Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 400 Weird Spiritual Land

At this time, everyone suddenly felt that the spiritual energy here seemed to be somewhat abnormal.

This place... is not normal pure spiritual energy.

This change is very subtle on the periphery of the spiritual land, but if you go a little deeper, you can clearly feel it - the spiritual energy here is filled with an aura of decay and decay.

Qi Yuan wears the Spirit Tree Queen Bee. He is a rare-level person, and he also possesses the perfect-level spiritual power to protect the giant tree, so his perception is very strong.

As soon as I arrived near here, I noticed something unusual.

Campos stared forward and said: "We are here, no matter what is abnormal, we have to go in and take a look."

Qi Yuan naturally had no objection and arranged for Han Dong and others to collect the corpses and equipment on the ground, and then sent Zhang Wei back to the shelter island first.

The remaining eight teams continued to follow Qi Yuan into the spiritual land.

The deeper you go into the spiritual land, the more obvious the abnormal feeling becomes. As the chaotic spiritual energy gradually disappears, the air is filled with another strange spiritual energy, giving people an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

Han Dong frowned and said, "This smell is particularly like the smell of rotting beast corpses."

"Indeed, and it is an extremely powerful beast. Otherwise, it would be impossible to affect the spiritual energy!"

"Not necessarily, maybe there are a lot of them."

As they walked on the road, everyone behind them was chatting softly. Now that Qi Yuan was leading the way, they were obviously much more relaxed.

On the other side, Storm and the others were in a similar situation, and the atmosphere became relaxed.

The most powerful strength in a shelter must be in the hands of the owner of the shelter.

Therefore, the arrival of Qi Yuan and Campos means an absolute improvement in strength. Even if they encounter three or four rare beasts, they will still have the confidence to compete with them.

Qi Yuan raised his left hand to signal everyone to be quiet. The eight teams behind him immediately stood silently without making a single sound.

"Do you feel that this spiritual energy is unusually quiet?"

Thunder Bear scratched his head blankly and said: "Boss, this place is not normal. Didn't you already tell me?"

Qi Yuan didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, but looked at the others.

Campos, who was also leading the team on the side, heard a clear voice from his helmet: "There is no life here. Ever since we entered the excellent aura range, we haven't seen any signs of life."

Qi Yuan looked heavy and said: "Not only that, the plants here have no vitality, the soil has no nutrients, and the air... doesn't even have oxygen."

The others were stunned. They could still understand plants and soil, but they really hadn't paid attention to whether there was oxygen in the air.

"what does that mean?"

Qi Yuan shook his head and continued walking forward without answering.

It didn't take long before we reached the junction between excellent spiritual energy and rare spiritual energy.

At this time, the huge changes in spiritual energy are invisible and can be seen with the naked eye.

In the rare-level spiritual energy concentration area, the floating spiritual energy appears gray-white, just like the choking smoke and dust rising from a house that has not been inhabited for a hundred years. It is full of silence and corruption, making people extremely uncomfortable.

And at this time, someone was surprised to find that the small-leaf cattail grass absorbed the spiritual energy here and could no longer produce enough oxygen.

"This is not a stone, it is leather..."

Under chaotic aura, the transformed aura is enough for one person.

"Let's go."

Faced with the aura situation in a rare-level environment, Qi Yuan had to make changes.

When he said the last sentence, Campos's voice suddenly became trembling, as if he couldn't believe his conjecture.

After everyone was ready, Campos looked at Qi Yuan and silently uttered two words.

The purpose is to use the spiritual energy of the excellent grade ore to temporarily supply the spiritual energy of the small-leaf cattail in such a situation.

A stone mountain several 10 meters high stood in front of everyone, stretching for several kilometers from left to right, like a city wall.

"what happened?"

Regarding the predicament at hand, Campos's method was very simple. He directly issued a golden excellent-grade ore to each person.

This is not a spiritual land at all, but a more terrifying purgatory.

It's a pity that the two people present are not ordinary forces.

In the initial stage of making the beak helmet, according to the original design, an excellent cold stone would be placed at the beak to block the chaotic spiritual energy from the outside world.

Just when everyone thought they would find something remarkable in this spiritual land, they were surprised to find that there was no road ahead!

This method can form a small space by itself and isolate it from outside influences.

If we say that under normal spiritual energy, the spiritual energy produced by the small-leaf cattail grass is enough for two people to absorb and use.

Qi Yuan frowned and muttered to himself in disbelief: "What is going on? Could it be that there is a mountain inside?"

Only the captains' 12 suits of armor could barely survive this environment.

Then, a large number of small-leaf cattails were planted on the inner wall of the circular shield, and the spiritual energy was obtained from the thorn vines to convert into oxygen.

This is a truly unknown place, full of unknown mysteries in the foggy world.

This method is obviously much rougher than Qi Yuan's guardian thorns, and the price required is obviously higher.

At a glance, it can be seen that the range is only less than 10 meters, and the rich aura of decay permeates the whole body. Every step he takes is like walking in windy sand. This strange aura is still gradually corroding everyone's armor.

Seeing the actions of Qi Yuan and others, Campos showed a surprised expression and praised with interest: "Is this the foundation of a powerful force?"

Whether it is Qi Yuan, Campos, or even the captains of the teams behind them, and the leaders of the knights, they all show cautious expressions!

The internal environment was as bad as expected, even worse than imagined.

This phenomenon is enough to show that the aura environment here is absolutely harsh beyond imagination! Even more terrifying than disordered spiritual energy!

99% of ordinary forces are helpless in the face of such a situation.

But under the current spiritual energy condition, it can only meet the oxygen needs of half a person at most.

"No!" Campos suddenly stepped forward, looked at the mountain carefully, and said, "The weird aura here comes from this mountain. And... this is probably not a mountain."

Qi Yuan nodded and led each team into the range of rare-level spiritual energy.

The beak that stored the cold stone was not cancelled, but was retained.

At Qi Yuan's signal, everyone took out the Spiritual Horntail, used thorn vines to form a circular shield, and wrapped their bodies in it.

Place directly in the groove on the outer edge of the helmet. Similar to the beak of a beak helmet.

Qi Yuan walked forward curiously and also reached out to touch the mountain, but did not find anything unusual until Campos spoke.

However, it was later discovered that disordered aura could also be converted into oxygen, so this design was abandoned.

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