Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 278 Warm Cotton

Within the territorial flag, six beehive huts were built for them, as well as kitchens, toilets, canteens and other facilities.

They were asked to carry all kinds of daily necessities from the "material decomposition area".

In the future, they will most likely settle here.

Qi Yuan has already handed over to Lu Cheng and informed them of their future tasks: to screen and refine high-grade plastic clay.

Excellent-grade plasticine and rare-grade black mica plasticine have relatively few impurities, and Qi Yuan will take them away directly.

But here, there's also plenty of good-grade plasticine.

These good-grade plastic clays are of relatively low quality and contain many impurities, so they cannot be used directly.

The task of Lu Cheng and others is to filter out the pure plastic clay multiple times and then send it back to the shelter island.

In addition, Qi Yuan has also returned to the sanctuary, bringing a batch of high-level guardian thorns.

Because Lu Cheng and others cannot go out, the task of finding and collecting plastic clay can only be left to Guardian Thorns.

After going through two processes of Guardian Thorn and Lucheng, what is finally returned to the shelter is plastic clay that can be used directly.

At that time, it will be sent directly to the "prop manufacturing area", and after simple processing, it can be made into finished props.

Qi Yuan can already imagine that a steady stream of plastic clay props are constantly being produced from the "Equipment Manufacturing Area", equipping a large number of high-level combat power!

"Lu Cheng, I will leave this place to you from now on. Just remember to return the selected plastic clay to the shelter every other week."

Qi Yuan patted Lu Cheng on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Lu Cheng nodded honestly and suddenly said: "Okay, Boss Qi! But... I have a small request!"

"Request?" Qi Yuan was a little surprised, but still said: "Tell me about it."

Lu Cheng looked around, frowned and said, "Boss Qi, it's too cold here, we can't bear it!"

"Uh...that's it!"

Qi Yuan patted his head and finally reacted, comforting him: "Don't worry, I'll send you warm items in a minute."

Although the scope of this ice attribute territory flag is not as good as the conditions during the cold wave, it is still very cold and it is indeed unbearable for ordinary people.

Qi Yuan did not delay, and directly used the teleportation scroll to go to the underground shelter to look for warm items.

In the underground shelter, Qi Yuan planted a lot of high-grade cotton, which had matured for some time, but it was not transported back to the shelter island.

This time it was just right and could be used to make a batch of warm items.

I haven’t been to the underground shelter for a long time, and earth-shaking changes have taken place here.

Although there are only more than 50 people left here, the benefits are not low.

A large amount of ordinary grade food, as well as a large amount of good grade food, can be regarded as a very considerable income.

Moreover, Qi Yuan originally reclaimed more than 50 acres of land.

But at this time, the amount of land had increased several times, and it was all planted with various crops.

Around the reclaimed land, you can see hundreds of neatly arranged beehive huts, vaguely visible, filled with all kinds of food!

Seeing Qi Yuan arriving, an old man ran over from a distance.

This person is Zhao Shan, the only one among the ten people left behind by Qi Yuan who uses the "control scroll", and he is also the manager here.

"Boss Qi, are you back?" Zhao Shan was extremely surprised, and his old faces were crowded together.

At this time, he had a very bold idea in his mind! Can’t wait to try it!

Seeing Boss Qi suddenly barging in, Wang Yihui was a little confused, but she still greeted him respectfully.

"Zhao Shan, you are doing very well. Eat more high-quality food and try your best to improve your strength to a good level!"

Then, seeing Zhao Shan working hard beside him, Qi Yuan took out a bag of 30 kilograms of good-grade wheat and 2 kilograms of excellent-grade flesh and blood, and handed them to him.

After we have known each other for a long time, we are not so serious, and we occasionally joke.

"It's all good! It's all good!" Zhao Shan replied hurriedly, and then added: "It's just that there are too few manpower, and there is still a lot of land that has not been cultivated!"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Shan had already completed all the work on his own initiative.

Qi Yuan himself has returned to the sanctuary island, and he still has important things to do!

For example, remove the seeds, then expose them to the sun, and finally stretch the cotton to make the cotton soft and soft.

There were only 50 people left in the entire underground shelter, so there were really not many people.

Qi Yuan closed the door and looked around. After finding no one, he walked in with a smile and said: "Wang Yihui, let me show you a treasure!"

"Oh oh oh, so that's it, that's it." Zhao Shan was slightly disappointed, but he kept agreeing.

Qi Yuan smiled and said, "Well, come and see, how is the situation here?"

After saying that, Qi Yuan teleported away directly under Zhao Shan's grateful eyes.

Zhao Shan has worked hard all his life to farm, and he has an obsession with farming. He wants to plant the entire underground shelter with crops.

As the honeycomb hut is opened, snow-white cotton appears in front of you.

Qi Yuan continued to encourage: "But you have worked hard these days. By the way, I am here this time to take away some cotton. Do you know where it is?"

As we all know, after cotton is collected, it cannot be used directly and needs to go through multiple processes.

Zhao Shan only has 9 people under his command, so the labor force is not large, which greatly limits the reclamation of land.

He was very interested in the excellent-grade plasticine and rare-grade black mica plasticine harvested today.

As for warm clothes, it’s pretty much the same, just fill them with cotton.

However, Wang Yihui's misunderstanding left Qi Yuan speechless.

They all have their own quilts, and they just need to replace all the useless cotton inside with high-quality, high-quality cotton.

Qi Yuan arrived at the "props manufacturing area" and found Wang Yihui who was carving spiritual patterns.

"Cotton? Oh oh oh, I know, Boss Qi, come with me!"

Ten minutes later.

After the processing is completed, the work within the territorial flag will be fully handed over to Lu Cheng for management.

Zhao Shan bent over and said respectfully: "Boss Qi, there are more than 30 small warehouses around here, all of which are cotton harvested recently! It has been seeded, dried, and shuffled, and can be used directly!"

Qi Yuan shook his head helplessly. He did not stop or encourage, but said pertinently: "For now, the food reserves are enough. There is no need to continue to expand. Just maintain the status quo."

"Oh?" Qi Yuan grabbed the cotton in surprise, looked at Zhao Shan with satisfaction, and secretly thought that this old man is really thoughtful in his work!

Zhao Shan hunched over and trotted towards a warehouse in the north.

After hearing this, Qi Yuan's smile froze instantly.

Nodding with satisfaction, Qi Yuan put all the cotton in the three warehouses into the dimensional ring.

Wang Yihui's mouth twitched, and her head was suddenly full of black lines: "Boss Qi, I am a serious person, please respect yourself!"

Return to the territorial flag and give all the cotton to Lu Cheng and others, letting them handle it themselves.

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