square, and the other areas will be divided into 10 areas."

They deeply understand that in a foggy world like the end of the world, without any legal constraints, many survivors have long lost their humanity.

Therefore, when occupying the area, these three areas were deliberately separated and spaced around the official territory.

After allocating the areas, seven people. Each of them left some manpower, and at the same time left seven excellent combat forces to garrison this area.

At the same time, we also carefully considered that if the remaining three areas that need to be allocated are all far apart, conflicts and accidents will easily occur.

"As for the remaining three areas, if there are survivors who want to occupy them, they must show combat power above the excellent level, otherwise there is no need to discuss it."

An area located east of the center of the circle is a higher-level "super teleportation array".

"The seven of us will each occupy one area, and the remaining three areas will be allocated to others!"

"It doesn't matter who you assign to the area you're in charge of."

They themselves have at least three excellent combat powers.

After the discussion, the seven forces directly divided the area equally, dividing a 30-kilometer radius into 10 areas.

Another red dot, located in the area northwest of the center of the circle, is a slightly smaller "large teleportation array".

Therefore, it is inevitable to find other powerful survivors to cooperate.

"At this stage, we are the only seven forces here. Even if one person brings out one excellent combat force, there will only be seven excellent combat forces. This is too dangerous."

Zhang Zhongyue glanced at them: "If you know any powerful survivors, please contact us immediately and get them stationed as soon as possible to increase the defensive strength of the gathering area."

No one raised any objections and the proposal passed smoothly.

At this time, Zhang Zhongyue raised a question and said: "Let's discuss the issue of garrison combat power."

"If you are strong, then take more. If you are weak, then just spend your money to buy peace!"

But their own shelter is the basis for all discoveries, and it is impossible to transfer all combat power to the gathering place.

In the circular area where all survivors live, two red dots that can be teleported appear.

A middle-aged Westerner said, "What do you mean?"

And according to different locations, the prices are clearly marked, and all survivors can purchase them with spirit coins.

This can also effectively supervise them and avoid uncontrollable problems.

However, the rules and regulations they set up were slightly different from those of Zhang Zhongyue and the other seven.

However, there is also a similar policy - that is, using the land to attract powerful survivors to ensure the safety of the gathering place!

At this time, the gathering place near the large teleportation array was already under construction.

After that, they each went home to prepare for what was to come.

Including some other official organizations, they have gradually become uncontrollable.

"But make sure that there must be more than three excellent combat forces in the area you control."

The large teleportation array is controlled by five or six other more official organizations, and its strength is slightly weaker than Zhang Zhongyue's seven.

Zhang Zhongyue's words were merciless, but no one had any objections. After all, it was for the safety of the gathering place.

They did not divide all the territories equally, but held all areas jointly.

Once such people want to cause trouble, they must suppress the momentum as soon as possible.

The map page of "The Fog Survival Manual".

"Let us build and develop the areas we each occupy."

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