Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 231 Night Talk In District 7

Qi Yuan had nothing to do and went directly to the Cloud Lodge, practicing carving the "Spirit Gathering Pattern" while waiting for news.

After these days of study, he has completely memorized the details of the "Ling Gathering Spirit Pattern".

Next, there is continuous trial and practice.

The characteristics of the "Spirit Gathering Spirit Pattern" are slightly different from the "Communication Spirit Pattern".

The pattern of "Communication Spirit Pattern" is very single and cannot be changed or modified in any way.

But in comparison, the lines of the "Ling Gathering Spirit Pattern" are more flexible and changeable, especially in terms of size.

The range covered by the "Spirit Gathering Spirit Pattern" can be changed by changing the size of the spirit pattern.

However, this range adjustment is very useless, and the maximum size is only 10 square meters.

Moreover, because of the difference in quality of the carrier and the spiritual fluid, it can also affect the degree of the spirit-gathering effect.

Qi Yuan had considered that if perfect-level materials were used to make the carrier and at the same time engraved with perfect-level spiritual liquid, the effect of the spirit-gathering pattern would most likely reach the perfect level.

Thus, truly utilizing the "Spirit Gathering Spirit Pattern" to create perfect spiritual energy,

But at present, Qi Yuan only has rare-grade materials, and the quality of the "Ling Gathering Spirit Pattern" is limited to rare-grade materials.

But he is already satisfied. The difficulty of making rare-level spiritual patterns has reached this level.

Wouldn't it be more difficult to achieve the perfect level spiritual pattern?

You can only take it step by step and slowly improve your skills.

Qi Yuan spent the rest of the time in the "Cloud Cabin", working comfortably and fulfillingly.

Until about nine o'clock in the evening.

Information only appeared in the five-person alliance group.

Zhaocheng: "@青正钧@阳正河@中梅宇, brothers and sisters, how is the situation there? Why haven't there been any news for a day?"

After a long time, Qin Zhenjun replied with a message.

Qin Zhenjun: "I'm too busy, I don't have time."

Qi Yuan was also very curious and couldn't help but ask: "Is the business so good? Are you still stopping so late?"

One second...two seconds...three minutes...

Afterwards, I was surprised that no one replied a word.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Zhong Maiyun said: "Let's talk about it when we get back in the evening."

Qi Yuan was a little surprised. How busy is he? You won't sell the entire seventh district, right?

It was not until after 12 o'clock in the evening, when Qi Yuan was about to fall asleep, that the seventh district ended.

Qin Zhenjun summoned everyone in the group and went to the seventh district for a meeting to discuss.

Qi Yuan brewed a cup of "Ancient Rhyme Tea", forcibly lifted his spirits, and hurried over.

Nowadays, the "Super Teleportation Array" is closed and ordinary survivors cannot use it. They can only wait until it opens tomorrow.

In order to prevent the gathering place from being saturated for a long time and causing internal collapse, the "Super Teleportation Array" is open from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m.

In the evening, there will be 6 hours of rest time.

Of course, a small number of high-level people in gathering places still have the qualifications to teleport even at night.

As one of the talkers in District 7, Qi Yuan naturally has such rights.

He hurried over and rushed all the way from the central area to the seventh area.

Along the way, Qi Yuan was surprised to find that many properties had been purchased on both sides of the main road.

In particular, almost all small houses with an area of ​​10 to 50 square meters have been sold and occupied by a large number of survivors.

In the area outlined by the white lines, these survivors have not yet built houses.

A large number of packed daily necessities, such as bedding, tables and chairs, food, weapons, etc., were all piled on the dirt floor.

The survivor himself was sleeping on the ground, huddled among various goods.

At first glance, it looks like refugees are fleeing. This whole place is a refugee camp.

As Qi Yuan walked along the main road, many people raised their heads warily and looked at Qi Yuan with awe.

After all, most of the people who can still walk freely in the gathering place in the middle of the night are high-level people in the gathering place!

If they want to live here, they will inevitably have to deal with these high-level officials.

Only then did Qi Yuan realize that these people were not asleep at all, they were just pretending to take a nap and silently waiting for dawn.

After all, they don't have a house at all, and all their supplies are on the ground. Once they sleep to death, their things are likely to be stolen.


"That's not true!" Zhao Cheng leaned on the table and said, "I see that other major districts are all clinging to property rights and insisting on ensuring that the ownership of the land is in their own hands."

And gathering places are the best choice.

Qi Yuan looked all the way and took in everyone's expressions.

Moreover, after all, this place is an unfamiliar place, and there are people around whom I don’t know, so it is necessary to be more vigilant.

Then, I made a cup of ancient tea for everyone.

Qi Yuan also learned that once it reaches 12 o'clock in the evening, all survivors will be forced to leave.

After entering, I found that the other four people were already there.

He has seen that more than half of the 30% of land planned for sale is already occupied.

In today’s agglomeration, real estate is definitely the biggest benefit.

Yang Zhenghe said with a smile: "Among the 10 major districts, our seventh district should be the only one that sold so much real estate on the first day, right?"

Zhong Maiyun also echoed: "Indeed, there are just too many people..."

By the way, I also took out some excellent food and placed it on the middle table.

"Yes, the only people Shan Fan can stay at night are those who have purchased or rented real estate!"

They already have permanent residency rights, so they don’t need to follow the rules and leave.

Qi Yuan walked all the way, heading directly to the wooden house deep in the forest.

The second type is the upper level of the gathering place, similar to the five Qi Yuan people.

Yang Zhenghe took a sip of tea and said in a calm voice: "Overall, it went very smoothly, smoother than we imagined."

Qi Yuan responded softly. Seeing that several people were very lethargic, he did not sit down directly. Instead, he took out the water boiling tool from the dimensional ring and boiled a pot of water aside.

Qi Yuan nodded and said: "I saw outside that there are already many areas occupied by survivors. Have all of them been sold?"

Only some larger and more expensive areas remain, which are currently vacant.

After everyone drank tea and regained their mental state, they started the next conversation.

Zhong Maiyun raised her eyes slightly and said hello listlessly: "Coming?"

Even during the night, they also have the privilege of using the "Super Teleportation Array".

Therefore, those who are still stranded at night are these two types of people.

Especially for level four survivors, their own shelter cannot guarantee their safety, so they urgently need a place to settle down.

There are only two situations where you can stay.

These people can be regarded as owning real estate and can stay for a long time.

Only Zhao Cheng looked energetic.

The first type are survivors who have purchased real estate or rented real estate.

Qi Yuan was the first to ask: "How's it going? Is there any accident today?"

Qin Zhenjun said calmly, expressing his opinion.

In the distance, you can see the lights shining in the forest cabin, which look bright and gentle.

"Indeed, their idea is actually correct. Every inch of land here is precious, and land prices will definitely rise in the future!"

Qin Zhenjun, Yang Zhenghe, and Zhong Maiyun all looked tired, and they could not hide the fatigue in their brows.

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