Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 346 The Choice Of The Barbarian King

The ape didn't know how to treat it. After getting sick, it became more and more serious, relying solely on physical fitness to cope with it.

Those who can bear it can live; those who cannot bear it can only die of illness.

If you look closely, you can find that in addition to these, there are many members of the barbarian group who cough from time to time, and they are all ordinary-level ones with weak physical fitness.

Seeing this situation, Qi Yuan was not too surprised.

For wild populations, problems such as low temperature, illness, and hunger are what they have to face and are also huge challenges to their survival.

However, since the barbarian apes are his subordinates. Of course it's not easy to leave it alone.

Qi Yuan took out ten bottles of healing potions from the dimensional ring and handed them to the Barbarian Ape King.

The Barbarian King was a little strange, but he still brought it to his nose, smelled it cautiously, and then licked it with his fingers. His eyes immediately lit up.

Although he didn't recognize the healing potion, he could clearly feel the therapeutic effect of this liquid.

Qi Yuan walked around the cave and found the pool where they drank water, and poured the healing potion into it one bottle after another.

The surrounding barbarians roared and tried to stop them, but were stopped by the barbarian king with a sharp shout.

Not only that, the Barbarian Ape King also poured the healing potion in his hand into the pool. This strange scene made the surrounding ordinary-level and good-level barbarians scratch their heads in confusion.

The Barbarian Ape King didn't explain, but just roared a few times at its kin. Let them line up one by one and go to the pool to scoop out water.

He also specially arranged for someone to fill a bowl of water with a simple stone bowl, brought it to the seriously ill apes, and fed them to drink.

The effect of therapeutic potions is much more effective than cold medicine.

Not long after drinking it, the man who was coughing just now was significantly relieved. I had a fever before, and the temperature immediately dropped.

The most obvious change is that after not eating or drinking for two days, I suddenly have an appetite and start to want to eat.

Barbaric apes don't actually understand these changes, but they only know that this is a sign of recovery from injury!

After seeing this, the Barbarian King looked a little excited and shouted gently at Qi Yuan a few times. He didn't know what it would say, so Qi Yuan could only treat it as expressing his gratitude.

After all the apes drank the diluent of the healing potion, their overall condition recovered a lot, and the atmosphere in the cave became much more lively.

At this time, Qi Yuan also found the Barbarian Ape King.

After all the good deeds have been done, it’s time to do evil.

He took out the ghost-backed dragon ape blood potion and handed it to the Barbarian Ape King, letting him make his own decision.

It smelled the breath and felt that the smell of the potion was familiar, giving it a throbbing from the depths of its soul, but it didn't know what it was.

Qi Yuan tried and explained to it: "This is the bloodline of another ape creature, called the Ghost-backed Dragon Ape, and its level has reached the rare level. Can you understand?"

The Barbarian Ape King raised his head slightly, and after thinking for dozens of seconds, he nodded slightly.

Qi Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "You can take this blood potion and have a chance to obtain the blood of a rare beast, but the mortality rate is not low."

It can be clearly seen that when Qi Yuan said that the mortality rate was not low, the pupils of the Barbarian Ape King shrank slightly. "

But that's enough!

The genes of the Barbarian Apes destined that the strength of most of the tribe could only barely reach good level, and the excellent level was even rarer.

Qi Yuan could probably understand that the small half bottle was divided between ordinary and good level apes.

It took out the stone bowl for drinking water, filled it with water, and then poured half a bottle of blood potion into it.

The barbarian apes have lived on this island for generations and have been inherited for hundreds of years, but the strength of the population is not strong.

Among the tribesmen who stood up, young and strong barbarians gradually began to appear, but they were quickly pulled back by the old barbarians.

Seeing this scene, Qi Yuan also showed a surprised look.

Just when the Barbarian King was hesitating, an old Barbarian trudged forward and made a hoarse sound while looking at the blood potion.

Then, the Barbarian King began to select the people who would take it.

"So smart!" Qi Yuan smacked his lips and sighed!

Although this chance is very small, the temptation to break through the limits of life is irresistible!

He poured the remaining half of the bottle of blood potion into another stone bowl and also mixed it with some water.

Then, among the group of barbarians at the rear, several old and disabled barbarians stood up and let out a low roar.

And most of the half of the bottle was taken by it itself.

It dyed the medicine with its blood and seemed to be lost in thought.

Looking at the "Ghost-backed Dragon Ape Bloodline Potion" in his hand, the Barbarian Ape King could feel the power in it. This was the bloodline power from the same origin, and it was a powerful bloodline that was beyond his reach!

At the same time, a barbarian monkey came in outside the cave, which was from other caves.

Most of the time, there is only one excellent-level barbarian, and when it develops well, there are only two or three excellent-level ones.

Looking at the gathered tribesmen, some light flickered slightly in the pupils of the Barbarian Ape King.

It knows that as long as he drinks it, there is a chance that he will break through his original life potential and reach a higher level.

If blood potions are to be used, it must not be taken by the Barbarian King alone, but by most of the Barbarian apes' kin to take it together, relying on the huge number to increase the success rate.

If it is this group of old, weak, sick and disabled, the success rate is almost zero. Since you want to try it, you might as well give it a go.

But another factor that cannot be ignored is the potential of the population itself!

"It's up to you whether you want to use it or not."

Qi Yuan looked at the Barbarian Ape King with a little more emotion and admiration in his heart.

The Barbarian Ape King looked at the tribesmen around him and seemed to feel strength and courage, and finally made a decision.

I didn't expect that a group of beasts could have such high intelligence, as well as strong judgment and emotions.

However, its reason tells it that it not only has to consider itself, but also its own people!

They actually don't know about the blood potion, but they know that this unknown potion can make their tribe stronger.

When the Barbarian Ape King selected personnel, he skipped all the old, disabled, injured, and weak tribesmen, and instead selected the healthiest, strongest, and most potential tribesmen!

There are many caves nearby, and the Barbarian tribesmen live in various caves. The cave where Qi Yuan is staying at this time is the largest one.

On the one hand, it is due to the concentration of spiritual energy on the island, which cannot support the emergence of too many outstanding ones.

At this time, something unexpected happened, which made Qi Yuan sigh.

Qi Yuan didn't say much, leaving time to the Barbarian Ape King to make his own decision.

These are things that ordinary beasts do not have.

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