Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 251 Getting Started

"In order to prevent things from getting bigger again, they will definitely settle the matter and will never continue to attack us."

"At the same time, in order to appease our anger, they will give us some benefits and give us the opportunity to benefit!"

Qi Yuan's eyes were silent: "They are not fools. Our losses seem huge, but in fact they are nothing. The key people are not dead, the excellent combat power is not damaged, and we even have the murderer..."

At this point, Qi Yuan's eyes suddenly shined, and he turned his head sharply to look at An Changlin, who was lying in front of him with an inexplicable and dangerous smile.

"Boss Qi, since I have set up the stage, the props... are naturally ready for you!"

"The key person is not dead? But the talker in District 7, Qi Yuan's biological brother! He lost his legs in this sneak attack!"

"Are you right, brother Qi Yuan!"

Qi Yuan's heart shook violently, and his eyes looking at An Changlin became deeper and deeper.

"My biological brother Qi Yuan! The first heir to the second shelter in the world! I was attacked by a thief and my legs were disabled. I made some trouble out of anger. Everyone should be able to understand!"

"Hehe!" An Changlin grinned: "Not only me, but also Brother Yuan, Brother Chu Yang, Brother A Zhong, Xiao Ming..."

Qi Yuan's heart trembled and he promised: "Okay, you will all be my biological brothers from now on!"

"As for the loss of excellent combat power? No need! Only strong enough strength can intimidate everyone!"

An Changlin looked over with bright eyes and said: "I have checked secretly. There are no more than three forces with rare-level combat power! We don't need to have any fear!"

Qi Yuan chuckled and said, "Are you so sure that I have rare-level combat power?"

Then, Qi Yuan received a look that looked retarded: "A hundred-meter-long giant turtle, a hundred-meter-tall giant plant! Boss Qi, I'm not a fool! You are the hidden boss, right?!"

"Hahaha!" Qi Yuan laughed loudly: "Stop calling me boss, call me Brother Qi!"

"Okay, as for the last question, which is the force that is attacking us... Nuo, isn't it here?"

On the side, the black man was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat while listening to the chat between Qi Yuan and Qi Yuan.

"Made, you're not just a loser? You've been tricked into a hornet's nest?!"

"A child who is only a teenager actually has such a terrifying mind and is plotting against all the major forces!"

At this moment, he had no room for resistance.

He has already figured out why the young man in front of him was injured but not dead? Why did he not die even though he was injured?

Isn’t this all part of someone else’s plan?

Seeing the looks from the two men, the black man swallowed his saliva. Just as he was about to introduce himself, he heard An Changlin say:

"This nigger should be from the large teleportation array. His master seems to be Liu Yueheng. He is a powerful force."

"I asked someone about it. They had coveted District 7 before, but Zhang Zhongyue rejected it, so they went to develop in a large gathering place."

"Their strength should not be weak. On the surface, there are about 7-8 excellent-level combatants, and several of them are excellent-level killers."

"Also, this black man is Asian..."

As he listened, the black man became more and more nervous, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

At this time, he had completely resigned himself to his fate, and his eyes looking at An Changlin were full of fear and disbelief.

1 minute later.

A figure, supported by huge vine wings, flew high into the sky of District 7.

Qin Zhenjun stared at Qi Yuan. Five seconds later, he nodded and said, "Xiao Yang and I will return to the shelter and teleport directly there in a moment."

At the same time, at the border of District 7, five excellent-level guardian thorns began to take action, absorbing all the energy of all surrounding ordinary-level and good-level guardian thorn plants, and their strength quickly reached its peak.

"I, Qi Yuan, have never provoked you, and even donated strategic resources like cattail grass!"

"Shock Xiao Xiao so that no one dares to take action against us!"

"What is this?!"

Qi Yuan handed An Changlin to Zhong Maiyun to lead the shelter for emergency treatment.

"He actually sent someone to sneak attack my biological brother! He is only 16 years old! His legs were disabled and he will be paralyzed for life! If I don't avenge this, I, Qi Yuan, will not be a human being!"

Before Qi Yuan could finish speaking, An Changlin dug under his body and took out a crumpled piece of paper: "Brother Qi, here is the list!"

The voice was shrill and sad, carrying extremely strong resentment, hovering over the entire seventh district and spreading in all directions.

"I know, I know some people, but not all..."

Qi Yuan was stunned for a moment, then took the paper with densely written names on it, and couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth.

There was only one thought in my mind: I found a treasure, what a genius! In just a few days, we have actually achieved this!

At the same time, countless people in the entire gathering place heard this voice and all watched!


"Are you ready?"

It's probably impossible to save your legs, so you can only save your life as much as possible.

Zhang Zhongyue and Ye Zhongming beside him all showed incredulous expressions.

Zhang Zhongyue and the others stopped and frowned at the scene in the sky.

"Chang Lin has arranged everything for me!"

Qi Yuan rescued An Changlin from the rubble. Both legs had completely lost their intuition and suffered multiple comminuted fractures, which were so serious that they could not be cured.

"Know yourself and the enemy, and you can win every battle without danger!" An Changlin said with a faint smile: "Also, Brother Qi, the seventh district is too loose and has no restrictions on leasing and purchasing, so there are people from all sides secretly hiding here, which is very harmful to us. The development is unfavorable!”

On the side, two huge beast puppets stood up in the dark night, stretching their stiff bodies.

The outstanding black man was also bound by the guardian thorns and sent back to the underground shelter.

5 minutes later.

In District 8 next to him, Zhang Zhongyue was on his way. When he was about to reach District 7, he saw a figure with huge wings flying into the sky.

At this time, Qin Zhenjun and three others had also rushed over, and they all frowned when they saw this scene.

The dense protective thorns at the border began to squirm at the same time.

"I originally thought that human beings would definitely help and support each other if they survive, but I never thought that some people would become restless so quickly!"

The next moment, the figure in the air shouted loudly, and the excellent momentum spread out.

Qi Yuan also secretly praised: "Chang Lin, I didn't expect you to have made so many preparations!"

In a place where no one could see it, a large speaker made of rattan was placed in front of Qi Yuan's mouth to diffuse the sound.

Qin Zhenjun asked in a deep voice: "What do you want to do?"

After handling everything, Qi Yuan looked at Qin Zhenjun and Yang Zhenghe and said, "Since Chang Lin set the stage for me, we can't let him down."

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