Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 373 158 Criminals

"In my shelter, couples are allowed. If you are willing, you can be assigned a separate house."

This regulation was recently promulgated by Qi Yuan.

He built a group of residential areas in four places: Shelter Island, Fishing Island, Plantation Island, Fertile Island, and Spirit Mine Shelter, with a large number of beehive huts and forest cabins inside.

Two people who are married can get a small house as their home based on their contribution points.

On weekdays, they still work in their original place, and can return home to sleep at night.

Nowadays, the residential area has just been established, and many facilities are incomplete, such as commercial streets, security systems, etc., and there will be major changes in the future.

After hearing what Qi Yuan said, Zhang Wei and Wang Yuning looked at each other and nodded to each other.

Seeing that both of them agreed to come down, Qi Yuan handed them over to Chu Wenxi.

Zhang Wei is temporarily arranged to train in the training area and train with others. If he has enough potential, he can be promoted to the training area in the space tree world.

Wang Yuning arranged to go to a residential area and received a forest cabin in her and Zhang Wei's names.

Not that their contribution was huge, but on the main island, Qi Yuan only built forest cabins.

After all, it is the location of the sanctuary. The main island is definitely the most prosperous, and the people living here are also the best in overall quality.

Therefore, the living measures arranged by Qi Yuan are also as high as possible.

After settling the two of them, An Changlin's message was sent.

It's about that bunch of rat shit.

After searching the entire commercial area, a total of 12 groups of people were found, similar to the waiters in black and people like He Changyang, with the total number reaching 156 people.

All the things they did were deception, abduction, fraud and extortion, and the bad things they did were shocking.

Qi Yuan only asked one sentence: "Who is the person behind it?"

An Changlin immediately replied: "There are shadows from the fourth district, as well as some forces from large shelters."

"District 4?" Qi Yuan frowned, looking confused: "Do we have any grudge against District 4? What is he doing here?"

An Changlin explained: "I was very curious at first, but after investigation, I found that the fourth district did not target us. He did it in every district."

Qi Yuan asked speechlessly: "Then no one will beat him?"

"Well, that's really not the case."

An Changlin thought for a while and said: "The fourth, seventh and tenth districts are not controlled by official forces, but among these three districts, our seventh district is the most stable. District 10 is moderate, District 4 is the most chaotic.”

Qi Yuan nodded, he also roughly understood these situations.

Among the ten regions, the public security in most regions is still very good.

But there are a few parts that are extremely confusing.

District 4 is one of the best.

An Changlin continued: "Their internal business operations are very chaotic and they can't make much money at all, so the internal forces are very poor..."

"So this is how they make money?"

Qi Yuan was a little confused. How much money can you make from human trafficking? Especially in such troubled times, human life is inherently despised.

After all, they are all forces occupying a large area, how could they be so poor? He actually made money through such despicable means. It’s incredible!

"Alas!" Qi Yuan sighed. Under such circumstances, it was really hard for him to take revenge.

After thinking about it, Qi Yuan began to make arrangements and sent them out in batches to realize their maximum value.

However, because this idea was really unhumane, Qi Yuan never made up his mind and did not conduct human experiments.

However, the more than 150 people who were captured must not be spared lightly!

An Changlin was stunned for a moment, and said with some confusion: "Brother Qi, does this cost a lot of spiritual coins? These people are not worth it!"

"There are many mysterious situations on the edge of the space tree world. We can arrange for 30 people to go there."

It is unwise and unreasonable to meddle in other regions at will, and besides, they are not deliberately targeting them.

Not only is it a rare bloodline, he can even use this technology to allow beasts such as the Black Tiger Bee Queen and the Ghost-backed Dragon Ape to continue to evolve, constantly acquiring the bloodline of powerful beasts, thereby increasing the potential of his race.

In Qi Yuan's expectation, the people sent to Wang Yihui's place should be the worst group.

However, this is only the first goal.

Qi Yuan looked at the 158 criminals squatting on the ground with their heads in hands, thinking about how to deal with them.

Qi Yuan wanted to use the sample of "Ghost-backed Dragon Ape Blood Medicine" to develop a method of making blood medicine, so as to achieve artificial production.

Because Wang Yihui's research is a very dangerous human experiment.

But the eldest brother had spoken, so he had no choice but to do as he was told, tying up all these people and teleporting them back to the sanctuary island.

"The remaining 60 people should be sent to the dangerous island first and let them survive in the wild."

Qi Yuan felt angry when he thought about how many innocent people they had harmed like Zhang Wei, Wang Yuning, and Xiao Yan.

"The underground turtle shell space is full of waste. You can send some people in to explore the situation first. Send 30 people there."

Those sent to the underground turtle shell space are relatively safe.

In his eyes, these people are real slaves, slaves who can be used at will regardless of life or death.

At the same time, Qi Yuan was also thinking about a question: Is it possible that the people sent to these two places would escape?

But now, I unexpectedly harvested a group of scum, which I just used for experiments.

If it can be realized, the value will be very great.

While counting the number of people, he murmured in a low voice.

An Chenglin didn't know what to say, and also complained: "They don't know how to manage, so they do everything."

Qi Yuan thought about it and could only step up internal rectification to prevent this kind of thing from happening again.

"Chang Lin, I will transfer a batch of teleportation scrolls to you, and you can send these more than 150 people back."

"It's okay." Qi Yuan said nonchalantly: "You can make money anyway, so I don't care about this little money."

"Last time when the blood potion was brought back, Wang Yihui took some samples for experiments. She said that human experiments might be needed, so she just sent 30 people."

"I, I, I..." An Changlin almost spat out a mouthful of blood. He finally made some money, but he felt completely defeated.

It’s simple to think about, but not that difficult to do!

The 30 people sent to the Space Tree Realm were also very dangerous, and Qi Yuan had almost no intention of letting them come back.

And in the process, he came up with a fantastic idea: Can humans gain the power of other beasts just like the barbarian ape gained the blood of the ape?

Of course, this was also the task given to her by Qi Yuan. Without Qi Yuan's approval, she would never have done such an experiment.

The same goes for those sent to the dangerous island. Life may be harder at most, but their lives are not in danger.

Qi Yuan's final idea is to study the effects of blood potions, so as to replicate the same effect, achieve artificial blood upgrades, and increase potential!

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