Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 386 Transformation

"Boss! To be honest, my relationship with her is not as deep as I thought. We only held hands a few times and touched lips once..."

He spoke slowly, a bitter smile of memories appeared on his stiff face, as if he wanted to get out of the quagmire, but was pulled deeper and deeper by the memories.

"Boss, I have already planned to live here forever... I will continue to train, continue to increase my strength, and live a peaceful life!"

"Maybe one day, I will die in battle... But I think that day will be very long ago, so long that I don't need to think about it now."

"And she should live an extremely peaceful life on the island. She might even get married, have children, and grow old like an ordinary girl..."

"But I didn't expect that fate would be so magical, as if there was an invisible big hand gently fiddling with her destiny..."

"Perhaps we really should die there... never seeing light and hope, and never having any illusions about the future."

Qi Yuan's pupils trembled slightly, but his calm expression did not change.

After a long time, he slowly uttered a few words: "Can't you find the strength to live?"

"The power to survive?" Zhang Wei smiled bitterly and murmured to himself: "Maybe..."

"But you can't die!"

Qi Yuan's silent eyes were fixed on Zhang Wei's eyes, and he slowly said: "I saved your life."

"Even if you are going to die, you have to die in battle instead of wasting your life in self-destruction!"

Qi Yuan took a long breath and said meaningfully: "I promise you, I will take you all the way to witness this mysterious and unpredictable world of mist, as well as the vast and treacherous waves of sentient beings... You will definitely... still do it. See hope of living.”

Zhang Wei's pupils fluctuated slightly, and he slowly met Qi Yuan's eyes and said confusedly: "But I have no interest in this world..."

Qi Yuan stood up slowly, his words cold and calm: "Then treat yourself as dead, dead on the ring, dead at the bottom of the dead lake. And your remaining body, if you want, follow me Bar……"

After finishing speaking, Qi Yuan took out the "Xugou Armor", placed it in the room, and then silently retreated.

Having said this, there is no need to continue to persuade.

If Zhang Wei insists on committing suicide, Qi Yuan has no choice but to respect his decision.

But Qi Yuan was still a little reluctant to give up on such a subordinate with great potential, crazy fighting ability and powerful strength.

But fate, with a hint of emotion, seems to have brought about a glimmer of hope after all.

Three days later in the morning, this unattractive young man returned to his duties in the training area.

This time when he returned, he seemed to be completely transformed.

He can complete all training tasks dozens of times.

Even with an excellent physique, such a workload is extremely heavy.

He can learn all the obscure fighting skills in a short time and use them perfectly.

While not losing the craziness, it also has the organization and skills of fighting.

He learned all the knowledge about survival in the wild at an astonishing speed.

It's just that compared to before, he has become unimaginably cold and calm, with no trace of emotion visible on his immature face.

Even since participating in the training, except for Qi Yuan, he has not spoken a word to anyone.

Everyone is aware of this change, but there is nothing they can do about it.

The tree roots alone cover an area of ​​more than 300 square meters.

Everyone who witnesses it with their own eyes cannot help but marvel at the majesty of life and the magic of the Creator of nature.

This magical phenomenon occurred more than once and molted 12 times.

This situation lasted for a long time.

As time went on, the aura of the guardian giant tree became stronger and stronger, the green light on its body became more and more powerful, and the rich plant energy almost condensed into substance.

Qi Yuan stood not far away and could clearly hear the crackling sounds coming from the tree trunks.

This means that the preliminary preparations have been completed and the real transformation is about to begin!

It lasted for a whole day and night, Qi Yuan had been watching silently.

This time, the aura of the guardian giant tree increased again, becoming frighteningly powerful, far surpassing that of the spirit-possessed turtle.

Qi Yuan often stood under the tree and felt his own insignificance, with a sense of fear coming from the depths of his soul.

He also officially put on the "Xugou Armor" and became the captain of the ninth team under Qi Yuan.

Feeling the tragic neighing sound from the guardian giant tree deep in his soul, he could deeply feel the terrible pain the guardian giant tree had experienced during this process.

During this period, the mind of the guardian giant tree has been in a semi-conscious state.

But today, Qi Yuan could clearly feel that the silent consciousness guarding the giant tree was slowly waking up.

If he hadn't felt a familiar and kind soul in the guardian giant tree, Qi Yuan would have just wanted to escape from here immediately!

Like a huge living body, the trunk of the guardian tree is constantly trembling, undergoing dual internal and external pressures.

In these 12 transformations, the momentum revealed by the guardian giant tree has continued to rise to the peak of rare levels.

After each molt, the guardian giant tree continues to expand and grow in size.

Its body is mainly constantly transforming, growing, and improving its life level."

Nowadays, Qi Yuan cannot estimate the height of the giant guardian tree. After all, when it first entered the rare level, it was more than 100 meters high.

It has been more than a month since the guardian giant tree began to swallow the fourth petal of the four-life blood essence flower.

Qi Yuan arranged nine team members for him, and then entered the space tree world for special training.

The shock brought by this huge life form is beyond anyone's imagination.

On the morning of the third day, the guardian giant tree took the final step quietly!

The thick trunk tried to continue to expand and grow outwards, but there was a strong internal pressure that compressed the wood inside again, keeping its size unchanged.

Just a little leakage will cause the surrounding plants to grow wildly.

A week later, he transformed from an extremely intelligent recruit into a seasoned combatant.

But the only thing that can be witnessed with one's own eyes is the almost abnormal diameter of the roots of the guardian giant tree.

Qi Yuan, on the other hand, returned to the spiritual land urgently in the past few days because there was a very important event that he had to watch in person.

But when the level of life truly breaks through, all the effort and pain will be worth it!

All the beings living nearby can't help but feel a kind of oppression, a majesty derived from the essence of life, which is the intimidation of the superiors to the inferiors.

Just like a snake shedding its skin, the outer hard skin of the guardian giant tree also falls off during the ascension process, and then a new layer of bark grows.

However, its size did not grow again, but its whole body glowed with green light.

The diameter has reached 20m.

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