Huo Tui said nonchalantly: "Although you accept my praise with your mouth, you are still very honest with your body."

"Hey, grandma, you're so stupid! Have you forgotten who taught you Muay Thai?" Lei Xiong rolled up his sleeves and wanted to step forward and teach this kid a lesson.

But Huo Tui dodged directly and smacked his lips without blinking.

Seeing this, the others were dumbfounded. Han Dong stopped the two of them and said, "Stop making trouble, it's time to assign tasks."

The two of them were not fooling around. Lei Xiong glared at Huo Tui and stopped arguing.

Han Dong said: "Since the boss is not responsible for this operation, let's make our own arrangements. What do you think?"

The nine captains looked at each other calmly. After looking at each other, Zhang Wei took the lead and said: "We are not sure about the situation here. Let's allocate an area to each of them and investigate the situation separately."

The rest of the people had no objections either.

"Okay, keep in touch at any time, and don't act impulsively."

Han Dong gave his final instructions, and then the nine teams separated, taking the entire spiritual land as the center, and dispersed in all directions.

To the north of the spiritual land, there is a hidden cave. The dim candlelight flickers on and off, reflecting the cramped cave.

A ten-man team gathered here, wearing dazzling golden and silver armor, their helmets were traditional barrel helmets, and their overall decoration was that of medieval European knights.

"Reporting to the captain, we found another group of people. They are a team of ten, with a strength configuration similar to ours."

A pure English language echoed in the dark cave.

"Can you tell which party they are from?"

"The standard hundred-scale armor suit, plus the bright silver beak helmet, may be from the Lake Island."

"Island in the middle of the lake...the second-level fifth-level shelter in the world, Qi Yuan..." the leader murmured to himself, his eyes flashing: "Don't worry, they are not weak, but we will only be stronger!"

"Of course, dear Captain Storm, long time no see!" A feminine voice came, and an elegant long-haired man slowly walked out of the cave.

The man known as the leader of the storm showed no change in his expression and said calmly: "Long time no see, Qiangwei! The others haven't arrived yet?"

"You know, they've always been more sluggish." The man named Qiangwei had deep and cold eyes, and the coquettish bright red rose pattern was revealed on his neck covered by his long hair.

During their operation, a total of six teams came, namely Beast King, Rose, Storm, Sunlight, Judgment, and Bloodthirsty.

Each team has a leader and 9 members.

Not long after, four more people came one after another.

"Yao Ri, Judgment, Beast King, Bloodthirsty, it seems they are all here."

Feng Feng said calmly while looking at everyone.

The beast king's eyes were like those of a tiger, his expression was calm and calm, and his voice sounded like a bell: "Storm, what kind of bad place did you pick? I can't even stand straight."

As he spoke, he raised his broad palm, crushed a stone above his head, and then forced himself to straighten up.

Standing upright, the body is over two meters tall, like a humanoid beast.

"We'll make do. If it weren't for the unknown strength of our opponent, I wouldn't have called you here." Storm ignored the Beast King's complaints and said lightly.

Qiangwei leaned against the wall, stroking her scattered long hair, and made a sound of disgust: "Beast King, if you don't like the crowd, please get out first. You smell too much and it will choke your nose."

The Beast King snorted coldly and retorted unceremoniously: "Growing long hair, do you really think of yourself as a flower? That's a wilting thing."

"Beast King, people have to be responsible for what they say..." Qiangwei's lowered eyes gradually became dangerous.

"Responsible? You want a fight?"

"That's enough!" A calm but majestic voice sounded, interrupting the conversation between the two.

Judgment's eyes were cold and handsome, and he said: "Storm, tell me the specific situation."

Feng Feng nodded silently and said calmly: "The person on the opposite side is probably the island in the middle of the lake, which is the seventh area of ​​the super gathering place. The owner should be called Qi Yuan."

"The second level five shelter in the world?" Yao Ri raised his eyes and asked.

"Yes, the strength should not be weak."

Judgment crossed his hands and asked: "Have you seen the opposing team? What is their approximate strength?"

"Same as us, it is a team of ten people, led by an outstanding person, and its overall strength is not weak. But I only saw one team."

"A team?" Beast King's voice buzzed like a bell, and said: "There should be more than one team. When I came here on the way, I met two of their teams in succession."

Feng Feng had been calm at first. After hearing this, he suddenly frowned and asked, "You have been discovered by two teams before the plan even started?"

"Uh... well, it seems so." The Beast King was stunned for a moment, nodded seriously, and then added: "It's not necessarily that they discovered me, it can also be said that I discovered them."

After saying this, the cave fell into silence.

In the end, only Qiangwei said silently: "Idiot!"

"What the hell did you say?"

"Shut up!" Judgment snorted coldly and said with a very ugly face: "When the storm appeared, their whereabouts should have been exposed. Their support troops should have arrived."

"Then what's next? A head-on confrontation?"

Judgment shook his head, tapped the stone wall with his fingers slightly, and said: "According to the lord's wishes, first identify yourself to the other side. If they don't leave, then touch them."

"Hahaha, that's a good idea."

The Beast King gave a hearty smile and grinned: "No matter what the second shelter in the world is, we are the first in the world!"

This time, no one refuted his words.

Time flies, and soon the night is dark, and the entire spiritual land is quiet.

Whether it is the nine exploration teams or the six knights, they all set up camp.

Just when everything was silent, a rhythmic tapping sound suddenly appeared in the silent primeval forest.

Nine exploration teams, although stationed at different locations, heard the sound almost at the same time.

"What's going on?" Han Dong woke up immediately, stopped communicating with his teammates, and began to listen.

The team member asked tentatively: "Man-made knocking sound? Is this spreading information?"

Han Dong didn't speak, just nodded silently.

After listening for a few seconds, I still couldn't figure out the reason.

So he took out the communication spirit pattern and began to contact other team captains, who quickly shared information.

Just when everyone was helpless, Zhang Yuan suddenly said: "This seems to be Morse code, the person on the other side is transmitting information."

"Morse code?" Han Dong asked in surprise, "Can you understand it?"

Zhang Yuan nodded and said seriously: "Give me some time, I will record it first and then translate it for you."

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