Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 262 Blood Spirit Pattern Collection

Qi Yuan's eyes were heavy, and when he looked for a random person, he saw that her eyes were dull, without any normal expression or thinking.

It must be that Liu Yue walked too hastily and forgot to turn off the aphrodisiac powder. As a result, everyone here was severely damaged by the continuous drug stimulation.

I continued to check a few people and found that they were all suffering from mental disorders.


With a sigh, Qi Yuan felt depressed and directly called out the black tiger bee queen swarm and gave everyone a shot.

These people can no longer be considered normal people. They can only be said to be the living dead. Living only adds to the pain. It is better to be relieved as soon as possible.

After calling Yang Wenye and asking him to clean up all the corpses here, Qi Yuan returned to the shelter.

The forest and mine shelter can only be regarded as an unimportant part of all Qi Yuan's plans, and not much energy is invested in it.

After returning, there is still one very important thing to deal with - the trial of wild exploration!

A month later, we will follow other forces and go out to explore the spiritual land.

This is a very important and dangerous matter.

If you don’t train and prepare in advance, the mortality rate will definitely be very high, so you must be fully prepared.

Qi Yuan planned to form a few teams first, equipped with a series of equipment such as hundreds of scale armors and beak helmets, and go to other islands to explore.

The dangers on the island are relatively small, and even if an unexpected situation occurs, it can be controlled.

Moreover, there are no outstanding beasts on the island. All they need to face is the unknown environment and how to live in a chaotic aura.

First, go to the prop manufacturing area, find Chu Yang, and ask about the props production situation.

Although they had not been here long, he and Zhou Ming had already lived in the forest cabin.

For the two of them, Qi Yuan did not prepare any shortcuts for them and relied on his own abilities.

At this time, in the room, Chu Yang was looking at the replica of the "Defense Spirit Pattern" and a piece of defensive spirit pattern research made by Qi Yuan.

Judging from the messy appearance of his hair, it seemed that he had not rested for a long time.

In addition, Zhou Ming was also in the room, playing with various bottles, cans, plants, roots and other items in front of the table.

They all have very good talents. Chu Yang is more interested in spiritual patterns, while Zhou Ming is devoted to researching healing potions.

When Qi Yuan walked in, they didn't notice it until Qi Yuan coughed a few times, which attracted their attention.

"Masters, how is your research going? Are there any results?"

Qi Yuan smiled and joked as he walked in.

"Don't you dare..." Zhou Ming scratched his head in embarrassment and stood up with some embarrassment.

Chu Yang on the side was relatively calm, but he quickly stood up and greeted Qi Yuan politely.

Qi Yuan smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, I just came to ask about the situation. Is your work going well recently?"

Chu Yang pondered for a few seconds and then answered first: "I have already recorded the characteristics of the defensive spirit pattern. If I practice it a few times, I should be able to successfully carve it."

"So fast?"

Qi Yuan was a little shocked that Chu Yang could learn defensive spiritual patterns so quickly without any foundation in carving spiritual patterns, nor the blessing of "Cloud Lodge".

It is obvious that his talent in this area is very strong.

Chu Yang smiled humbly and said: "It's not very difficult. If it were more complicated, the learning speed would be greatly reduced!"

He took 68 sets of Hundred Scales suits and went to the training area.

What's more, compared to killing excellent beasts, the blood of good beasts is obviously easier to obtain.

With standardized training techniques, the overall training efficiency has been significantly improved.

But this is not a flaw, but an advantage.

Some of the ones that were originally fleshy have begun to show obvious muscle texture.

"No, you continue to do your own thing. Just leave the task of the Hundred Scale Suit to other workers."

Qi Yuan was very satisfied with these children. As he spoke, he took out a few more spiritual pattern drawings from the dimensional ring.

The third type of spiritual pattern, the "Blood Collection Spirit Pattern" is a pair of spiritual patterns that Qi Yuan found again, and it is very useful for exploring outside.

After Chu Yang finished speaking, Qi Yuan looked at Zhou Ming who was aside.

After the greetings, Qi Yuan directly jumped into today's topic and asked: "Chu Yang, is it your time to manage the Bailin suit?"

Coupled with the supply of a large amount of good-grade food, these originally skinny workers are now gradually becoming stronger.

Many people have reached the peak of ordinary level and are only one step away from reaching good level strength.

This kind of spiritual pattern can absorb the blood of beasts and extract useful substances from it, thus forming an energy-filled essence.

"How many have been produced in total now?"

"Okay, Boss Qi."

Moreover, the "Blood-Collecting Spirit Pattern" only has an excellent level, and it can only absorb the blood of good-level beasts to form good-level blood essence.

Qi Yuan solemnly explained: "These three spiritual patterns are all very important spiritual patterns, which are very helpful for out exploration. Especially the blood collecting spiritual pattern and the storage spiritual pattern, it is best to learn them within this month. !”

He also knew that Zhang Yuan and Liu Zhong were in the training area and needed to participate in future exploration work.

After all, most of those who use this kind of spiritual pattern are just ordinary survivors, and their level is generally not higher than the good level.

Qi Yuan nodded and ordered: "I will take these 68 sets away first. In the recent period, I will make as many Hundred Scales sets as possible."

"Okay, study hard and I'll give you a few more copies of the spirit patterns."

Zhang Yuan and Han Dong are in charge of everyone's training.

Qi Yuan did not blame, but encouraged: "Okay, I believe you, just tell me if you need the materials."

"Is it urgent? Do you need me and Sister Yihui to make it together?" Chu Yang asked.

Most of the spiritual patterns he carved were for his brothers to use, so he didn't dare to be careless.

Zhou Ming is the youngest and has a more introverted personality, so he is more prone to nervousness. He hesitated and said: "I haven't made any big discoveries yet, but I believe that as long as the materials are found right and the ratio is determined, we can definitely make a higher quality product." Quality healing potion!”

This blood essence can quickly replenish a survivor's physical strength.

"Yes, Boss Qi."

"As of yesterday, there were a total of 68 sets. Now more people have learned how to make them, and about 10 sets can be made in a day."

The items they need are only good level.

They are "Storage Spirit Pattern", "Spirit Gathering Spirit Pattern" and "Blood Gathering Spirit Pattern".

So once he discovered this spiritual pattern, Qi Yuan listed it as "one of the spiritual patterns that must be learned"!

Later, Qi Yuan left all the two newly acquired scrolls here - "Toilet Making Scroll" and "Light Feather Bow and Arrow".

Chu Yang showed a look of understanding and nodded.

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