Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 243 Spirit Tree Queen Bee

When you go out, there is an excellent defensive spirit pattern, which can greatly guarantee the safety of survivors.

Even if you encounter a powerful good-level beast, you can easily deal with it with its strong defense capabilities.

As for excellent beasts, they are not that easy to encounter even in the wild.

If you really encounter it, you can only admit that you are unlucky and ask for blessings.

Putting away the defensive spiritual patterns, Qi Yuan returned to the shelter.

It's not that I don't want to continue carving spiritual patterns, but I have a lot of things to deal with today.

Last night, Qin Zhenjun had contacted him, saying that the short-term special training for ten people had ended and asked him to pick them up.

The purpose of these ten people's ten-day special training is not to really train them into special forces. After all, the time is too short and the conditions do not allow it.

These ten days are for them to learn various training methods.

After they come back, they can teach these training methods to other people in the training area, making their training methods more professional and effective.

On the other side, Yang Zhenghe also contacted himself, saying that the construction of the commercial district was initially completed and asked him to go and discuss it.

At the same time, in the shelter, the black tiger bee swarm and tree bee swarm have all activated their bloodlines, waiting for their acceptance.

Qi Yuan felt his head hurt when he thought that there were still so many things to be busy with.

If only I could stay in the cloud cabin every day, learn to carve spiritual patterns every day, drink Ancient Cloud Tea and listen to the sound of rain outside the window in my free time, how happy my life would be.

But now, we still have to focus on development.

When we returned to the shelter yard, the swarm army had already left, and those who remained were those who had successfully activated their bloodlines.

Among the black tiger bees, a total of 56 successfully activated their bloodlines.

Among them, 53 successfully broke through to the good level, 16 poisonous black hornets, 15 nest-building black hornets, 6 queen black hornets, and 16 giant-winged black hornets.

In addition, there are three good-level black hornets, which have reached the excellent level after their bloodline was activated.

Except for the nest-building black tiger bee, one outstanding level appeared in all the other three black tiger bee species.

Counting this way, the entire black tiger bee swarm has a total of 6 excellent-level combatants.

As for the giant-winged black hornet, it was the first time that an excellent level appeared, and its appearance after the breakthrough also aroused Qi Yuan's curiosity.

The size of its body and trunk has not increased much, only about 80 centimeters.

But the wings of the Giant-Winged Black Killer Bee are more than 5 meters long when fully extended.

This kind of wings is different from the huge fleshy wings of bats, but is supported by a large number of bones and is very hard and thick.

With a trying attitude, Qi Yuan punched forward.

Then, the Giant-Winged Black Killer Bee easily stabilized its figure with just one flap of its wings, and there were no wounds on its wings.

"It's great to have such defensive capabilities just after the breakthrough!"

Qi Yuan thought silently, considering whether to take it with him to protect himself from the knife at any time.

But then I thought about it, it would definitely have a brighter development in the bee swarm.

Moreover, the presence of excellent black tiger bees in the bee colony will also greatly increase the strength of Big Black Fatty, which will help him break through to the rare level.

Therefore, Qi Yuan gave up this idea and turned his attention to the Horntail.

Unexpectedly, a completely new species of wasp appeared among the hornets.

Among the hornets, a total of 113 successfully activated their bloodlines.

Among them, 111 broke through to the good level, including 36 pregnant hornets, 38 spermatophores, and 37 guard hornets.

In addition, there are two good-level hornets, which have reached the excellent level after stimulating their bloodline.

One is the "Tree Bee Queen" and the other is the "Spirit Tree Queen Bee".

All of them are queen bees with extremely strong bloodlines.

The "Spiritual Tree Queen Bee" is a new bee species that has appeared, making Qi Yuan very curious about its abilities.

However, as soon as he saw the message, Qi Yuan couldn't help but take a breath.

[Name: Spiritual Tree Queen Bee (Excellent Level)

As the ability is used, the spiritual energy on the "Spiritual Tree Queen Bee" slowly surges, and it slowly gets closer to the guardian giant tree.

But the ability to parasitize trees and borrow trees obviously comes from the ability of the "Spiritual Tree Queen Bee", which must be actively activated.

But why is this hornet population getting weaker and weaker? Our ancestors were so wealthy, but now they are no different from ordinary bees.

Arriving in front of the guardian giant tree, Qi Yuan ordered the "Spirit Tree Queen Bee" to come forward and parasitize.

After dispersing the other bee swarms, Qi Yuan left with the "Spiritual Tree Queen Bee" and came to the guardian giant tree.

Surviving as a parasite on powerful trees, you can use the energy of the plants to gain greater strength. 】

When it comes to plants, Qi Yuan has a lot of them!

Logically speaking, shouldn't the development of a population be a matter of natural selection and survival of the fittest? Those who stay until the end will definitely become stronger and stronger!

After all, the information is presented too simply and does not provide a clear understanding of its capabilities.

For a moment, the huge guardian tree trembled slightly, almost scattering the spiritual energy.

Original tree species? ! The first generation of Horntail? !

Moreover, this is not an ordinary "Spiritual Tree Bee", but directly inspired the bloodline of the "Spiritual Tree Queen Bee"!

This means that the existence of a rare-level combat power no longer has to be locked in a shelter.

Whether or not the power can be borrowed is entirely decided by the guardian giant tree.

He took a few steps forward hesitantly, as if he didn't dare to step forward easily.

Qi Yuan was speechless and directly ordered the guardian giant tree to take the initiative.

Qi Yuan asked the guardian giant tree curiously: "How are you doing? Do you feel anything?"

In consciousness, the guardian giant tree was obviously confused. He looked at the little bees under his feet and didn't know what to do.

However, in this relationship, because the "Spiritual Tree Queen Bee" is too weak, she is completely the weak side.

Isn't this worthy of the word "tree" for the hornet?

Once the spirit tree bee swarm can develop and grow, there will be earth-shaking changes to the overall strength of the shelter.

From the Ruoyouruowu response, Qi Yuan understood the general situation.

Introduction: The most primitive first-generation hornet species in the history of hornets.

This kind of "spiritual tree wasp" can parasitize powerful trees, thereby obtaining the plant energy of the trees and strengthening itself!

Qi Yuan couldn't wait to try out the specific abilities of the "Spiritual Tree Queen Bee".

And compared to the Spirit-attached Turtle, the "Spirit Tree Queen Bee" is obviously more flexible and compact.

Is this... nurturing the ancestors?

However, in front of the huge guardian tree, the "Spiritual Tree Queen Bee", which is only half a meter long, obviously lacks confidence.

It took nearly 30 seconds for the "Spiritual Tree Queen Bee" to complete its parasitism and form a connection with the guardian giant tree.

Seeing this, Qi Yuan quickly ordered the guarding giant tree in his mind to make it as stable as possible and cooperate with the parasitism of the "Spiritual Tree Queen Bee".

The sanctuary island with a radius of five kilometers is covered with protective thorns.

The stalemate lasted for 20 minutes, and after the two sides got familiar with each other, the "Spiritual Tree Queen Bee" approached cautiously.

Qi Yuan did not expect that the first generation of ancient hornets actually had such heaven-defying abilities.

The guardian giant tree is indeed connected to the "Spiritual Tree Queen Bee" and can transfer its own plant energy to it.

At the very least, the "Spiritual Tree Queen Bee" can take the power of guarding the giant tree to fight in other places.

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