Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 233 Financial Report

"Today's harvest comes from three aspects, namely sales, leasing, and bribery!"

Zhong Maiyun stood and reported, summarizing today's income.

When Qi Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but frown. This sounded a little abnormal!

"Wait a minute, I can understand the other two, what the hell is a bribe?"

Zhong Maiyun was interrupted. Obviously a little unhappy: "Qi Yuan! Please listen carefully and don't interrupt me casually!"

"I... OK, OK, you say it!"

Zhong Maiyun continued: "Let's talk about the bribe collection first. This money is an unexpected surprise, and it doesn't just contain spiritual coins."

"In fact, almost all the heads of the regions have been bribed to a greater or lesser extent, and the amounts vary."

"Comparatively speaking, the bribes we received should be relatively small, because our requirements in District 7 are not demanding, so there is no need to go through the back door."

"However, there are still many people who want to have a good relationship with us, so in the end, we received 32,500 spiritual coins in bribes and many excellent props."

"The amount of this part of spiritual coins is relatively small, so we won't go into details. Let's talk about the other two incomes directly."

Qi Yuan swallowed. This was more than 30,000 spirit coins, and he was still disliked!

This girl is really crazy!

However, in order to prevent being beaten, Qi Yuan wisely chose to keep his mouth shut.

“Our biggest income is actually from selling real estate!”

"Originally, we set a target of selling 30% of the properties. After the end of today, almost 19.2% have been sold."

"After calculation, a total of 1,652 pieces of real estate were sold, with a total area of ​​about 50,000 square meters, and a total revenue of more than 5 million spiritual coins!"

"But I have to mention here that when Qi Yuan divided the real estate, he divided each piece of real estate too widely, which resulted in a lot of wasted area."

"Otherwise, we can gain more!"

After saying that, Zhong Maiyun looked at everyone, as if looking for a response.


The cup in Qi Yuan's hand fell directly onto the table.

He didn't hear Zhong Maiyun's accusation against him at all. He only knew that in just one day, he actually made more than 5 million yuan from selling real estate.

This number is somewhat dreamy! Qi Yuan couldn't believe his ears.

Not only Qi Yuan, but also others couldn't help but take a breath when they heard this number.

How is this different from stealing money? !

No, even if you rob money, you can’t rob more than 5 million spiritual coins!

This is equivalent to more than 1,600 people, and each person took out more than 3,000 spirit coins on average.

Put it on everyone, it is actually not a lot, and it is even very affordable.

For those who have successfully purchased real estate in District 7, isn’t it a good deal to spend several thousand spiritual coins to get a permanent residence in the gathering place?

This kind of benefit is only available in District 7!

They all felt that they had definitely made a profit!

On the other side, the five Qi Yuan people also felt that they had made a lot of money and received 5 million spiritual coins in vain.

And, that’s not all the revenue!

Suppressing the excitement in her heart, Zhong Maiyun continued her report.

"The last part is the spiritual coins obtained from leasing."

"Compared with buying real estate, the number of people renting real estate is relatively small, so the income is also lower."

"In total, there are 213 rental properties in total, and the area of ​​each rental area exceeds 500 square meters."

"So the total area has reached about 130,000 square meters. The fee is 2 spiritual coins per square meter per month."

"This month's rental income has already reached 260,000 spirit coins. Although it is much less than the sales, it is considered a long-term income."

With the previous stimulation, everyone was much calmer when faced with the 260,000 spirit coins from the rental income.

After Zhong Maiyun finished speaking, she concluded: "This is all the situation. Is there anything you want to say?"

However, they still decided to build some high-end shops on 10% of the private land, making it the core and most prosperous area of ​​the entire seventh district.

After everything was discussed, it was already late at night.

He has sent three excellent guardian puppets back to the guarding shelter to guard them, while he stayed behind.

"What else can I say? Let's break up..."

As for the remaining 5 million, the five people directly divided it up with 1 million each.

After all, the development of the shelter is the real foundation for future survival, and it is impossible for a few people to be blinded by 1 million spirit coins.

There is no way around it, he is the only one who is proficient in business management matters.

At this time, seeing everyone in trouble, Yang Zhenghe said directly: "Don't worry about this, I will manage the seventh district first. You each bring a few people over, and I will take care of them by the way."

However, Qi Yuan still does not plan to put most of his energy into the development of the seventh district.

It was finally decided that Yang Zhenghe would be in charge of the affairs of the Seventh District during the current period.

After putting away the 1 million spirit coins, Qi Yuan was about to get up, but then he remembered something and asked: "By the way, there are more and more affairs in the seventh district, and we can't manage them. Do we need to allocate some employees here?" ?”

“Do you have any business savvy?”

At each stage, the spiritual coins required for the development of the shelter increase geometrically.

When I tricked you in the early stage, I just gave you ruins.

I want to eat shit!

Just like the "Survivor Shop" in the past, business is still very good until now!

Is it possible that in the later stage, when you have already received the money, you are still eagerly expecting us to build a big house for you?

Although, this time I made a lot of money and saw a huge profit in District 7.

Because after discussion, everyone agreed that in the later development of District 7, everything should be kept simple.

I think back then, when the third-level shelter was upgraded to the fourth-level shelter, 1,000 spirit coins stumped most people.

Being able to earn 1 million spirit coins this time, the five of them are actually already prepared: the number of spirit coins needed for the future development of the shelter is definitely not a small amount!

However, others are relatively sane in comparison and have not been dazzled by the huge wealth.

After all, whether it is the most prosperous or not is not theirs to decide, it needs to be recognized by other survivors.

However, these subsequent operations and construction cannot be completed overnight and need to be dealt with slowly in the future.

"Indeed... how much is left?"

But everyone believes that the shops Shan Fan opens in gathering places will definitely not have no business.

Later, when the fourth-level shelter was upgraded to the fifth-level shelter, 30,000 spiritual coins were already astronomical and mathematical.

"This... I haven't asked, and I don't know what their level is."

"I think……"

Just because the number of shops is small and the number of survivors is huge, there is no way there will be no business.

"Okay, I'm relieved now."

Yang Zhenghe suggested: "We can't divide all this money. After all, the construction of the entire seventh district also requires a lot of funds."

Zhao Cheng's eyes were gleaming, and he was about to be stuffed into the pile of spiritual coins.

Now, if you want to upgrade to a 6-mile shelter, you need 500,000 spirit coins.

After half an hour of discussion, the six people "generously" left 280,000 spirit coins as needed for the construction of the seventh district.

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