Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 313 Xianyu Qionglou

Qi Yuan rolled his eyes when he heard this, and asked helplessly: "Mr. Zhang, what do you want to say? Can you go directly to the topic? And... are you a little too nosy?"

Although Saiyuan was also happy to hear it, he was really not interested in Tim and Mia's forbidden love.

Under the cruel pressure of survival, there will never be a shortage of evil, but if you know too much and are exposed to too much, you will inevitably fall into it.

As the saying goes, when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you.

The essence of human society is actually order and civilization. Whether it is a real order or a false order, there must always be restrictions.

Zhang Zhongyue also cleared his throat, stopped telling love stories, and started talking about his own purpose.

"Qi Yuan, what I'm saying is actually to tell you that Mia Enoslin is a good partner."

"how to cooperate?"

Zhang Zhongyue smiled, lowered his voice and said, "I know Mia Enoslin's itinerary."

Qi Yuan was startled and looked at Mr. Zhang in surprise: "Mr. Zhang, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person! You actually follow a girl from a good family! Oh no, it's a woman!"

"Shut up!!" Mr. Zhang's face turned dark, he puffed his beard and cursed with a glare: "Listen carefully, this woman did not move with Tim, but moved to our area, which intersects with our route !”

Qi Yuan's eyes lit up: "Oh? In other words, we can meet her?"

"Yes! I've marked her route and speed on the map for you. You can calculate carefully how we can meet her."

As Zhang Zhongyue spoke, he sent over a map image with symbols marked on it.

Qi Yuan took a look and found that the routes did intersect. He just had to speed up a bit and drive 25 kilometers tomorrow, so they could meet each other the day after tomorrow.

Zhang Zhongyue looked at Qi Yuan and said solemnly: "Tim's plot is definitely not small. If he actually plots against you even though he knows that you have rare-level combat power, then he must be certain."

"If we are not adequately prepared, we may capsize in the gutter, so you have to be more careful."

"I think if you capture Mia Enoslin as much as possible, it will increase our winning rate."

Qi Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Mr. Zhang, take her down?"

This time, even Qin Zhenjun, who was behind him, couldn't stand Qi Yuan anymore. He hit him directly on the head and cursed angrily: "You are a serious kid, you are talking about business!"

But this time, Zhang Zhongyue did not refute Qi Yuan, but said with a strange expression: "To be honest, if you can really win her, the effect might be better! But you are too young, she should not be interested in you, at least Xiao Qin Just take action!”

Qi Yuan: Hahaha, shit!

Yang Zhenghe: Hahaha!

Qin Zhenjun: I’m really speechless!

Qin Zhenjun said speechlessly: "Mr. Zhang, why are you not serious anymore!"

Zhang Zhongyue coughed twice and said nonchalantly: "If the result is satisfactory, it doesn't matter if you sacrifice some in the process."

"Okay, let's stop talking here. Anyway, I have told you the information. As for how it works, it depends on you."

Seeing that Zhang Zhongyue had finished speaking and was about to leave, Qi Yuan also suppressed his ungrateful smile and said seriously: "Well, I'm sorry to bother Mr. Zhang, but I want to ask where Aaron is..."

"Don't worry, he told me, it's going well so far."

"Okay, trouble."

Also left behind was an excellent spiritual hornet that served as a wheelchair.

"Currently, the total income is 428,526 spirit coins, and wages and other expenses are 125,800 spirit coins. After final statistics, the total income is 302,726 spirit coins."

After the two sides finished chatting, Qi Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

For ordinary survivors, this is a number that is out of reach even after a lifetime of hard work.

"Since its opening, the industries on each floor have been smoothly developed and have gradually entered a profitable state."

At this time, on the top floor of Xianyu Qiong Tower, An Changlin did not return to the shelter as requested by Qi Yuan, but continued to stay in the seventh area after asking for instructions.

There is nothing unimaginable and nothing impossible.

"With such a good opportunity, we must take action." Qi Yuan said without any hesitation, extremely decisively.

enjoy! In the bathing city, three different bath formulas not only make people feel the comfort that touches the depths of the soul, but also improve their strength.

It is called by the majority of survivors as the place closest to heaven. As long as you have money, almost all your desires can be satisfied here.

An Changlin pondered for a moment, then asked another question: "Aunt Qin Mu, is there anyone willing to join us directly recently?"

At the same time, Aunt Qin Mu also specially trained a group of technicians who are proficient in massage services.

Stimulate! The madness and psychological games in the casino are enough to make people addicted and unable to extricate themselves.

At this time, three figures were standing behind An Changlin's wheelchair, respectfully saying something.

The dominance of the major giants is still there, but there are also new people emerging from underneath, making trouble in the gathering place.

Beauty! All types of survivors and all imaginable ways of playing are available here.

The bloody, blood-stained gambling arena is staged one after another with bloody battles!

Even for Qi Yuan, this is a considerable amount of income.

In these ten days, the total income was more than 300,000, which means that every day, there was a net profit of 30,000.

gourmet food! Qi Yuan purchased a large amount of grain of various types, ranging in quality from good to rare.

We also employ top chefs who can make the most delicious food.

Seeing that Qi Yuan was still thinking, Qin Zhenjun asked: "Qi Yuan, what do you think, do you want to touch the one named Mia?"

The collision of fists and flesh between humans, the bite of sharp teeth between beasts, and the fierce and dangerous duel between humans and beasts. Every battle can make people's adrenaline soar.

At least, I knew the identity of the mysterious woman, and also understood Tim's life and personality.

District 7, core business district.

"Then what are you still thinking about? Do you have other ideas?"

It has become the largest and most prosperous large-scale entertainment venue in the entire super gathering place!

The information he got this time made him gain a lot.

The super commercial building managed by An Changlin has been officially renamed "Xianyu Qiong Building" under Qi Yuan's nomination.

An Changlin slid his fingers and gently tapped the rattan wheelchair, thinking silently in his heart.

Qi Yuan shook his head, rubbed his eyebrows and said: "You must move, but I have to think about how to operate it specifically...how to maximize the benefits!"

While all forces are entering unknown areas and conducting humankind's first exploration, the super gathering place is still developing steadily.

The most important thing is that the movement trajectory of Mia Enoslin was also obtained, which gave greater room for maneuver in subsequent plans.

It has been exactly ten days since Xianyu Qionglou officially opened.

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