Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 289 Turtle Shell Space

"It's such a big space, where is this place?" Zhang Yuan followed behind, holding a luminous stone in his hand, looking at the surroundings in surprise.

Qi Yuan was also surprised. The situation underneath was different from what he imagined.

Here, it is not just a passage, but a huge underground space.

Qi Yuan took a closer look and found that it was a space nearly a hundred meters in diameter, with a regular semi-elliptical shape as a whole.

And inside, there were two more significant discoveries.

First of all, there is spiritual energy here, and the concentration of spiritual energy is not low and can reach a good level.

In other words, the concentration of spiritual energy here is equivalent to the concentration of spiritual energy on a normal island.

Secondly, this place has not been eroded by chaotic spiritual energy, and there is very little chaotic spiritual energy inside.

From this point of view, this place should have been sealed before, so the chaotic spiritual energy did not enter!

These two characteristics alone establish the value of this space: it is extremely secluded, and the environment is also very good, which can accommodate many people to live and develop.

But everyone is wondering, how was this place formed?

Qi Yuan looked around, and the more he looked, the more strange he felt.

Because the walls here are so regular, as if they have been artificially planned.

No matter the size or shape, it doesn't look like a naturally formed underground cave.

But if you look carefully at the details of the rock wall, you can't find any traces of artificial carving. It is indeed naturally formed.

"What's going on here, I always feel a little strange..." Qi Yuan walked all the way in and looked around, feeling very confused.

On the side, Zhang Yuan was also very surprised and said in confusion: "It is indeed not man-made, but how could a purely natural underground cave look like this?!"

"No, that's not right!"

As Qi Yuan watched, a bold idea came to his mind.

Here... it is likely that it is both naturally occurring and biologically created!

He suddenly remembered the formation process of these islands!

This is not a naturally formed island!

Instead, the spirit-possessed turtles of the past dynasties took the initiative to die before death and became part of the island.

In other words, every island is composed of countless turtle shells.

Thinking about it this way, the situation here seems to be explained.

The entire shell of the possessed turtle forms this island, and the back of the shell forms the surface of the island.

In the middle of the turtle shell, a completely enclosed underground cave space was formed as it is now.

Qi Yuan's eyes were filled with doubts. He raised his head again and looked around, and found that there were vague and general lines on the cave rock wall above his head.

This pattern is very similar to the pattern on the shell of a spirit turtle.

"Is it... really the inside of the turtle shell?!"

Such a discovery made Qi Yuan unable to help but be excited, with a hint of joy in his expression.

The five captains on the side were still confused and looked at their boss in confusion.

Qi Yuan did not explain too much, but directly ordered: "Follow me, I probably know the situation."

With that said, Qi Yuan went straight into the depths without looking back.

If you want to verify your guess, there is a very simple way - that is to find another turtle shell space.

If the guess is correct, then there must be more than one possessed turtle that makes up this island!

And inside the island, there is definitely more than one turtle shell space like this!

Qi Yuan did not hesitate and ran directly to the depths of the cave. Sure enough, he found an uneven area right in front of the space.

"This...is probably the head of the possessed turtle!"

Based on the size of the underground cave, the size of the possessed turtle can be estimated, and thus the size of the turtle's head can be roughly estimated.

The data obtained is similar in size to this bumpy area.

With the five people behind him looking in astonishment, Qi Yuan directly ordered the Queen Bee of the Spirit Tree to launch a fierce offensive!

The tough thorns and vines turned into long snakes of tens of meters and swept towards the rocks, breaking a large number of rocks and turning them into small, scattered stones.

During the attack, Qi Yuan made new discoveries.

The quality of the rock in this area is different from other places, and it is obviously much more fragile.

He secretly thought: The other areas of the cave are formed from the shells of possessed turtles, so they are very hard.

However, the six holes left on the head, tail, and limbs are probably made of ordinary rocks, so they are relatively easy to destroy.

The current situation also confirms this speculation.

The Spirit Tree Queen Bee attacked for ten minutes and broke through the rock formation by more than ten meters.

When we were closer to 18 meters, something abnormal finally appeared.

Thorns and vines attack on an object that is extremely hard and different from other rocks!


Qi Yuan looked happy and hurriedly followed the hard area to clean up the surrounding rocks.

It really didn't surprise him!

Qi Yuan quickly found a similar passage, which was roughly the tail of the other possessed turtle.

And this should be another turtle shell space.

Follow the tail passage and break through the rocks in the middle again.

Just listen to a "click".

The rock in the passage cracked, revealing the dark space within.

Qi Yuan showed a clear smile and murmured to himself: "As expected!"

Inside, there is also a regular semi-elliptical space with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters.

At this point, Qi Yuan was almost certain that his guess was correct!

Here is the internal space formed by the turtle's shell.

Such a huge discovery made Qi Yuan suddenly feel as if he was sitting at home and had a gold brick hit his head!

This huge fortune made him dizzy.

He did not expect that the turtle's shell could resist the erosion of chaotic spiritual energy and turn the inner space into a pure land.

As long as the space in the turtle shell is sealed, it will be a safe shelter.

Not only is there no disordered spiritual energy, but it is also an environment with good spiritual energy concentration!

The problem of internal oxygen can also be solved with cattail grass.

Thinking about it this way, all the turtle shell spaces among the 13 islands can be used as shelters!

The more he thought about it, the more excited Qi Yuan became, and the smile on his face could not be suppressed.

The five captains on the side were still in a state of confusion.

"Boss, this..."

Qi Yuan waved his hand and didn't say much. He just explained casually: "Special conditions formed the space. It seems that it should be able to resist disordered spiritual energy."

The five people seemed to understand. They all nodded silently and didn't ask any more questions.

After figuring out the situation, Qi Yuan felt relieved.

This accident of the fourth team is not only not a loss, but also brings huge gains.

This discovery will have epic changes in the future development of the shelter.

But for now, it is not suitable for living here because there is not enough oxygen.

So Qi Yuan began to plan the next work in his mind!

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